Snail question


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I put the algae wafer in the tank and the snails didn't get a chance to even touch it before my oto decided to join it and heck even the tetras decided to try a few bites as well. So I have decided to try the film canister trap instead. I poked 3 holes in the top of the film canister and I will put the algae wafer inside and see what I catch. The holes may be too small so if it doesn't seem to catch anything I may have to make them larger. Anyway, here is a picture of it right now.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Well I put the algae wafer in the tank and the snails didn't get a chance to even touch it before my oto decided to join it and heck even the tetras decided to try a few bites as well. So I have decided to try the film canister trap instead. I poked 3 holes in the top of the film canister and I will put the algae wafer inside and see what I catch. The holes may be too small so if it doesn't seem to catch anything I may have to make them larger. Anyway, here is a picture of it right now.
ALL my fish, even my bettas who are suposed to be carnavours LOVE the algae wafers so much so that I have to drop two in a day, one to distract the bettas and tetras and one in the back for the cories or the poor cories get none!


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
You like that background :p haha

Well the canister didn't really want to sink on its own so I decided to bury it in the substrate (right by the oto eating the other wafer and he wouldn't move no matter how close I got haha). I think that the holes might be larger enough, here is a picture of the canister and there is even a small snail in the picture so you can see how tiny they really are.

I don't feel like cutting up a potato tonight so I will be lazy and just try my algae wafer inside the canister for tonight and see how it does.

Tab- I was going to give them some bloodworms tonight too but I think they got their treat for today with the wafer haha

Anyway... here is the picture and the snail is on the left side.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
Well the canister didn't really want to sink on its own so I decided to bury it in the substrate

I'm sorry...I forgot to mention that you need to turn out the lights and then hold the canister down on top of the substrate using your hand. Stand there and be very still for at least three hours.

Just kidding *SUPERSMIL

I put two or three pieces of gravel in the canister so it will sink.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I'm sorry...I forgot to mention that you need to turn out the lights and then hold the canister down on top of the substrate using your hand. Stand there and be very still for at least three hours.
This thought initially crossed my mind, but I was afraid of falling asleep like that and waking up with my whole arm all wrinkled LMAO

I will check my trap in a little bit to see what it has done. If it didn't work I will try larger holes and different bait tonight. I will also put gravel in it to hold it down.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I didn't catch any snails with the trap last night. I will cut up a piece of potato for it tonight and put some gravel in the trap tonight as well. I'm going to lay the canister on its side in the corner where the snails seem to be showing up. We will see how it does tonight :D


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I'm very concerned with the snail population in my tank as well. There also seems to be holes in some of the leaves of my plants which I suspect is from the snail issue. I really do hope that this trap works tonight so I can get the problem under control before the population explodes even more.

I will make sure to update and let you know how this works for me.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well still 0 snails with the trap again last night. I just cut larger holes in the trap and I will try again. There is still about 4 hours before the lights come on in the tank so maybe I will catch something with the larger holes in the lid now.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
With the larger holes in the cap for the last 4 hours or so of night in my tank I still had no takers on the potato. Is there something I am doing wrong with this method? Does anybody have any other pond snail trap ideas?


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
With the larger holes in the cap for the last 4 hours or so of night in my tank I still had no takers on the potato. Is there something I am doing wrong with this method? Does anybody have any other pond snail trap ideas?
That's a bummer.

Have you tried the lettuce?

I wonder what it is about my tank that keeps the population growing so slowly? I'm sure that my tetras and my catfish are ignoring the snail eggs. I do see the eggs from time to time, so I know they're being laid. Maybe my ghost shrimp? Maybe it was my swordtail?


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I haven't tried lettuce yet but that was my plan if for tonight unless I got another. My snail population seem to be a little better since I have pulled about 15 snails out by hand but I'm still seeing quite a few in there on my plants and on the glass.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I haven't updated this in a few days. The snails didn't seem to like the potato at all, but I have been doing some reading and saw that you actually need to blanch any vegetables you put in the trap or else they will more then likely stay away from it. So tonight I will blanch a small piece of potato and put that in the trap.
I really hope that this works to get rid of the pond snails because it seems as though they are on the leaves of my plants and I have been noticing holes in the leaves which I suspect is from them.