What size tank to get - compatibility, etc. Newbie!

Feb 18, 2011
I'm new here. I've been looking into getting a fish tank for almost a year now. My debate was at first between Saltwater & Freshwater. After doing some research, I think that a SW tank at this time would be too hard to begin with. I haven't had any fish in over 15 years.

So now I've decided on a fresh water.. Here are my options:

a 25 gallon tank with stand I saw on sale (Not real fond of the stand it comes with though)

a 36 gallon bow front tank

I also saw a totally awesome 60 gallon tank. But I'm thinking it would be way too much to start out with a tank that size. Plus, it'd take up a lot of space in my office. So I'm really trying to decide between the 25 and 36.

I know I want to have 6 Glofish for sure. I wanted some bigger fish - but it looks like anything big will eat my Glofish? What about a few Dalmatian Mollies? Was also considering a Dwarf Gourmai. I saw that PetSmart had an albino catfish in with their glofish tank - would one catfish be okay? I'd like a tank cleaning little guy - but I think from what I read that Plecos/loaches are out. I like cichlids, but they are out due to their aggressiveness.

So what can I comfortably stock either a 25 gal or 36 gal bow front tank with? I don't want to over stock - but obviously just having 6 glofish in a tank that size would be silly :). I like bright fish! I like eels, but they are escape artists and I don't think either tank is big enough.

I would love a larger fish or two - are any of them safe with smaller tank mates?

Any suggestions? Hope to decide on which tank I want to purchase this weekend, so I can start cycling it and get the fish when the tank is ready.


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I say get the tank then figure out where to go from there. My advice is go with the biggest tank you can afford/have room for. It seems like you always get one, then when you get really involved in it you just wish you had a bigger one. That's what happened to me anyways, but I had to downsize because I didn't have enough room for the tank I originally inherited.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
Get the biggest tank you can get, when i decide i was gonna get a tank i want a 10 gallon, but then i notice the 20 gallon was just a little more, and then i was in another LFS and find a complete kit of a 29 gallon for a really good price, and the day i was gonna get it i bought a 55 gallon and i love my tank, so if you can afford the 60 gallon and have the space to put it, just do it.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Honestly, it's almost as easy to maintain a larger tank as a smaller one. Once you're doing a water change, what's three more minutes to change a few more gallons of water? You still have to test the water parameters, clean glass, trim plants, etc. Plus, larger tanks are usually more stable than smaller ones - a small fluctuation in water conditions doesn't cause such drastic consequences in larger tanks.
If 60g is too big for your space, go for the 36g.
And welcome to MFT - let us know what size you get, and we'll be glad to offer stocking suggestions. Do you know about doing a fishless cycle to establish the beneficial nitrogen cycle before adding fish??

Feb 18, 2011
Oh this is bad!

I ended up going for a 29 gallon. But now I'm having a serious issue!

It came with an Aqueon filter. I put it on the back of the tank, and water is leaking out the bottom of it onto my floor!

What am I doing wrong? I placed it on the tank exactly like the instructions showed.

I do plan on letting the tank cycle before getting any fish.. If I can ever get this dang filter to stop leaking :(

Feb 18, 2011
It didn't look like anything was wrong when I used a flash light. It came with a kit I bought at PetCo - hopefully they will just exchange it for me with one off the shelf.

Feb 18, 2011
It does continue to leak until the water is out of the filter.

My user name is a combo of my two dogs -a Boxer & a Boston Terrier :)

Edited to add: I need to get rid of that thermometer it came with - I doubt it's very accurate.

Last edited:
Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
OK, I am a Yankee fan and would not feel right about helping a Red Sox fan! LOL. If I used the same naming method, my name would be Germanlabbeaglejack! I have a White Shep, Lab/Beagle mix and a Jack Russel.

You can use a thermometer for the kitchen to check the temp, but I use the stick on kind and they do a pretty good job!

Feb 18, 2011
Thanks for your help! I haven't had a tank in a VERY long time..so I feel like I'm starting all over again.

I'll keep the stick on if it's accurate enough! It's saying that it is 76 - the water definitely feels warm enough to me.

I got that huge fake driftwood thing because it looks fun to swim in/out of. Now I'm thinking it's taking too much tank space. Just spent $24 on it - so it will probably stay for now.


Medium Fish
Dec 6, 2010
Dominican Republic
I have one of those filters and it doesn't like, today i just found out that i don't like this filter, cause the cartridge get clogged and no matter how well you clean it, it won't let the water pass, so think on getting another filter, is you want HOB get aquaclear.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have 3 of the Aqueon filters for going on 9 months and haven't had any problems at all. I like the fact that they don't have to be primed. I have three other filters that need to be primed everytime I change water. And of course there is always the problem if the power is off and I am not home.

Feb 18, 2011

I went and traded in the filter today for one off the shelf. It works PERFECTLY. The other one was definitely cracked - not missing anything. The other one had a lid that wouldn't stay on properly as well, so it was definitely damaged in shipping.

I am so excited ! I saw at my LFS today a water quality tester that suction cups inside of the aquarium. Do they really work? Where do I go from here? My tank had LOTS of small bubbles on every surface - but they are clearing up now.