Shipped fish?


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
And BTW...I paid $19.99 each for my two apistos when I bought them at the lfs, so $24 a pair for those fish is not that bad.
Ok Alter I said I was done but I lied I just cant drop it just yet.

What does this have to do with anything. Alter paid the agreed price of $24. aftre the original shipping he paid $ he is paying another $10. I believe that if your fish would have died within 2 days (typical guarantee being 14 days in my experience) you probably would have taken then back and either got a refund or gotten replacements and would have expected your replacements/refund immediately. The only guarantee Alter got was that if he paid shipping he would get replacements if he paid the shipping. Not to mention that I believe alter stated the shipping price on the box was $21. I realize the packaging costs money..but we call those the cost of doing business. Again he has now paid 3 times as much as your 19.99 and still doesnt have his fish. Its winter if weather is a concern dont ship this time of year or ship next day air, Why does Alter have to email him and find out the status of shipping, he should be emailing Alter atleast once a week giving him an update. But again I guess I just expect when someone takes my money they give me good customer service....

I have read many complaints posted about this seller (do a google search)and they all state the same thing, their fish arrived dead and they had a heck of a time getting replacements/support.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I agree with Lotus, you are lucky he is giving you a refund at all being that the fish sat in the bag for an extra couple of hours after they were delivered. Most sellers require a DOA picture within an hour of delivery.
after rereading this I was more aggrevated....How in the Heck is he about he gives a guarantee in writing on his price list, thats not lucky thats a CONTRACT which he accepted as soon as he ran Alter's CC. I'm not trying to attack you or your views personally MO but give me a break..your basically saying that after spending $54 he should be kissing this guys butt for keeping up his own terms...which he has yet to fullfill!!! I already told Alter what I would have done had it been me. I would have disputed the charges from the beginning, and went somewhere else. Oh and I have been in managment when a customer has disputed a CC charge and believe me when charges are disputed its alot more hassle to get payment because the burden of proof lies on the seller to prove the charges are fair and in keeping with an agreement and the CC company will not allow payment until the customer agrees on the decision.

Lotus I agree with you for not shipping this time of year from your view point, and like you said thats why you keep your day job, but if your going to ship live animals that depend on heat to survive this time of year #1 next day air is a must #2 insurance is a must #3 If you can not ship notify the's your responsibility as a small business operator/owner to keep your customer informed on a product they have already paid for.

I am not trying to uppset anyone here but whats fair is fair...the excuse was because of the HOLIDAY not because of the weather.

Please some one explain to me how this is normal in this hobby.

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Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
I agree with everything you are saying Brian. From a business standpoint it is clear that "apistodave" is way out of the loop. There are a few things that small business should be able to provide, one of which is customer service, and within this I believe that communication is key. People support small business often for the simple reason of easy and open communication.

I know I hate it when I am trying to buy something on Ebay and I have to keep contacting the person for obvious information such as when the item was shipped, when it is expected to arrive, etc.

Not that I was going to buy fish online in the first place, as I have plenty of buddies that have worked for Fedex, UPS, and USPS and know what those boxes go through, but this certainly quelled any interest I might have ever had.


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
As a sidenote, I don't buy this argument that it is Erics fault because he left them at home for a few hours. If a few hours was the difference between life and death of a fish shipped over a period of a few days, that doesn't make any sense.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I've worked with shipping companies for YEARS and I tell you, I would rather give a five year old a fish in a ziplock bag and ask them to run it across town to some one then give it to most (not all but most) shipping companies.

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
I think that tabmorte is right. Some of those shipping com. throw, drop, and for all we know, half crush them. Who knows if this dave guy sent them out in a healthy state. However, I feel that dave should give him full a refund or a least give him the fish at half price and pay the shipping costs.

Very well said, Tabmorte.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
This is not the first time I've heard of this exact situation with apistodave. Apparently, you hope and pray your fish arrive alive or it's going to cost you time and money, not to mention the frustration involved. I don't much care for this kind of 'policy' myself.

I've shipped a lot of plants myself, and while they're not fish, I did garauntee them 100%. In the very few cases where shipping was at fault, I paid the second round of shipping myself. I've also shipped plants in the middle of winter to the NE states with temps in the negatives & no heat pack with great success. This tells me that the shipping isn't as likely to be suspect as you might think. Furthermore, I tend to question why someone cares to sell fish at minimal profit (if any at all). Shipping in an of itself is a royal pita. IMO, there's way too much risk involved unless you've got the prices jacked up like LiveAquaria so as to be able to afford great customer service. Also take for example the handful of private discus will cost you huge amounts of money and the rigid following of a set of rules set forth by them to complete the transaction...but in the end you get your live fish when they say you're going to get them.

Just my 2 cents.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
This is not the first time I've heard of this exact situation with apistodave. Apparently, you hope and pray your fish arrive alive or it's going to cost you time and money, not to mention the frustration involved. I don't much care for this kind of 'policy' myself.

