Update on cory fry

So...the two older guys (four days now woohoo!!!) are getting bigger and are pretty active. The little guy is active too except he keeps falling sideways. Sounds like the first guy I had. At least he's not upside down...yet. I'll try to get more pics on here soon. I won't be here until Sat. so you'll have to wait. Sorry...

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Nothing new except that they are still alive. Once again, I can't see if they're eating but they must be because they've definately grown! They are much darker in color too.

I can't remember, but I think this is one of the week old guys. The little guys is just a couple days younger. I also threw some more eggs in there (yes, they're spawning again!) in case one of them dies.

Aaaaaaaah! I am sooooo insane!!! I was cleaning my tanks today, and guess what??? There's another cory baby!!! By the time I saw him he was sucked into the cleaning tube and ended up in the bucket of poo water. What was I supposed to do? Flush him town the sink with the water or put him back in the tank to get eaten? I decided to keep him and put him in with the others. Now I've got four. He must have hatched yesterday. Crap. I'm gonna have to give them away to someone once they're big enough.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Thats good though that you found another one. Now if you happen to lose one or two it won't be quite as disappointing. I would imagine that one of them will survive for you :D

So, I cleaned the thing this morning cuz it was stinky. I figured they couldn't stay in that little container cuz they wouldn't grow. Here's where I keep them now: (four cories and a ghost shrimp)

When I was cleaning I took some pictures of them in the old container.

Here's one with the little new guy and one of the bigger ones:

And here's a biggie with a full tummy! YAY!!!



Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Kissy I am /so/ jealious of all your little babies.

My daughter wants out cories to have babies so bady now that I've shown her your pics.


Small Fish
Jan 24, 2008
for $15 I would look at the 5 gal oversized brandy snifter {looks kinda like a short realy wide wine glass or a petistled vase} which would be at the craft store or even walmart, my sister had one and it was like $10 at walmart and a standard 10 gal tank at my lfs was $9 over the weekend ... though i dont know if its what your going for ..... I had a question though what did you use as the first home of the eggs/fry and what are the water conditions and needs for fry {not that I will need that info any time soon or ever}