Out of all of the bettas here I have to say, eddie244 has the most beautiful. Those are all amazing! But I loved everyone's bettas. Once I get a pic of my new guy I will post 'em up here.
this is my new boy bought from aquabid..He still has a big trip ahead of him..Thailand to Australia then Brisbane to Dubbo NSW so keep your fingers crossed for a safe trip.
I don't know how everyone else takes their pics but this was my first time and it took awhile to get it right. I ended up moving my lighting to the front portion of the tank and turning off all the lights in the house, and no flash. My Beta (Carotene) wouldn't stay away from the front of the tank so he was getting back lighting and you couldn't see his color, thats why I moved the lights. Anyway here he is my first fish I'm so proud of him.
now see - if I could find a beta that looked like that in a pet store, I'd want it to be my centerpiece for thee tank... He's absolutely beautiful, TexAg08!
Haha, I like how all the people who said to look at their avatar, but its no longer a betta. Anyway, great shots everyone. Like someone said earlier, this thread has really taken off. I'll be sharing soon since I recently bought a betta.