We Have Fry!! I Repeat, We Have Fry!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, I'm getting both. I pawned my junk and got a lot of money out of it. Now, I have enough money for a 10 gallon with everything, a 20 gallon with a hood and flourescent lights, and a stand that can hold up to a 20 gallon.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2011
It is either a apple snail or a rams horn (cant tell with the view) both are perfectly harmless when alone & will not breed unless there are pairs. They arent pests & wont eat plants if theres fish flake or pellets. (trust me I breed them)
Theres no need to run about like a headless chicken (like a few ott people here) they clean up fish poo & keep algae in check. If you want specifics get me a side angle pic & i will tell you.
Both species will not survive in a pond, the temp is too cold & come winter they will die.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thanks emma!! It is a ramshorn and it is about 1/2 an inch big. I have some more newborn fry (watched Lily give birth on Sunday) and the fry like to follow my snail and Oto. The newborns (6 of them, so now I have 13 fry) are about 1/2+- cm. They are adirable and as soon as I get some more batteries for my camera (took too many pics and videos and wasted the batteries, lol) I'll post some pics. I got one pic of 4 newborns laying on my hand in the water. I stuck my hand in there to rearrange a decoration and the swam into my hand and stayed there. I guess I provided them with protection, but they hated it when I had to take out my hand. They hide at the very bottom of my tank where the Java Moss meets te gravel. They blend in perfectly and are hard to see. My fry and adults have noticed them and the fry have tried to eat the newborns. I decided not to move them, because it seems Lily has an odd mothering instinct and protects the newborns from the other fish. See follows them and doesn't try to eat them. She chases away any fish if they come too close to the babies, chase them around, or try to eat them. PLUS!! In my batch of 1 month+ fry (SOME are starting to develop gonopodiums) 5 of them are Wags, 1 is a Mickey Mouse, and 1 is a TIGER PLATY!!! It (possibly she) has 2 vertical black stripes going from its back to its abdomen on both sides of it. Since I think it's a girl, I named it Kisa. The name is from a manga (Japanese comic/anime) called Fruits Basket. It's about the Chinese Zodiac and the Tiger is a girl named Kisa.

They don't always put the ears on the people, just some to maximize a certain expression that they have at that time.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011

This is a closeup pic of what my newborn fry look like. (Found all images in this post on google)

Tiger Ruby Platy. Mine's a Tiger Black Platy?? (My fry has black stripes spaced further apart and has a smokey gray body color)


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Thank you, laura!! I have to admit that I also just got a female Betta. She was in a community tank with some Mollies, another female, and a male Betta (young, crowntail male, they thought it was a female till I pointed it out). She's pure white with purple, red, and blue tipped fins. She's soo beautiful!!

She looks somewhat like this. Just add more blue to the base of the fins and a touch of purple at the tips.

Last edited:
Oct 29, 2010
See the links at the bottom? That's the point. The bot looks kind of trustworthy because it said something relevant to the conversation. I was actually a bit confused myself, and thought I'd said something about snails to the guy!

If you click those links (DON'T) it'll either try to sell you something or try to give you malware.