tetra and platy mating!!!


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
yea..KB none of my comments were directed toward you specifically it was JO3, as it always is when new members post..and dont bother PM'ing me JO3 I have sat back and watched you pull this BS long enough and even at the sake of getting banned I will call you out..google tact "google works"..you need to learn it, oh and dont give us that im from the city crap I grew up in Cincy..I know all about being an ass, I am one but I know how to talk to others until I have a reason not to.

Unfortunately KB you took on the goldfish issue as well and then it seemed 2 were against the new guy, moshi even tried to change the subject so yes his/her posts got caught in the BS. Because the goldfish is what you all became fixated on. No harm no foul in my eyes on your end.
you know if you want to be a real baby about it, there is a thread for livebearers specifically. so this thread is in the wrong part of the forum anyway. I do believe it fell under general fish advice, so i'd say my advice is pretty general.

and once again, i posted, the op came off as not thankful for my advice, so i posted in the same manner i thought he was responding to me in. i don't know what rude online means, i only know how to adapt how i word my sentences with how people word theirs to me.

Last edited:


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
Ok. Let's try this again. Please let this thread die off. The question posted was answered and there is enough bad blood here already. Please don't add to it, I don't want to see another thread get locked due to poor behaviour.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
i don't know what rude online means,
Funny... I was just thinking the same...
Seriously man, ya gotta think about how you sound to others. Posts that come off sounding abrasive instantly make you sound less credible and can put the person on the defensive. Don't get me wrong... I have no issue pointing out something that I've noticed and was not asked about, but how you word things plays a HUGE role in how the info is recieved. Also, there comes a time that letting it drop is the best course of action...

temull2 (if you're still here...)
So as has been said, the Tetra and Platy can't mate. They are simply too different both in *how* they mate and their genetics. It'd be like a house cat and a lion mating, there's some minor logistical problems there ;). To be honest I'd keep a close eye on them. While it *is* possible they are simply "hanging out" together it is also possible that may be an *extremely* mild form of aggression (ie: not enough to worry about as is) and *could* escelate. No, if I could actually *see* the fish interacting I could say with more certenty but that's probably not an option lol ;).

As to the gold fish thing... I'm not going to brow beat you into "submission" or tear a strip off you... but they are correct. If you are still around and want to know specifics as to why it's not the best idea long term I would be more than happy to post it. :)



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Ok. Let's try this again. Please let this thread die off. The question posted was answered and there is enough bad blood here already. Please don't add to it, I don't want to see another thread get locked due to poor behaviour.
Sorry Ishar, I just wanted to try to scientifically answer some of the questions based on what I've learned about coldwater fish, like goldfish, being kept in tropical environments.

In regards to the idea that internal organs continue to grow while external don't, I haven't found much conclusive evidence for this. As a scientist, I'd like to conduct my own experiments, but I don't do this particular one for ethical (my own ethical beliefs) purposes. There may be some truth to this, but their internal organs wouldn't continue to grow until they popped. Their bodies can only accomodate a certain amount of growth before it kills them. What I gather most from a fish being a space too small for it, is that its growth will be stunted, certain internal organs will not grow to full size, which will drastically lower the life expectancy of the fish because their organs haven't matured enough to do their required functions.

In regards to different temperature requirements; As a geology student, I'm a very firm believer in Darwin's theory of evolution. If a species is to continue to survive, it will have to adapt to new changes, or it'll face extinction. I'm sure that goldfish have began to adapt to wider temperature ranges, since they aren't an endangered species. Like Brian said, they're surviving and thriving in areas where the bodies of water reach tropical temperatures.

The biggest problem I'd see with keeping a goldfish in tropical waters is that, as coldwater fish, their metabolism will react differently. At certain temperatures, they won't be able to digest food very well, and certain foods they'll metabolize more quickly, requiring them to eat more, and produce more wastes even quicker.

Hmm, maybe the scientist in me will want to conduct a long-term experiment after all...

Here is what I'm proposing in doing after the summer is over and I get back home.

Instead of making my 20g cherry shrimp tank another very lush planted tank... I'm going to do an experiment with a goldfish.

I'm going to keep a solitary goldfish in my 20g tank, in tropical conditions, for its entire life, however long it may be. I'll try to keep a journal that's updated at the very least every week, showing the progress of the fish.

