Sorority community?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Have you looked up Kribensis?
What about a DWARF gourami? (Careful with these not to get the wrong kind.)
Are german blue rams too aggressive?
(All of which would eat shrimp)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
All I was saying is danios don't seem to be one of your favorite fish, so if you get 6 of them taking up space in your aquarium, you don't have room for ones you really like. You have numerous times said your LFS carries all kinds of fish - which you have frequently named. Just look at all the fish you have mentioned in the past and figure out which ones you REALLY want and that will fit and stick with that until your store gets them if they happen to be out. Otherwise you could end up with a tank full of danios and platys!


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My LFS hasn't said anything about me returning fish yet. Im done with that thou, il just choose suitable species i like. And honestly Thyra i had no clue Pearl Danio's existed until the LFS employee showed them to me hahaha. She said to start out with they recomend : Zebra danios, Longfin zebra danios, (both of which are on ultra overdrive, they give me motion sickness) Pearl Danio's (which at the time i didnt know they were on overdrive either) Glo-fish and some species of tetra.

Ok after i read these last few threads, it sorta hit me. This is my last tank until i get my own house so i better do this one right. So i did ALOT of research and looked at every possibility i could think of and i generated this.

6 Pearl Danio's
2 Pictus Catfish
1 SA Bumblee Bee Catfish
2 Panda Garra's
2 Kribensis's (my LFS will accept the Fry )


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
A tank with a lot of bottom feeders isn't a bad thing, as long as you feed keeping in mind that most of your fish aren't going to come to the top to feed. My 29gal and 55gal are both bottom feeder heavy and I just make sure I keep my substrate clean and feed more sinking foods than floating.

HOWEVER, as interesting as that stocking lists sounds, Fishman, you're going to be SEVERELY overstocked. Drop the two pictus (they're not suited for your tank anyway...they get to be 6" and are VERY active) and add another panda garra (they prefer to be in groups of 3+) and I think it's perfect.

The only REAL concern I have, other than the overstocking and the pictus being too large and active for your tank, is that the panda garra and the pearl danios are both very small and kribs can get pretty nasty when they go into breeding mode. I would say rethink the krib pair and get two females instead.

Feb 27, 2009
I don't know much about multis, other than they are smaller cichlids that can live in the sized tank you have (can even been set up in a 10gallon).

That website link I gave you has a 'forum' section too. They are the shell dweller experts!

Feb 27, 2009
+1 OC! OMG! Those things make me dizzy when I see them in the store tanks. Up and down and back and forth and...I don't think I've EVER seen a still pictus cat!
I had a schoal of them long ago (maybe 15 or 20?) in a 90gallon planted tank. Talk about perpentual motion! I had to add deco at different places just to get them to stop pacing!

And you are right, you'll never see a still pictus (unless its dead).