Oto fry!


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
115 this morning! :p

My plan is to do a vacuum again on saturday although I don't need to, but that means I'll find more fry! They're everywhere. It's amazing how many fry she's had so far...I'd guess over 300!
You are going to be in trouble!!! :eek: What are you going to do with them?? Another 55?? LOL*SUPERSMIL

You are going to be in trouble!!! :eek: What are you going to do with them?? Another 55?? LOL*SUPERSMIL
I figured most of them would die anyway like with the cories. :( I doubt many will survive because they are so sensitive. But if I do end up with 120 (as of this morning!) adult otos...then...uh...anybody want some? :eek: I'll probably keep a couple and give the rest to Petco for free or maybe Pets Inc. if they pay me for them.

There's no way I can get any more tanks in my room. They take up about half my room right now anyway. I have the smallest room in the house and decided to go get addicted to the most room consuming hobby! :p Not to mention, my mom would probably murder me...:eek:

Since I would prefer to remain anonymous...as in nobody knows where I live...:p...don't get too excited. :) Plus, since otos are such fragile fish, I'm not sure how well they'd ship either.

Edit: I've only had two deaths so far that must have occurred last night. I'm keeping them in a little container in case they wake up again; they tend to trick me into thinking they're dead...a lot!


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
MY Goodness! That is a big haul.

You could post a note on craigslist asking if there are any fish clubs or societies. If you get a reply, check them out. Someone there will want them or want to trade for them.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If some are surviving, then there's a chance they'll survive without the filter.

Are you doing water changes with water from the parents' tank? Daily changes (I use a turkey baster to change water in really small tanks) will help.

If you have an airpump/airstone, you can add that to their tank, too. If you have any live plants, throw some in there with the fry. There are lots of microorganisms on plants. I've also read that a snail or two can help, as they produce somthing on their shells that fry can eat.

Are you doing water changes with water from the parents' tank?

If you have an airpump/airstone, you can add that to their tank, too. If you have any live plants, throw some in there with the fry. There are lots of microorganisms on plants.
I was thinking about the airstone, but the tubing isn't long enough to reach it...maybe I can figure out something else. I have some plants, so I might throw one in there.

I've also read that a snail or two can help, as they produce somthing on their shells that fry can eat.
Then I will go snail hunting tonight! I only have ramshorns though...

I put a small plant in their bowl and some of them are sitting on it. My casualties have decreased; only lost about three since the last post. I haven't put snails in yet because there are still some unhatched eggs and I don't know if they'll eat them. I'd post a pic but photobucket won't let me upload stuff since yesterday. :(