TRe's 82g build


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
the time has come to begin the new build thread! :D everything isnt completly thought out yet since as of 2 weeks ago i didnt know i would be setting up a new tank... the tank im going with is a custom rimless tank measuring 48 long X 22 wide X 18 tall ... the tank is undrilled so i will be drilling it for a single overflow on the side..... i decided to go with a overflow from glassholesDOTcom because ive heard nothing but good stuff about them... i will be building my own stand/canopy that way i can make it viewable from 3 sides (front,back,and one side) i havnt decided exactly what im going to do for lighting,flow,skimmer ect... i may use all the same equipment from my 125g or i might sell off that stuff and upgrade a little.... ill either go with 2x250w mh's or ive thought about switching over to T5, i will prolly go with a different skimmer reason being this mr-2 i have now is rated for 300g lol and its huge! for flow ill either go with the koralia #3 and #4 i already have or maybe ill get a few tunze's.... as far as the sump my ideal choice would be a 40g breeder but ive been having a hard time finding a used one so i may end up going with what ever i can get my hands on... one of the things ill do differant when i build my stand is im going to leave an opening big enough to remover the sump later if i want. im also going to be making this stand very tall since the tank itself is only 18" ... i know ill have to use a step ladder to access the bottom of the tank but what ever.... i guess thats it for now, ill be sure and take lots of pics of the proccess. the tank should be up and running in a few weeks. oh yea and if you can think of anything that you wish you had done differant let me know as im open to suggestions!

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Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Congrats on the new tank and will be waiting on the pics when you post them. You could start by posting a few pics of your 125, I have never seen it and would like to before its gone.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well i made a little progress today! i built the stand (still have to skin it) and tommorow i will be building the canopy! not sure when ill get around to skinning it tho :p hopefully before its setup lol but overall i think it came out really nice, maybe a little overkill but i guess better safe than sorry! pics will have to wait till tommorow since the stand is outside on my back porch and its dark out :rolleyes: also i got my overbox today from glassholes ill post some pics of that aswell


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
alright finally a few pics lol...

first heres a pic of the overflow i just got from

heres a pic of the stand... i forgot to take a pic of it before i put the plywood on top today but its braced exactly the same as the bottom

and heres a pic of the stand with the plywood on the bottom too... i made the stand big enough to put those granite tiles you see in the pic around the tank on all side except the end thats going to be against the wall



Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i didnt get to drill the tank this weekend because the bulkhead i have isnt the right size so thatll have to wait till next weekend... also next weekend i will be skinning the stand and if i have time i will make the canopy as well! you cant really tell from the pics but my stand is very tall 40" that way the tank is at a better viewing level with no need to break your back bending over ;) maybe ill take a pic with me in it to show the true size


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
oh yea and those granite tiles that will be going around the tank are the same ones you see on my countertop and backsplash in the pic of the overflow... i had a few left over pieces but it works out nice since the tank will be dividing my kitchen/livingroom so itll all blend together nicely... i think i will be skinning the stand most likely with either 1/4" or 1/2" oak ply but i havnt decided exactly what type of trim i will be using... i like the look when crown moulding is used so maybe ill get something to match the crown moulding i already have up around the house... once complete i will be staining the stand/canopy a nice dark finish

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea ill be putting 2 doors on the front and 2 on the back aswell since its going to be viewable from both sides and that way i canaccess the sump from either side... also i will be making a few shelves under the stand in attemp to try n keep things a little better organized this time around *thumbsups


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well didnt make nearly as much progress as i would have liked to but i did make some progress none the less! i got the stand skinned but didnt do all the trim pieces yet... i havnt even started the canopy yet but thats a whole other weekend! i did manage to drill my tank and install the new overflow and i also picked up a used sump that happend to work with the new setup! its 32" long X 22"wide and 21" tall (about 65g) i removed the old baffles that wer already in the sump so i can customize it to my liking...a nyways on to some pics!

heres the stand so far... like i said ill be adding trim around the top and trim around the bottom too! havnt decided exactly what ill do with the doors yet!

heres the sump! its still dirty but as you can see ive removed the old baffles

heres a pic of the overflow from the outside view (the tank was still in the car when i took the pic lol)


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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i managed to get a little more work done on the tank today after work! i painted the side of the tank that the overflow is on black to match the overflow and i painted the inside of the stand with kilz to seal it from the moisture