Starting My First SW Tank


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I don't think it will be that hard. My husband is really good at that sort of thing thankfully. The hard part is going to be where to store the things I have under there. I have very little kitchen storage so this may prove to be interesting.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
bigger house!

thats neat your going to do SW, i love it so far but i dont think it could beat freshwater. you have to know a thosand more things about it...and strange bugs overrun the place!!


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Would this be worth the $$ or is it just a fancy looking Peice of ....

Aquarium Protein Skimmers: Terminator II Protein Skimmer

I am looking at all the different ones that everyone is listing and I do appreciate all the help I'm getting so please don't think because I'm looking at other things I'm not listening to what you are saying. I'm just trying to learn why some are better than others and what makes them better other than because you said so...;)

If you know of any good links that I can go to that will tell me what to look for in a protein skimmer that would be great then I don't have to bug you guys with all my newbie questions. :)


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Fuzz16 said:
bigger house!

thats neat your going to do SW, i love it so far but i dont think it could beat freshwater. you have to know a thosand more things about it...and strange bugs overrun the place!!
I just need to do a couple addtions to the house I curently have and I'll be set.:p

See that is where my husband comes in. I'll make him stick his hand into the tank to figure out what the bugs are.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
LOL!!! just a tip...dont touch bristle worms...thier spines stick in you and bother you! of course, i was to smart to grab him..i just hand fed it! which i dont advise either...heh

Aquarium Protein Skimmers: Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer i hear a lot of good things about this skimmer from people but i guess it all depends on what you want. i dont know much about skimmers, though


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
angelmom said:
What if I did the GWE with a couple of these. I'm not looking to do all but just looking for something compatible, if I do one at all.

Yellow Tang
Flame Hawkfish
Purple Tang
Harlequin Tusk Indo-Pacific

Would any of those work with a GWE?
well i had a yellow tang in with him and normally they did fine it was just around feeding time...if you got in his way hed do what ever needed to take you out and eat your krill :p and he has teeth!!! just imagine comin home to your purple tang with chewed up fins...did i mention once hes in your tank you can forget about sticking your hands in there .....seriously at least consider a differant type of eel


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
LOL...I was thinking when the creepy crawly things start to come out in about that is when my husband is going to be the one sticking his hand in. I don't like bugs of any kind much. LOL.

Not really sure what I want for fish, there are quite a few smaller ones I like and I know I won't beable to even glance at them with an eel in the tank.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I now have a live rock quesiton. I've read that the fuji live rock is the most desiarable but has anyone heard anything on Florida live rock? If it is something to stay away from what makes Fuji better?

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Fiji is very porus and that's what is why it's better. It's also lighter. Marshall island rock is supposed to be the best, but it's also more expensive so I haven't tried any yet. Fiji should have a good amount of life on it. Florida rock is probably going to be something someone put in the ocean and than harvested. So the diversity of life will be consistent to what's Florida vs. fiji. Here is what I would suggest. Get some cheap base rock to start. Than get good fiji or marshall island since this will seed the base rock into something good. Then add reef bones to fill in the gaps. All in all, the good fiji will seed all of your rocks. This is just a suggestion.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
Joe Fish said:
Fiji is very porus and that's what is why it's better. It's also lighter. Marshall island rock is supposed to be the best, but it's also more expensive so I haven't tried any yet. Fiji should have a good amount of life on it. Florida rock is probably going to be something someone put in the ocean and than harvested. So the diversity of life will be consistent to what's Florida vs. fiji. Here is what I would suggest. Get some cheap base rock to start. Than get good fiji or marshall island since this will seed the base rock into something good. Then add reef bones to fill in the gaps. All in all, the good fiji will seed all of your rocks. This is just a suggestion.
What is reef bones, is that the long stick like live rock?

TRe said:
i just thought about it and that size sump wouldnt fit under my stand so id take measurments
It will be the size of a 29g which is what was under there originally, my husband thought to do that which is good because I would have never thought to. :rolleyes:

On a side note I did get my sump today. Too bad when it said easy assembly I didn't realize it meant the whole thing:eek: . Now another question I now have to assemble this puppy (ok not me my husband) it came with "cement" but should I also use silicon? :confused:


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
The tank stand is in my living room, I had to move the 90 over (NOT FUN) to make room for it, but the actual tank is still in my van. It's been kind of icy and my driveway is a hill. I don't want to drop it. It also needs to be rinsed out and I want to do that outside and not in my bathtub.

Once I get it in the house (hopefully this weekend) I'll take pictures. I got my sump (needs to be assembled :( ) and my light yesterday. :) I'm still looking at skimmers and a few little odds and ends but most of the stuff should be coming soon. :D

I'll take a picture of the light for you tonight and I may take pictures of my husbands fun job of putting the sump together. I'm not even going to attempt it myself.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
okay here are my 2 cents worth......

Protein skimmer....I have had both a Aqua C Remora Pro hob and I recently sold it and got an Aqua C Remora Urchin I am now running it in a sump....from personal experience I can't say enough good about this skimmer. I would buy their in sump models as they are reputed to be even better though they take up a lot of room in the sump. I WILL buy one of these when I upgrade to a 120g.....

Live Rock.....I have 150lbs of marshall island in my 75 and 40 lbs of mixed fiji/marshall island in my 20. The marshall island lacks the amount of life that fiji or other such as kaelani have on it but it is extremely pourous and branchy and you get much much more surface area/lb than other types and so you would probably be able to get by with 1lb/g as opposed to say.....florida cultured rock that is very very dense and heavy and there you need about 2lb/g to get the same surface area for bacteria to dream tank would have a mixture of fiji/marshall unless I go with a specific eco system such as a fiji lagoon or reef wall that case I would stick with rock/animals specific from that location....trying to perfectly duplicate that eco system.

more than 2cents worth but one said I was at a lack for words....