tetra and platy mating!!!

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
You don't have to give up on the site. Relax. I see where you're coming from as even seasoned professionals will try to keep goldfish and tropicals together.
But I can also see what they mean by the species needing different requirements and that it is not wise to keep them together.
I personally know someone who is doing it now but not for six months like you so even though I chew her ear off about it she won't listen.

We are all capable of making mistakes and learning from them.
I think the worst that could happen in your case is that the goldfish you are so fond of will die. If thats not a risk you are willing to take maybe you can shop around for another tank. Preferably a bigger one so that you can keep both species on a long term basis. Just seperately. I know times are hard but you can shop around for one that fits your budget. Try craigslist : )

Also, the responses may come off a little harsh on you BUT keep in mind that people just want to help. (Even though that wasn't the purpose of your thread). You do not come off as evil or as a bad person (just to let you know) but as someone who does care about their pets.
That said, good luck with everything.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Jesus..one reason I have stayed away from this forum...once again someone asks a question and instead of an answer they get attacked because they gave info that they didnt need to give but did anyway, that Goldfish has no bearing on the question..

They didnt ask for advice about thier goldfish they ASKED IF A TETRA and PLATY could BREED..the answer is NO...the end.

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Medium Fish
Apr 28, 2009
Pinellas Park, FL
I'd like to think I answered the question fairly well. You guys did seem pretty harsh about the goldfish thing, you know.

If our new friend, who might really be gone, started looking now, she/he would be able to find a nice 30 gal tank for her goldfish and a new goldfish for it to be friends with before stunting became an issue. I think that's a good solution to the problem. Of course if there's no room for another tank it doesn't really help, but it's something other than just critisizm.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I'd like to think I answered the question fairly well. You guys did seem pretty harsh about the goldfish thing, you know.

If our new friend, who might really be gone, started looking now, she/he would be able to find a nice 30 gal tank for her goldfish and a new goldfish for it to be friends with before stunting became an issue. I think that's a good solution to the problem. Of course if there's no room for another tank it doesn't really help, but it's something other than just critisizm.
Unfortunately your post was lost in the BS...but yes you did and very good solution for the issue.

KB..It kinda goes back to the discussion in the lounge a month or so ago...if the individual asked for specific advice answer that, and not once did he ask about the goldie ;)

Also the arguement about coldwater is truly a bunch of BS, Goldfish live/ breed/ and thrive across the US in almost every state in our natural water ways where temps commonly stay above 75+ degrees, not to mention the numerous outdoor ponds and water gardens that have goldfish thriving in them and what they are maybe 2 feet deep open to mother nature with no cooling mechanism other than what mother nature provides. The term should be "temperate" because they can tolerate harsher cooler temps.

You all know my opinion on "stunting" and I dont believe it happens as expressed in the tropical community and until I see actual proof I will not believe it happens, the largest organ is the skin and to believe internal organs continue to grow while skin doesnt is IMO not factual, but I have discussed this before and no one has given any "proof".

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I only started about the goldfish because if someone asks about a tetra and a livebearer producing fry, then they probably are a beginner (no offense.)

The only reason why I continued on the topic is because the asker asked if someone could explain.
can someone please tell me EXACTLY why? What might happen to my goldfish if I leave it in there? I'm sorry to sound so volatile about the situation but I'm a beginner and I don't like the idea of getting rid of my goldfish because of the potential problems that could occur and not knowing what they are.
There are only so many ways to explain something, and if the person keeps saying the same thing over and over again ("they get along well"), then it gets frustrating because it seems like they don't WANT to know, even though they asked.

Anyway, it was not meant to be harmful and I understand that he didn't ask to begin with, but I figured since he was a beginner, I might as well clear him up about it.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Kissy I am not disagreeing with you but you have to go back and read the first response to his question..I would be pissed off to.

Let me rephrase this..by the time he asked that he had already been attacked so he was on the defensive.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Not to add more wood to the fire, I do see all sides to the arguments, but I have to take Brian's side. Many newcomers haven't been getting their original questions answered, and the threads seem to flame them a lot.

KB - this is nothing against you, as you weren't the one who brought up the goldfish issue originally, and tried to explain after temull asked to be more specific about it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
yea..KB none of my comments were directed toward you specifically it was JO3, as it always is when new members post..and dont bother PM'ing me JO3 I have sat back and watched you pull this BS long enough and even at the sake of getting banned I will call you out..google tact "google works"..you need to learn it, oh and dont give us that im from the city crap I grew up in Cincy..I know all about being an ass, I am one but I know how to talk to others until I have a reason not to.

Unfortunately KB you took on the goldfish issue as well and then it seemed 2 were against the new guy, moshi even tried to change the subject so yes his/her posts got caught in the BS. Because the goldfish is what you all became fixated on. No harm no foul in my eyes on your end.

Unfortunately KB you took on the goldfish issue as well and then it seemed 2 were against the new guy.
Sorry if it seemed that way, because I definitely didn't want it to come across like that. I want to be helpful, and if someone asks me to explain, I will. But when they then turn around and bang me on the head because I seem like I'm pushing them to do it "my way," then that's not ok. Just a simple, "Yes, I get it" instead of "but, but, but, they get along great" would be fine.

I should probably stop talking now; head is filled with mucus instead of useful thoughts...

Jun 21, 2008
Yeah, I, before I realized that this thread was going on, actually posted in another thread on the general info board where OP from this thread had interjected in another thread, basically asking if his/her stocking was ok. I pointed out the goldfish issue, since they had asked about stocking. Then I read this thread, and it did seem to get out of hand fast. At the risk of offending some, I will step out on a limb and say that there have been some ridiculous threads lately, and I've been perhaps more terse than usual, but I try to not completely dismiss people. I also try, if there is another issue present, to at least address the question asked, and then also point out potential issues that I might see. I would feel bad, for instance, saying yes you can feed your green terror frozen brine shrimp (random example), without also mentioning that said green terror won't be happy for long in the 10 gallon tank you have him in. But I try to deal with the question too. Also, brian, I have to agree with you that Jo3 and Unwritten both seem to often come across as dismissive and scoffing. I know that if I were new here and the first response, or even one of the first 10 responses to my thread was either, "this is a joke, right", or a quote of what I said with a laughing face, I would not really want to come back. It's been bothering me too, so this seems like as good a time as any to say something. Sorry if I'm upsetting someone, but I think it's a valid issue.
On a completely separate issue, I have also never understood the organs keep growing but the outside doesn't thing, and would like to see more info if anyone has it. Finally - KB, and Moshi, I hear what you're both saying. And I think you were both trying to help.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Hey everyone, I think this thread needs to stop. There is no point in fighting with each other. The original question was answered, even if it took a while to get there. How about we just leave it as it is before the thread becomes locked up ok?