The Mandarin Candidate


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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so much efforts..sorry man. :confused:

My friends had a mandarin for 5 months, and i've given him pods 'cause his tank couldn't manage the mandarin's needs. He bought like a 3 inch, fat mandarin. But he decided to stop eating even when pods were there. Eventually died..
The guy is a pro and his tank has pristine water. Mystifying fish..

I had problems with aquaclear 402 ( 70 now i think ) powerhead. Lost couple of snails. There's filter you can plug in those, pretty big and ugly but no animals can be sucked in it. ( If your mandarin died from succion )


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
6/30 Update

I found a beautiful, fat, and healthy mandarin at the LFS today and took him home. I'm going to call all the LFS's tomorrow and see if any have picked up carrying cyclopese. If not, I'm going to mail order the stuff.

Also going to hit up an asian fish market and try flying fish roe... the orange fish eggs on sushi. One report on wetwebmedia stated mandarins accepted these.

It will be interesting to see how the bustling pod population responds to a godzilla-like predator... they've had it easy far too long, lol.

Ok, now some pics.

As you can see, this one is a lot fuller than the last one. A healthy mandarin looks fat almost with big cheeks, almost like a muppet.


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Large Fish
Jun 30, 2003
good luck man! it's nice to see somebody trying to do something good with Mandarins instead of buying them and just watching them starve and wondering why it died. if you manage to get them to spawn, any chance of shipping to Canada? lol



Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I've begun to worry about the state of the new mandarin.

He decimated my thriving pod population in a week. I can still see amphipods at night, but the preferred little copepods are nearly invisible. The pod pile is still active, which gives me some hope--if I keep at least some pods alive, they will continue to reproduce, though not in great numbers as before. The copepods have always been difficult to see in the pod pile so I can't say if they're in there in abundance or not.

The mandarin is also getting skinny fast. The rate it's happening is so alarming that I may have to give him away at the local reef club meeting next week. However...

I think I may see some light in the tunnel.

I ordered a new batch of copepods from Sharky's Reef, a top notch online retailer. Fast and friendly customer service, great deals, and beautiful corals... I definitely recommend the site.

Anyway, the new copepods product is called Seapods. It is a lot cheaper than the bottles I bought last time, and Sharky's shipping makes it affordable, as opposed to the ridiculous 10 dollar 2 day shipping you are required to do for the other brand.

My last culturing experience was a total waste of time and resources. I'm not doing that again. Instead, I may order a number of these bottles from Sharky's every month, the exact quantity to be determined when I inject the two initial bottles directly into the tank.

Today I went to the LFS and finally bought some Cyclo-peeze. I was expecting frozen blocks, but instead I came home with some freeze-dried. Freeze-dried looks like powdered red chunks, and they break apart when they hit the water to reveal copepod-size "Cyclo."

And for the first time, I honestly believe the mandarin is eating something other than pods.

Though my turkey baster has not been exactly effective, I sprayed enough to settle on the bottom and some of the rocks, and the rest--that wasn't engulfed by the clown and the rampaging brittle star--eventually came to a standstill too. I watched the mandarin for about five minutes and saw it hitting up the area of sand directly blasted with the Cyclo. The mandarin was busy consuming... and he was chewing, which is something different from the other times when I thought he maybe was eating mysis or frozen brine.

I also bought some roe too, the orange fish eggs on sushi. Unfortunately, it has soy and crap on them, but it was all they had... and the clownfish loved it nonetheless. Later today I'm going to inject the tank again with roe to see what happens.

This mandarin was hale and hearty for 2 weeks at the fish store with NO live rock whatsoever. This makes me believe he was accepting some form of prepared foods as his state has diminished in my care when I had loads of pods... (check out the pic below).

Unfortunately, all those white dots above have vanished due to the mandarin's appetite. But I am working on bringing them back.

I've learned a lot from my last go-around. I do not intend to lose this mandarin too.

(Update for today)
The mandarin appears to be looking better--and how many times have I said that one?