I'll map out a whole thing, and make it all scientific later on... I've got to get back to studying for finals!

Edit: Agh, sorry Lotus, I was typing all of this as while you posted what you did.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
you will need to do a control as well- give another goldfish a lot of room and keep it in its ideal conditions. In order to be conclusive you would need to repeat it many times as well. I hope you do it- it would be very good to know the truth behind this "rule of fishkeeping"


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Yeah, I was thinking about that, but I think it'd be harder for me to do an 'ideal conditions' tank as well. It gets pretty hot and humid down here in TX, and we don't keep the AC on constantly, so sometimes my tanks get up to the mid-80s. Maybe someone can help me out with the controlled experiment?

The more I think about it, the more I also want to keep a planted tank, so that'd be another factor in it. Granted, they'd be the hardier, tougher plants that can withstand goldfish.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
let me know if you do this with the control and all... I'd be willing to do the same for a second group and I'm sure we could get a few more people on board for an even wider group. Just wondering though... how are your disecting skills? It would be the only way to confirm/deny the organ thing...

Anyway, we should start this in a new topic or PM as to not further clutter up this thread. Sorry guys :eek:.



Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
another "one last thing" note....

I, too, am a GIRL... :) lol

AND... i wasn't denouncing the fact that you were probably right in most cases about the goldie.. but as it is, i went to a fish store yesterday, and spoke to their experts and THEY even said that it depends on the fish in the tank.

a sidenote... they gave me guppy fries for free so now I'm raising three guppy fries in their own tank.. yay! ... I'll post pics asap, and for god's sake I'll put them in the right forum so JO3 won't get his panties in a wad.

Thanks, everyone!


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
hey. I am glad to see you are sticking around, giving this place another shot :).

One note that you will come to realize as you progress in this hobby, is that just because a person seems experienced and works at a fish store doesn't mean squat haha. Now he may be right about the goldies- as you probably read we are not too sure ourselves now that we think about it. But don't always trust everything you hear from the fish store- they are just trying to sell you stuff.

That is why places like MFT here are so great- it allows you to relatively quickly gather information and advice from so many other people, some experienced, some not, and draw your own conclusions and figure the hobby out for yourself :).

Again, good to see you stuck it out :) Pm me if you ever need anything.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
:eek: That means my fish was probably dyed! :( She IS pink... that makes me really sad. Poor Bob Marley... she was dyed and has a man's name... sheesh, talk about an identity crisis.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
I have a thing for names... She's been called Bob Marley for over 6 months now.. calling her anything else just wouldn't seem right. lol.... Funny story behind her name actually.... When I first got her, she would swim very calmly back and forth and just sort of chill... then for about 3 minutes she would make laps around the tank like she was on some sort of drug (insert punchline here)....

It's possible that I could also rename her Amy Winehouse because of this.. Haha..

One other problem.. She's been starting to swim like her tail is too heavy... ? What's this mean?

I have a thing for names... She's been called Bob Marley for over 6 months now.. calling her anything else just wouldn't seem right. lol....
I have a female cory named Hobbes. I just couldn't change it. :)

One other problem.. She's been starting to swim like her tail is too heavy... ? What's this mean?
Old age or bad water quality is all I can think of...


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
I just moved all my fishies into a new 10g because the one I previously used belonged to a friend... (I moved them all in there slowly over the course of two days so the ammonia wouldn't kill them).... but that may be why she's acting funny...

at the same time, I bought her about 6 months ago from WalMart (I know it's a bad place to buy.... but I look at is as saving her.) So she may be pretty old.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
Looking back at how upset I was at all of this, I apologize.. However, I do bear some bad news... I ended up getting a new tank shortly after this and moved the goldie in there by himself.... and he died. :( The tank was cycled and everything and I tested the water and everything was good to go. He was just lonely I suppose.. the cool thing about him though, is that as he progressed in age, he started getting orange stripes down his body... He had always had a metallic underbelly, but one day I woke up and he had these bright orange stripes.. He stayed like that for about a month, then after I moved him.. well, you know.

I'm an RA now, and I ended up giving all of my fish to my residents as gifts. My betta was about 5 years old, and she finally passed (poor thing was slugging around the tank forever.) Now I have a new tank with another black moor (about 1.5 inches) and a snail. :)