Starting My First SW Tank


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
#1's all a little scary but exciting at the same time. Can anyone guess where my income tax check is going. :p

I bought Jessica's 60g tank (Fish Geek) and from what I read it's a decent size to start with so I'm good there. I've purchased most everything else from Ebay but would like a little more input as to if what I've got so far is good or will need to be upgraded later. I'm most courious about the light as I think everything else is pretty standard. (I'm not sure if the link will work because it goes to my My Ebay account so I'll just put the item numbers).

edited as suggestion was good:
Ebay- Item number: 230093727863 (2 x T6 + 1 x T8 48'' (3 x 40 watt) aquarium new light reef hood)

Item number: 300083634553 ( Eco Wet Dry Filter Kit )

Item number: 120088530946 (100 Gallon Per Day 6 stage Reverse Osmosis)

Item number: 300082678272 (WP-1000 Aquarium Pump/Powerhead 1000GPH)

Item number: 280084692578 (Coralife Digital Power Center Day & Night Timer)

I'm looking around for powerheads I was told 4 is a good number to have of those.

I plan on doing corals and from what the light says I'm safe to do all light levels but I could be wrong, hence the reason I come to all of you ;). What else do you think I need other than power heads at this point equipmnet wise.

As for fish my husband wants an eel of some kind so I'm sure that will limit me on live stock but that's ok I'll work around it he needs a tank to play with I have my 2 FW tanks that I love dearly, who know's maybe I'll (we'll) get into this so much I'll turn my 90 into a SW at some point but not yet.

If I did do that would this light work on that tank as well. They are the same length but the 90 is way taller.

I'll take pictures as soon as I get the tank out of my van, it's been snowing here the last few days and I don't want to slip on snow or ice and drop it in the driveway. That would really suck bad. LOL.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
geez u could have just put down what you got instead of making me search for each item # youd get alot more responces that way:eek: ....your guna need a protien skimmer....not sure if that tank u just pickedup is drilled or not but if its not youll need an overflow box ..... definitly a few powerheads and btw its not really the # of powerheads but how much flow you have in yur tank ;) .... i dont belive i saw a heater but im sure you kno youll need one of those....aside from that just the obvious some liverock to start the cycle...not really familar with t6 but 3 x 40watt doesnt seem like much over that size tank if you plan on getting into corals and i dont think it would work over a 90 :p

oh yea not sure what type of eel you plan on keeping but i can tell you its prolly not the best idea if you plan on goin reef

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Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
The number of power heads isn't something to worry about. You just want to make sure you have enough flow, which could be less than 4. SEIO is a good choice for powerheads.

I don't know much about T6, but I am not sure if all corals would work under them. I'm sure the majority would you just might have to place the corals higher up in the tank.

Good idea to start out with a sump/fuge, but not absolutely necessary.

Definitely a good idea to start out using RO/DI. I'm not sure what I think about the ebay models, but have very nice ones.

I don't trust anything that has the name Odyssea on it.

I say get the timer. Very nice to have.

The light would work on a 90, but there the 90 is deeper so it wouldn't penetrate as much.

Likes: MrBungle


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Sorry about that. I went back and put the descriptions in but also left the item number incase someone wants to see the details. The tank is drilled which is why I was going with the sump.

Note to Self don't trust anything with Odyssea. I'll keep an eye on it and keep a look out for a replacement for that just incase it stb.

I'll also keep in mind that if I want to do a 90 the light will work but I will need to keep the coral toward the top of the tank. If I ever decide to upgrading it might be a better idea to upgrade the light as well but as long as it will work well in the 60 it's a start.

The eel he wants is a green wolf eel. We saw one and he liked it very much, will they eat coral or maybe just knock it around. I would like to do coral.

Protine Skimmer-any suggestions on one? I was looking at a Turboflotor 1000. Is there any other kind that would be good to look at as well?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i had a green wolf eel for a while and he recently jumped ... but i can tell you these are very nasty fish the meanest fish ive ever had...he would pick on the other fish it would be impossible for a cleanup crew not to mention he tryed to bite me every time i stuck my hand in the tank and he actualy drew blood once...i dont miss him at all :p from my experiance with eels i dont recomend one at all unless you plan fowlr predator


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
hmmmmm....good to know. Nothing I read on them said they were nasty like that but then again it is an eel so that just says it all.

OK now I'm not sure if it is a typo or if it mean something but what is fowlr predator.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
TRe said:
i had a green wolf eel for a while and he recently jumped ... but i can tell you these are very nasty fish the meanest fish ive ever had...he would pick on the other fish it would be impossible for a cleanup crew not to mention he tryed to bite me every time i stuck my hand in the tank and he actualy drew blood once...i dont miss him at all :p from my experiance with eels i dont recomend one at all unless you plan fowlr predator

man it that happened then i would attack it with my tongs *crazysmil *crazysmil *crazysmil *crazysmil *crazysmil

sharks are good to have in a big predator but most of them are bottom dwellers so u would need to have a really big sump to keep most of the LR.
and lots of fine sand.

get some sharks XD

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I am running a bak pak 2R on my 55, but when I can afford it I'm upgrading to a Remora of some kind. All I hear are good reviews about them. I have kept xenia, buttons, frogspawn, bubble, and mushroom under regular floursent lighting and they did OK. I just had to keep them very close to the top. I since upgraded to metal halide lights. Drilled is definitely the way to go. I think the eel would knock things all over. It's amazing how much a hermit can knock over so I could only imagine something bigger.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
We may rethink the whole eel thing I just think they are really neat fish, but then again there are plenty others.

I'm currently bidding on 4 SEIO power heads and it ends today hopefully I get them. Now Remora is a pump yes? I'll have to go look it up. There are so many different things equipment wise out there it is truly hard to know what is good and what is not.

I've been looking around for a good site with alot of info anyone have some tips on where to go and do a little more research.

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
wolf eels arent even true eels, they're a close relative of the blenny. show him some morays, that's the real eel most people think of. snowflakes are extremely cheap and the most common, but there are alot of others that would work. and aside from the green moray, i think that they are much calmer, although it would still eat everything in the tank, it probably wouldn't be as aggressive as a conger wolf eel.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
TRe said:
fowlr = Fish Only With Live Rock *twirlysmi i belive you know what predator means *crazysmil
Why does she have to do a FOWLR??? I see nothing wring with doing coral as long as everything is secrued. Green Wolf Eels are very neat, my husband wants one really bad (but we are waiting till the tank gets upgraded).

So your still winning those powerheads?? :D


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
You might want to look at the Aqua C Urchin. Remora's hang on the back of your display tank....the Urchins are basically the same thing, but made to go in a sump.
I'm a little skepticle about the T6 lights.....but don't know much about them. I think you are going to be on the lower light side of the scale.

Welcome to the salty side :D

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
FishGeek said:
Why does she have to do a FOWLR??? I see nothing wring with doing coral as long as everything is secrued. Green Wolf Eels are very neat, my husband wants one really bad (but we are waiting till the tank gets upgraded).
just going by my personal experiance i dont kno maybe the rest of the greenwolf eels in the world are differant :rolleyes:


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I'm excited about joining the salty side of life, so to speak. I appreciate everyones advice and help so keep it coming. What if I did the GWE with a couple of these. I'm not looking to do all but just looking for something compatible, if I do one at all.

Yellow Tang
Flame Hawkfish
Purple Tang
Harlequin Tusk Indo-Pacific

Would any of those work with a GWE?