I've shipped a lot of plants myself, and while they're not fish, I did garauntee them 100%. In the very few cases where shipping was at fault, I paid the second round of shipping myself. I've also shipped plants in the middle of winter to the NE states with temps in the negatives & no heat pack with great success. This tells me that the shipping isn't as likely to be suspect as you might think. Furthermore, I tend to question why someone cares to sell fish at minimal profit (if any at all). Shipping in an of itself is a royal pita. IMO, there's way too much risk involved unless you've got the prices jacked up like LiveAquaria so as to be able to afford great customer service. Also take for example the handful of private discus will cost you huge amounts of money and the rigid following of a set of rules set forth by them to complete the transaction...but in the end you get your live fish when they say you're going to get them.

Just my 2 cents.

right on the money! *celebrate


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Bottom line is that it clearly states in ApistoDaves auctions that YOU will pay shipping if the fish are DOA. And he did give Alter a break on that policy by only charging $10 to ship the fish, when it will cost him more than that. If you don't agree with paying the shipping, then don't buy fish from him. IME though, most sellers have that same policy. Whether they enforce it or not is up to them.

And I googled ApistoDave, and I read two pages of negative rewiews but they were all from the same person who posted on different websites. On Aquabid, he has 759 positive feedback compared to 4 negatives, 2 of which were from the same person.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
that is not what is it states guarenteed live arrival if you pay shipping.. doesnt state pay for shipping replacements, i assumed i paid full shipping for my first order because if you read his negative feedback you will have seen a customer that didnt pay the shipping on his first set of fish so the seller wouldnt send any replacements even if he paid shipping. i know what it states i have the email from where i purchased fish from him myself. Now the fact isnt that he is paying shipping its that you seem to think havng to wait for 4 weeks for these fish is acceptable, and the other poor service that alter has recieved in this fiasco.

Heres an idea buy from him see how you feel after paying $69 for a product and not recieve it in the condition it should be.


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
I see both points of view on this one. Yes, Dave states that shipping will have to be paid again. So, there is no problem with that. However, It appears to me, that he has shipped fish to almost 800 people. You would think that after that much experience, he would know how to keep those fish alive, no matter what.

I can also understand how Eric is very annoyed because he's pushing a month since her ordered those fish, and he still has yet to get some live ones.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
Here my final post (well for now) to this thread..

The point we are making MO is that he isnt telling Alter when his fish are coming and every week there is a new excuse. This is the seller responsibility to keep his customers informed.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I understand that, but I think that you guys are making WAY too big of a deal about it. He has emailed alter about it, first on the 13th telling him that he wasn't going to ship them that week because of the weather, and 2nd on the 18th telling him that he wasn't going to ship them due to the holiday. That has only been two weeks, so I don't think that he is being unreasonable. I think he is being safe because he has already lost two fish, so he doesn't want to risk losing any more when he can just wait a couple of weeks.


Superstar Fish
Nov 26, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well I have kinda been staying out of this because I don't really know what to say or where I stand on this stuff, however I do want to mention that I am a bit annoyed because of how long its been as d3sc3n7 said and one of the main problems I have with the whole situation is the lack of communications with apistodave. I never would have received the emails the past couple of weeks about my fish if I hadn't emailed him to find out what in the world was going on. I didn't hear anything a couple of weeks ago and when Tuesday came around and I still didn't hear anything I emailed him and just got and the email I got said nothing other then "next week Eric". This week I waited through most of Monday to see if he emailed me and when he didn't I emailed him to ask him what was going on and he said due to the holiday he wasn't sending them out. I don't feel like I would have ever heard anything from him if I waited for him to email me. His lack of communication has been extremely poor with me.


Superstar Fish
Jan 16, 2008
Well I have kinda been staying out of this because I don't really know what to say or where I stand on this stuff, however I do want to mention that I am a bit annoyed because of how long its been as d3sc3n7 said and one of the main problems I have with the whole situation is the lack of communications with apistodave. I never would have received the emails the past couple of weeks about my fish if I hadn't emailed him to find out what in the world was going on. I didn't hear anything a couple of weeks ago and when Tuesday came around and I still didn't hear anything I emailed him and just got and the email I got said nothing other then "next week Eric". This week I waited through most of Monday to see if he emailed me and when he didn't I emailed him to ask him what was going on and he said due to the holiday he wasn't sending them out. I don't feel like I would have ever heard anything from him if I waited for him to email me. His lack of communication has been extremely poor with me.
I will throw this in there and be done also.. alter you made my point from a few days ago.. apistodave recieved your money on multiple occasions and you have no fish yet.. blah blah blah for whatever reason eric doesn't have them. simple fact is that he paid the money, and is getting horrible service. he should be contacting eric instead of viceversa. Like I said before.. once they have your money.. they don't have to try anymore to get your business. IMO.. that is total lazy ass BS!