So here's what I am thinking....


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I'm going to pick up a larger Eclipse tank this weekend..maybe a 12 gallon or so.

THis will give my current fish a bit more space. I'll keep the 3 gallon unit as a cold water fish tank....aka the goldfish stays in there. Maybe I;ll get him a tank mate or 10... lol jk. Maybe anther fish or two based on what you all suggest so he isnl;t alone.

Apparently he is a goldfish molly according to the big will he get?

The other fish will go in the bigger tank.

Longer term I would like the wife too alow me the bigger 30-50 gallon unit in the corner or along a wall...have to see what the boss alllows!

BIG QUESTION... my pleco is a red tiger pleco... How big do they get?

As always...;your input is apprciated by me and the fish.

Ok.......maybe you need specific instructions.

Get your goldfish a 30g. It can grow to be 12 inches.

Get the largest tank possible for the other fish.

Get rid of your rainbow shark and your pleco.

Ok, now repeat that five times in your head and then do it.
I don't think you listened to half of what we were telling you...seriously.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Ok.......maybe you need specific instructions.

Get your goldfish a 30g. It can grow to be 12 inches.

Get the largest tank possible for the other fish.

Get rid of your rainbow shark and your pleco.

Ok, now repeat that five times in your head and then do it.
I don't think you listened to half of what we were telling you...seriously.

How long does it take to grow that big?

How the heck can the LFS sell these things when I KNOW not that many people have tanks that big...

WHy on earth would I get rid of the pleco and rainbow?!?!?!?!?!

I am listening... heck this is where I learned to do water exchanges which I have now started doing!!

ANd I am now feeding a more appropriate amount....

I now understand the bio-load idea...

And now I have a beginner's handle on cycling and the biological filter which I knew NOTHING of before coming here.

The only thing better would be having you over for dinner to talk in person!

How long does it take to grow that big?

How the heck can the LFS sell these things when I KNOW not that many people have tanks that big...

WHy on earth would I get rid of the pleco and rainbow?!?!?!?!?!

I am listening... heck this is where I learned to do water exchanges which I have now started doing!!

ANd I am now feeding a more appropriate amount....

I now understand the bio-load idea...

And now I have a beginner's handle on cycling and the biological filter which I knew NOTHING of before coming here.

The only thing better would be having you over for dinner to talk in person!

Not sure how long it takes, but keeping a fish that can grow larger in too small of a tank can cause problems. The outside of the fish doesn’t grow but the organs do, so you can imagine what happens.

LFSs sell them because there are people that have large enough tanks. If you do your own research before you buy something, you will be just fine. Fish stores don’t just sell to you, you know. They sell to all kinds of people with different sized tanks.

Get rid of them because they get too big. You might be ok with the rainbow, but the pleco get 12 inches long and that’s way to huge for your tank plans.

Good for you that you learned so much, but you can’t just stop there, you have to finish what you started.

And sorry I can’t come over, right now you probably wouldn’t even want me near you atm.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
How come i see goldfish in little table top fishbowls???

Next time I am in NM I will stop by and see ya.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
How come i see goldfish in little table top fishbowls???

Next time I am in NM I will stop by and see ya.
Really? Has nothing sunk in? Just because you see something, it doesn't make it right...

Say you see someone being mugged... does that mean it's right and you can go mug other people? No, right? But that's b/c you've been told it's not right... and know there's consequences for doing so.

Lol. NM. You've got the wrong state. Unless you meant you were going to make a stop at her state while you were in the state nearby.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Because some people don't get it and that's how they sell products.

Luckily no one knows where I live. Hehehe. *twirlysmi

Well... I am on my way to being someone who knows a thing or two!

Sorry if my sense of humor does not translate well onto the forum.

I mean no harm and have said thanks for the info many times.

ANyways.. dinner is not going to cook itself!

Now...just what should I make?


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Really? Has nothing sunk in? Just because you see something, it doesn't make it right...

Say you see someone being mugged... does that mean it's right and you can go mug other people? No, right? But that's b/c you've been told it's not right... and know there's consequences for doing so.

Lol. NM. You've got the wrong state. Unless you meant you were going to make a stop at her state while you were in the state nearby.
What I mean is all I knew about goldfish was that some people had them in ponds and some people had them in bowls - thought there were big kinds and small kinds.... thats all.

And hey yea... NM and AZ arent that fah apahht.

Aug 4, 2008
I would quite literally put everything that is in/on the 3g into/on the 12, don't clean anything. add 9 gallons of treated water. then wait till the new filter cycles. (so you will have two power filters on the 12 (again, cycle = bacteria growth = ~8 weeks) Once the new power filter is cycled, put the small powerfilter back into the small tank and separate the goldfish.

The small goldfish does not need to go into a 30 at this point in time. If you keep that fish to maturity, you will need a much bigger tank than 3 gallons.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I would quite literally put everything that is in/on the 3g into/on the 12, don't clean anything. add 9 gallons of treated water. then wait till the new filter cycles. (so you will have two power filters on the 12 (again, cycle = bacteria growth = ~8 weeks) Once the new power filter is cycled, put the small powerfilter back into the small tank and separate the goldfish.

The small goldfish does not need to go into a 30 at this point in time. If you keep that fish to maturity, you will need a much bigger tank than 3 gallons.

Sounds do-able and sound. The whole cycle thing is something I had no idea about at all..... so I will have to plan for that with new tanks....

Also..the periodical water exhanges is news to me.... I thought you just emptied the tank and cleaned everything a couple times a year but boy was that idea wrong!

Aug 4, 2008
Fish Stores:

Ya. Seeing the 2 dozen bettas in there small cup sized disposable plastic cups. Maybe that's a bit over the top. Obviously you wouldn't keep a betta in a 1 cup plastic cup.

I used to have good experiences with our old LFS in the bay area. They would actually give you advise based on the primus of a healthy tank. The current LFS I get a feeling they will sell me anything I want, and tell me anything I want as long as I buy the product and let me figure it out on my own...

Hopefully you have a good LFS.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Ditch the cories?!?! Ok, maybe you don't know. :) I raised them myself and they are my favorite fish, second only to Weebo. :D The cories will never ever go. :)

My corys are so fun.... side by side they clean and eat and swim.

A little team taking care of business... thats why I named them ponch and john. You know... CHIPS....


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Fish Stores:

Ya. Seeing the 2 dozen bettas in there small cup sized disposable plastic cups. Maybe that's a bit over the top. Obviously you wouldn't keep a betta in a 1 cup plastic cup.

I used to have good experiences with our old LFS in the bay area. They would actually give you advise based on the primus of a healthy tank. The current LFS I get a feeling they will sell me anything I want, and tell me anything I want as long as I buy the product and let me figure it out on my own...

Hopefully you have a good LFS.
No apparently I dont.

ALl I have is a national chain store with poor info just looking to sell me anything.

We;re new to the area so I have to try to look around and find a better one. Heck. Boston is right down the road....there must be something better!

Aug 4, 2008
Test kits.. Test kits.. They are actually quite fun and a "MANLY" thing to do. You are testing with CHEMICALS!! Or if you're more into dirty work.. You are testing water for pooop..

Some of the chemicals are "irritants" If you get them on your skin, they buuuurn.. That's manly too. If you get them in your eye... You may have to go to the ER!! (how cool would that be??) (well burn is a bit much, irritate is a more accurate description, but never let facts get in the way of a good story..)

I also keep a journal. (not so manly) I write down, Date/chemical test results/noting when stuff was added or removed..