What size tank to get - compatibility, etc. Newbie!

Feb 27, 2009
I have no clue yet! I'm going to make a list of "safe good" aquatic plants & take it with me - so I don't get stuck with somthing that isn't really aquatic. A friend told me she had 'fern leaf' type plants and they shredded and clogged her filter? She suggested broad leaf plants.
The plant your friend had may have been the 'Aqua Fern' commonly sold at the big-chain pet stores as aquatic, but isn't. I honestly think its a ploy so that the buyer will come back and buy replacement plants once the first set decays.

This link may be helpful so you can spot the non-aquatic plants. It includes the 'common' name they are often called, the scientific name, and photos.

PlantGeek.net - Plant Guide


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
You are not the first poster with this problem on the Aquaneon filter, you can return it to the store the last posters was cracked. (they will swap it out)

Honestly if you have the money I would just invest in something better, an aquaclear 30 or an aquaclear 50 would be much better for that tank


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2011
Got two plants today. One is an 8" Anubis and the other is a 4" Anubis. They only had one 8" Anubis :|. The only other plants they had in stock were Aquatic Ferns & White Ribbons. I was pretty sure both of those weren't truly aquatic.. So my choice was basically limited to the Anubis. I will try and get something better from my LFS this weekend. They didn't have my cute fake plant this time either - Maybe I will try ordering some stuff online.

These are little things - I guess they grow to the 8" size? LOL!


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2011
You are not the first poster with this problem on the Aquaneon filter, you can return it to the store the last posters was cracked. (they will swap it out)

Honestly if you have the money I would just invest in something better, an aquaclear 30 or an aquaclear 50 would be much better for that tank
Yep - they replaced it for me. It was from a kit, so I couldn't exchange it for something better. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this set up thus far - so a better filter might have to wait for now.

Readings today:
Ammonia 0.05
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Chlorine: 0


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Anubias are awesome plants - very hardly and attractive - but they don't grow very quickly, as I think someone mentioned previously. Good job on avoiding the non-aquatic plants! You are still at the beginning of your cycle - you've got some time to shop for more plants before your tank's ready for fish . . . .


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2011
You guys were right about the test strips. What a joke - They've been showing 0. Had it tested at LFS - got 10 NitrAtes, 0 NitrItes, 0 Ammonia. I'm going to purchase a liquid test kit this weekend - tired of taking my water in, and obviously the test strips are inaccurate for sure. I'll probably test every day for 6-8 weeks, and then cut back to once a week (Unless I notice fish acting oddly!)

When will I know the tank is cycled?

Also - people were telling me that I should add my 3 Glo fish & my 3 Zebra Danios at the same time to prevent any issues with them schooling together. Isn't adding 6 fish to a new tank at once too much? I was just going to add the 2 Platy fish first, then in a week or so add 3 Glo, etc..putting about a week or two between each fish addition..?

I was also told that the Pearl Gourami might be annoyed by the Zebra Danios because they are so hyperactive. Any other suggestions for a fish about the size of the Gourami that would do okay in my tank? Not too fond of the Honey Gouramis, personally. Thought about a DG - but I've also heard that the Dwarf Gouramis can be a little mean to tank mates, and have DG disease. So any other ideas, other than Gouramis maybe?

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
Ok, well you'll know the tank is cycled when the levels on your testers are normal and remain normal for some time..

And i don't think adding 6 small fish will make too much difference if you do it after the others have already been added.. as the bacteria colony builds up from the first addition, the other 6 should be good to go, i don't think there'll be a major issue with adding them separately, and with a 29G tank there's gunna be a lot more bacteria compared to fishies (i mean there's potential for it to grow very quickly) so as long as there's enough 6 fish won't make a difference.


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2011
Thanks - I'll get my liquid test kit this weekend and do daily readings.

I got a Gravel Vac the other day. That thing is cool.. But I'm worried I'll suck up some fish with it!

Forgot to ask: Should my Albino Corycats be the last fish I add? I'm going to get 4 of them - but I'm assuming that they are really sensitive? I know the Danios & Platy are fairly hardy.

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Feb 18, 2011
I went to the LFS to check out some fish today. Went to several, and no one had the Pearl Gourami.

I saw a Fire Dwarf Gourami that I absolutely loved! They are actually smaller than the Pearls. I've read they are peaceful, Would it be okay to add one of these to my tank instead of the Pearl? They are awesome looking! The ones at the store were decent size - do they grow fast, or are they older?

Here's my current wish list:
1 platy - Is 1 Platy okay, or do I need to up this to 2?
3 long fin zebra danios (I've heard they are slightly less annoying to other fish than the reg zebras? I also think they are cuter!)
3 Glo Fish
4 Albino Cory Cats
5 Shrimp - these might become food for that DG, huh?
1 Dwarf Fire Gourami


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
One dwarf gourami should be fine with other community fish - do not add more than one as they can be very aggressive to their own kind. One platy alone is okay too. Your stocking idea is a good starting point. Just don't add all that in one go!

Feb 18, 2011
I definitely won't add them at all once. I'm going to add the hardiest fish first. I'm definitely separating the additions by at least two weeks! I've finally got 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 20 nitrate. Am I cycled? Do I need to do a big water change now?

I'll add the Dwarf Gourami last since they are more sensitive. I'm probably going for the danios first!

Feb 18, 2011
This is kind of my plan..I can re-arrange it if necessary..

I'll be testing the water daily for awhile, then I'll go down to weekly before I do my water changes. Forgot to mention I'll be using Prime with all my WC's.

Week 1 - add all 6 danios

Week 3 - add 1 Platy, and possibly the ghost shrimp?

Week 5 - add 4 Albino Cory Cats

Week 7 - Add Dwarf Gourami

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