TRe's 82g build


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
well the whole money thing kinda slowed things a little well that and having a million other things going on/ being lazy :D .... the tank is in the house and on the stand but no water in it yet! next thing on the list thats holding me up is i want to euro brace the tank so as soon as that happens i plan to have water in it! im going to add all of my LR that doesnt have corals attached and do all my aquascaping, than im going to let it cycle. i was going to use old water from my 125g to aviod the cycle but i think its best if i start completly new. the new tank is going on the same wall that the 125g is on and the 125 was in the way so i drained the tank, removed all the sand (to aviod stiring it up when adding new water) and put all my LR without corals attched in my 32g brute container with a powerhead.... i slid the tank over about 2' that i needed for the new tank and set it back up with minimal LR and frags everywhere just sitting on the bottom... by moving the tank over its going to allow me as much time as i need for the new tank to cycle. lol my tank looks kinda like a tank in an lfs with hardley any LR but corals everywhere


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Gave you a citation for your garbage can being to heavy, never heard of such a thing, lol. What does that mean, you can't put out your can for two weeks or is it a monetary fine? If they did that here I would be getting a ticket every week.


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
Very nice tanks. I like all the tanks I see you post about. Also with the trash thing.. In my town and around here. Your only able to put up to 35 lbs in a bag. No sticks.. or stuff like you'd get from digging something or destroying it... like cement.. or dirt.. but I always just feel it up of that stuff. Just dont make it over the weight limit.. (may have many bags but no return) They will not pick up bags most of the time.. and put orange sticker saying no!


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea the thing the left on the trash can said it cant be over 40lbs... whats the point of having these big ol garbage men if they cant lift over 40lbs! girly men lol


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Our garbage trucks are automated, have these big gripper things come out grap the can and pick it up and dump it into the truck, no weight limit. They have put cameras in the back of the truck though. People started putting one big ole tire a week in their big cans and getting rid of them that way. When they see a tire dump, the driver gets out crawls up onto and into the truck to fish the tire out and then throws it into your flower garden while he says a few choice words. I got rid of about 8 tires that way before they caught onto what everyone was doing, lol. The tires I got rid of weren't mine, they were on a vacant lot next to our house and they were mosquito farms.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
notice the baby gate attached to the stand... this is one of the main reasons i got approval for this build, the gate is to keep the dogs out of the house and limit them to only the kitchen/backyard :p

the lambo doors on the canopy lol

i need to paint the final coat of whit inside the canopy and that should cover up all the stain i got every where

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i picked up this SWC msx extreme160 which is the same thing as a octopus extreme160... i was planning on going with the ex200 but i ended up finding someone near by selling this used one for $180 which is $100 cheaper than going new and cheaper than anything else i could find at the time... btw just yesterday some in my local reef club let a ex200 go for $180 so go figure!


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Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The newtank and stand look really nice. What kind of hinge did you use on the canopy top, and what are lambo doors? That skimmer looks like it will do the job, I see the stand its on, will the skimmer sit out of the water or is the stand to keep it from sitting so deep in the water? Whats next, lights in the canopy and setting up the sump? But baby, we need a room divider here to keep the dogs outa the house so we might as well put up a new take here, TRe, you DA man, lol. Anyway it all looks really nice and I can't wait to see the next up date. Oh, almost forgot, what did you use as padding under the tank, I see something white in the pics?


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea lol sry lambo doors are "lamborgini doors" and i didnt make them like that on purpose it just happend to be the idea i came up with! the white stuff you see under the tank is styrofoam... i found big sheets of it at home depot for pretty cheap... the skimmer should do a pretty good job, it is suposed to be in about 8" of water... next thing on the list which has been the hold up for about a month now is getting the glass cut to do the euro bracing before filling it up with water!