Restocking my 55G

I am wanting to restock my 55G cause i want something new. i am gonna move the angels into the 75G, keyholes probably leave in there or in the 75G, beta will go to my sister, tetras into my bro's tank, and my female krib(male died, will explain in a different thread) will go into my new 30G with the other kribs. I am wanting to get cichlids, but i don't know which ones to get.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
#11 da' man! *thumbsups
As for what kind to get...I'd just see which one(s) pick you---you'll know when you get there and take a closer look at them. Sure, there's certain types of oscars like the ones you mentioned, and thus many of them end up looking the same to lots of folks who have never kept them...but in the end they're all unique. You'll see! ;)


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Large Fish
Dec 25, 2006
Tampa, FL
from my research and what others have done, you could put 5-6 tiger barbs in with your O, assuming you are expecting them to become lunch eventually ;)

and i don't think the cheap feeders are good for oscars; i think they're fatty and diseased, for the most part.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Jessey is right---stay away from the store feeders.
If you want to use feeders, I'd breed your own (guppies, Endler's, platies, and possibly even convicts would make good candidates). If it were me, I'd go with Endler's. From what I hear they breed like crazy, and they don't take up too much tank space at all. Cons might out-maneuver your oscar and end up growing to adulthood in the oscar tank. :eek:

You've got to think of it as a really long-term commitment...the oscar should live 10 years or more under the proper conditions. Why expose it to a fatal disease just for the sake of throwing a live store-bought feeder in with it? Breed your own feeders, gut-load them prior to feeding, and feed only as a treat (once every week or every two weeks). Or you could check out the mealworm colony thread in the DIY section, which makes for a nice supplement. ;)

If you plan on upgrading by the time the oscar is about 8", then I'd go for the tiger barbs. Otherwise, skip them. The oscar will need the room.


Jun 26, 2007
You do not pick your Oscar, They pick you. Use endlers as feeders and stay away from Rosy Reds and Goldfish. They cause a disease called fatty liver.