S.Reef 280 Gallon SPS Build

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Awesome thread. I like starting up new tanks... You could just run a dehumidifier with a drain line running to a drain. Then you wouldn't have to empty it constantly. Do your parents have central AC? If not, what is the average temp the basement gets in the summer?

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Maybe you'll be ok. I had central AC in my old house and it kept my tank with 2 250w MH at 81 max. There is a tank on campus here, PSU, that has 4 400 watt MH with no chiller. The tank is 500g, but the building stays cool enough to keep the tank down.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Honestly Im not too too worried. Ill be putting a lot of fans in there and the tank will be getting stocked very slowly so ill be able to see what kind of temps it operates at. worst comes to worst ill get a chiller.

how does that 500g look? Ive seen pics before but never seen it in person


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003

Ok pics, I have had this problem before so I need help loading them on...I may just set up a photobucket account. This is going to be quick because I have to set up for a birthday party.

Ok first off we had a problem with the 280...it would not fit down my basement stairs! The size of the door way and the angle of the stairs would not allow it to go down. Very disappointing especially since I waited 6 weeks to have it built and had to haul it from the shop. I was able to sell it to a local reefer for cost so it was not a total loss. He got a good deal. At this point I was home from school and just wanted to set up a tank and wasnt going to wait another 6 weeks for a smaller acrylic tank to be built. My shop had a reef ready AGA 180 on the showroom so I just took that, and yes it barely made the turn down the stairs. So its established the biggest tank I can fit down stairs is a 180. I dont think I could even put a 220 and the extra 6" down there.

Almost everything that I had planned got reworked. The tank currently has 2x 400 watt SE Halides with Reeflux 14k bulbs it has a pair of 6ft VHO Super Actinics and a pair of 60" over driven HOT5 Giesmann Aquablues on an icecap 660. I have a single 4.5" fan in the canopy and with all the lights on the temp fluctuates maybe a degree..love having it in the basement. I also run a big dehumidifier.

The tank has a 75 Gallon Sump, the return is a mag 18, a Reef Octopus Skimmer and a 25 Watt Aqua UV. Water flow I have Two Tunze 6060 Streams and a 6100 Stream.

Im dosing Kalk with a dosing pump and am adding a two part daily. Growth is great, at this point I havent gotten a reactor.

Thats basically it. The tanks been set up for 3 months now. Coralline is growing everywhere all the fish and corals are healthy and really growing.

Just wanted to give you all an update ill post pics soon as I can figure it out.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
you dont need to setup a photobucket acount just use imageshack.us ;) but yea cant wait to see the pics! big differance between the 280 and 180 but still a bad a** tank!


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
you dont need to setup a photobucket acount just use imageshack.us ;) but yea cant wait to see the pics! big differance between the 280 and 180 but still a bad a** tank!
Yea it is, you dont know how disappointed i was. I kind of talked myself into it an inch more here and inch more there...ended up being too big:rolleyes:


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
lol belive me i know how ya feel! i had my 300g in my possesion but never got it off the ground so i had to let it go, only i wasnt lucky enough to break even :( at least you got your 180! im still stuck with this tiny 125g :p


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i really like your rock work! i know a guy with a 380g 3 sides viewable (starfire all around) with the rock setup just like that and its crazy cause you get all that extra realestate in back.... you got some good size monti colonies to start with there! keep the pics coming!


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Thanks a lot. Most of the big colonies came from two of my buds. One is going away to finish med school and had to take the tank down so I got a lot of his colonies. Another was cleaning his grow out tank. I need to start filling in the holes with some rarer stuff. I have not gotten a calcium reactor yet. I was leaning towards a Geo but another one of my buds designs his own filters and reactors..Bashsea is the company an he can make me a killer reactor. I really need a new camera or some skills the flash makes the stand look bad and without flash it goes into slow shutter for some reason and blurs the photos.