Salty Waters Project!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Now thats ballin. Very nice setup...whats going in the tank to the right?

How thick is the glass on the tank? How do you like the Eurobrace, i've never liked the look of it but never owned a tank with it so i can't judge...your take? I guess it was either eurobrace or center brace right?

Is the sump drilled? Where is your return coming from? I like the sump setup, its how i in-vision mine.
- 3/4 or 5/8" not sure!

- I love the Eurobracing and it allowed me to drill my returns into the top and keep a center brace out of the picture.

- Sump is drilled with external return pump located behind the sump.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hey it's been some time since I last updated, got some new additions,Fish:2 Occellaris clowns, Powder Blue Tang, 6-line wrasse & Black sailfin blennyand an amazing colony of 11 heads of Dendrophyllia for a pretty goog pricehere are a few pics.


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