What fish could I put in a 40 gallon?

Sep 30, 2004
Niwot, CO.
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Camaro is right but for starters you can pretty much get most the fish you see in the fish store you just have to keep an eye on you inch to gallon ratio... You could either get 1 big fish or a bunch of 1" inchers Personally if I had a 40 I would get a lionfish just cause i think they're a really exotic fish yet very deadly at the same time... I guess that's what I look for in every thing cars, women, etc..


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
wow...i disagree with that...there are a lot of fish for sale at the LFS which are not acceptable fora 40g tank. Panther Groupers, for example, are everywhere...they are tiny and cute at first, but then they become 2ft monsters. there are alos a lot of Angels which show up regularly in the LFS which will outgrow a 40g tank...the Koran Angel and Emperor Angel come to mind at the moment...Purple Tang, Yellow Tang, and Regal Tang all will get too large...Boxfish are also common in the LFS, and also will outgrow a 40. I see Clown Triggerfish and Niger Triggers pretty frequently...once again, too large.

The lionfish, on the other hand, would be a good choice depending on what yuo get. The Fuzzy Dwarf (Dendrochirus brachypterus) would be a good choice for a tank of this size as would the regular Dwarf Lionfish (Dendrochirus zebra)...the Volitan however (the one you usually see) will get too big

Personally, I prefer the look of smaller fish in a tank, rather than one large fish. Somehow, it seems more natural...it adds to the grand appearance of the environment I've created. For that reason, I tend to select smaller fish. There are a ton of little fish you could keep, so once again, we need to know what you want to do with this tank :)


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i think a bicolor would be an excellent choice. Given that water quality is not as critical in a FO tank I think you could probably add a few more smallish fish. Maybe a blennie of some variety, a school of chromis, some cardinalfish, a psuedochromis or gramma...there are a lot of options...a lot of it comes down to what you like and what combinations you can keep


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
It looks like your going for a FOWLR community tank. A few Clownfish a Bi-color Angel and maybe another small tankmate or two would be fine. As Camaro pointed out you will want to keep water quality excellent.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Personally as someone who has a bicolor I think it would be a bad choice for a FO tank without lr. Mine spends a bunch of time picking at the LR for food, and for the first month that's all he lived on. No LR, no fish after a few weeks in my opinion.
Good choices....
Single fish or 2 - dwarf lion. Not much else springs to mind as preds tend to grow v quickly. Hard to imagine keeping a trigger for v long in that tank.
Reef - Clowns, damsels (if you must), chromis, gobies (some), blennies,smaller hawks, cardinals, smaller wrasse, smaller Centropyge angels, pseudochromids, grammes,chalk bass.... and tons of others.
If you don't care about inverts Valentini puffers are quite amusing.