I've dropped in a little pinch of Cyclo three times today. And I may try the roe again in a bit as it sinks to the bottom a lot easier. That's my one beef with the Cylco-peeze... it doesn't like to go to the bottom and takes a bit for the shrimp bits to settle.

Anyway, I should get my Seapods sometime next week, and they will help. Oh, and an LFS here is looking into carrying seapods retail, so that would be great for me as I believe the culturing did not work last time.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
7-11 Update

Some great news. The mandarin eats! And he eats something other than pods!

No more speculation--finally, I can venture into the realm of fact. This mandarin happily and greedily consumes roe, the orange fish eggs scattered atop sushi rolls. He slurps them off the sand, off the rocks, and even gobbles clusters of them. By many accounts, these fish can only eat small portions at a time, but mine devoured every last orange ball he could find and was hungry for more. This may be because he hasn't eaten much in several days (he wiped out the podulation), and once he gets in trim shape, he may settle down and not go after the roe with such zeal.

I can't really express how exciting it was to witness this fish finally eating.

Now for some questions I'm going to look into.

Will roe sustain a mandarin indefinitely? I need to look up the nutrtional content of roe. Also, I'd like to find a brand that doesn't have sugar or soy or other crap, even though most fish foods contain soybean in some form.

Good news is I won't have to rely solely on pods, though I plan to buy a bottle or two every month.

Other questions... do other mandarins eat roe as well? I'll have to contact an LFS that carries multiple fish and see if they'd be willing to try feeding them roe.

Now that I know for a fact he is eating something I can supply in abundance, I can finally begin to experiment and try to wean him onto Cyclo-peeze--if he isn't eating them already--then mysis, then ultimately powdered Formula 1. Best way to do this is the mandarin diner, which was mentioned at the outset of this project.

A nice thing about roe is it goes straight to the bottom, unlike the Cyclo which floats and wanders.

For the first time since I started this project, I feel like I'm not on a fool's errand and even somewhat vindicated, and all of my time and work hasn't been for naught.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Yay!! Let us know how the roe research goes...its definitely helpful info. I'd love to get one of these little guys, but am scared to death of letting it starve.


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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froggyfox the main problem he faces is the fact that the pod population is tough to maintain in a small tank--however, in that 72 gallon you are planning, if you get plenty of LR/LS and a refugium, you may have a good chance of success with mandarins


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Yep, that's the stuff... lol. Should arrive today.

I had gone with the competing "Oceanpods" and by directly pouring them into my tank, it jumpstarted the population. However, it didn't do crap to get a culture going. Seapods were cheaper and didn't require the stupid extra shipping fee.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
dbacksrat said:
froggyfox the main problem he faces is the fact that the pod population is tough to maintain in a small tank--however, in that 72 gallon you are planning, if you get plenty of LR/LS and a refugium, you may have a good chance of success with mandarins
I know I know :) lol but still, knowing that there's some alternative food sources would ease my mind a bit.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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Lord, I have a contact in the Keys that ships pods, really good stuff, and way cheaper than Seapods. Its what I use to supplement my tanks pod population. My mandarin is fat and happy and its been about a year. but I also have about 80 lbs of live rock.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC

The mandarin eats Cyclo. He actually gobbled some out of the water column. I believe the introduction of roe has opened his mind, so to speak, to other foods. The minute I sprinkled some Cylco-peeze into the tank, he went crazy, swimming up to the surface and going after particles that floated down.

I saw him eat a whole cluster off the glass, then saw him eat some from the water.

In the next few days I'm going to try to capture this on video.

P.S. Ares, I think you were right about the seapods. They don't seem to be doing ****, even in the pod pile, where I turkey basted both bottles.


Large Fish
Feb 28, 2005
this is great info thanks alot guys. i just purchased a mandarin myself. I have lots of LS/LR but i still am very concerned about his eating. I think i will go and pick up some roe today. He eats a little brine, if the other fish allow it to settle, but this sounds like a great alternative. i also amrunning a refugium with some macroalgaes. Im hoping that this is helping my "podulation" ....any comments would be appreciated....thanks lordroad....