Update on cory fry

Yeah, I totally wanted to go today, but my brother had regionals (band thing) (I couldn't go cuz I have a cold sore *SICK* I play trumpet, only girl in my section of seven, kinda sucks), my mom was teaching a German class, and tonight we have German people coming over to sing (and eat of course.) So, I HOPE I can go tomorrow. *SUNSMILE*

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Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Well, they don't move very much. But there's a definite difference in size between the older two and the new guy. So I assume they must be eating something! Occasionally, they'll swim around and then sit there again for a while. Maybe that's when they eat.
Well, for a while they'll still be attached to their yolk sac and will be feeding off that. Can you tell if any of them have yolk sacs attached? Do the older ones?

This is pretty cool. :cool: