What size tank to get - compatibility, etc. Newbie!

Oct 29, 2010
I can't think of any snakey fish besides loaches (weather, horseface, dojo, etc), and being escape artists is kind of their specialty!

The other posters may have better ideas though :)

Feb 18, 2011
I can't think of any snakey fish besides loaches (weather, horseface, dojo, etc), and being escape artists is kind of their specialty!

The other posters may have better ideas though :)
Maybe I can just block the escape hatch! From what I read, they need a well-established tank anyway..so I will worry about them later!

So happy this forum is here - to keep me from making huge mistakes!

Feb 27, 2009
Glofish - do I NEED 6? Would it be okay to just have 3 (one of each color), or must there be 6? I really like them..but I Was also reading that they don't live very long (6 mos - 1 year?) - anyone ever experienced this?
I helped a dentist office set up an aquarium of glofish almost 3 yrs ago. He started with 30 of them in a 55 gallon tank. Two have died. He's added no other glofish, and still there are 28. He takes pics of them after he cleans the tank on Saturdays, when they all gather at the surface for the feeding frenzy. He then counts them in the picture! He doesn't want any to be dead and foul his water because he wasn't watching. He also has a bunch of bronze cories.

too bad about the Khuli's! I don't really want little escapees - I have cats & dogs that would find them before I ever did.
I've kept khulis, and have never had them escape. All were kept in open topped tanks too (lights on feet to keep lights 4" above the tank).

Feb 18, 2011
I've kept khulis, and have never had them escape. All were kept in open topped tanks too (lights on feet to keep lights 4" above the tank).
I noticed the LFS had them in open topped tanks - they were little, but the guy said they don't get much bigger than that. Maybe there's still a little hope for the Khulis - I will still somehow block the space between the filter & the hood just in case. My friend wanted to know why I like all the "mean" looking fish - eels, bichirs, etc. LOL!! It might be because I just lost my 15 year old Blue Tongue Skink - so the reptile/snake looking fish fascinate me. I told her none of them are ok for my tank, but It sure makes me want to set up a larger tank someday!!

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Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
Part of fish keeping is finding what works for you. Some people can keep very sensitive fish, but have issues with guppies, some can't get Angels to breed (Me!) but have luck with other egg layers. The point I am trying to make is, just because a website says something, does not make it gospel. If you do research and think you can keep the Khuli's, then try too. You may make it work!

Good Luck!

Feb 18, 2011
What about this for a stock list.. I'm just playing on AqAdvisor..still not 100% sure..

Trying to decide between the Kuhli's and the Albino CoryCats. Both would be too much bottom feeders for one tank, I assume. I like them both a lot! But I want some swimmers too! LOL

Here's what I'm thinking

2 Red Wag Platy - Females, don't want babies!
5 Glo Fish
5 Kuhli Loaches (Def. considering leaving these out and putting 4 Albino Corycats intead)
1 Red Cherry Shrimp
1 Ghost Shrimp
1 Pearl Gourami
5 Cherry Barbs

This would stock me at 96%. I'd only add one kind of fish every few weeks(?) - so as not to overload all at once. Is 96% way too high?

Is it sick that I'm trying to figure out if my 10 gallon is large enough for either the Kuhli's or the Albino Cory Cats, so I can still have both - just not in the same tank? I think I've already been infected with the fish bug - this is bad! AqAdvisor says I could basically have 5 Kuhli's in the 10 gallon and be at 79%. This way, I could have sand for the bottom etc..

Cherry Barbs - not 100% on them. I like the color of them though. I don't like any of the Tetras really - so I prob don't want those. Any other small fish to consider?

On the Glo Fish - AqAdvisor recommends 5. On another forum, I saw that if you have Zebra Danios they will school with the Glo Fish. So could I do 3 Glo Fish and 2 Zebra Danios? Trying to have some nice variety - without over doing it!

I considered the Honey Gourami - But I like that the Pearls get a little bigger - yet still ok for my tank. The Honey Gourami is pretty though - so I'm not totally against it! AqAdvisor did tell me I could only have one or the other - Pearl Or honey or they'd fight.

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Feb 18, 2011
Just read up on the cherry & ghost - says they need an "established" tank. Is that about 6 months? Thought they were kinda cute, and it doesn't look like they add to the stocking % of the tank in small quantities. Anything like them that can go in sooner?

Feb 18, 2011
Okay - I def. decided to skip the Kuhli's. The Albinos are going to look nice on my black gravel - so I'm going to get 4 of those instead.

Maybe someday I'll get some Kuhli's for a 20 gallon tank.

Feb 18, 2011
NEW stock list. I'm taking out the Cherry Barbs. 96% seems way too high. If I take them out, I go down to 77%.. So here's my updated list:

2 Red Wag Platy - Females, don't want babies!
3 Glo Fish
2 Zebra Danios
4 Albino Cory Cats
1 Red Cherry Shrimp
1 Ghost Shrimp
1 Pearl Gourami

Oct 29, 2010
New stock list looks great!

Yeah, were I you I'd wait until the tank had been planted running for a little bit before adding shrimp. I'd also recommend getting around four red cherries - then they'd breed, and you'd have a constant supply!

Feb 18, 2011
Thanks, IThink! I am totally happy with the new stock list - so I'm glad it looks okay.

I'll be sure to wait on the shrimp. I'm getting 3 live plants on Tuesday - hopefully that's enough?

Oct 29, 2010
I don't think that's a very common thing to happen with aquatic plants - did she mean Java fern? Those are supposed to be some of the easiest to take care of, along with java moss.

I don't know of any good broad leaf plants for your tank, especially if you stay low-light. But there are a ton of plant experts on here who know more than I do!

I'd think something low light and bushy, or something your could plant or leave floating, like cabomba, anacharis/elodea, or water wistera. There's a website called plantgeek.net that lets you search by difficulty level and light requirements that would be a great resource :D

Feb 18, 2011
I think I'll just get 3 of the Anubias from them. They are easy and low light. I did see a nice fake plant that I might pick up as well. Just wondering if 3 real + 1 fake is enough 'stuff' in the tank with the big piece of fake driftwood. I might try and get one smaller hide to put somewhere in the tank.

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
If you don't wan't babies, get males. The females will most likely be preggo when you get them and they can drop 2-3X! Males look better anyway.

Easy Low light plants: Cabomba, Water Wistera, Java Fern, Java Moss. Anubus is easy, but you will see very little growth.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I think I'll just get 3 of the Anubias from them. They are easy and low light. I did see a nice fake plant that I might pick up as well. Just wondering if 3 real + 1 fake is enough 'stuff' in the tank with the big piece of fake driftwood. I might try and get one smaller hide to put somewhere in the tank.
You might want something tall - either a fake plant or a real one. Some fish like to stay near the surface and might appreciate some coverage there.

Also, it might look good.

Put your stuff in the tank. See how it looks. You can always add more. It's especially easy to start wanting to try different plants, IME ;)

Feb 18, 2011
Can't wait til tomorrow! I'm taking a list with me so I know which plants are OK. I'm going to probably get the fake plant - it was pretty big/tall.

My tank water cleared up today. It's been cloudy since day 2. Is this a good sign that things are progressing?