*cough*get cichlids*cough*
Angels and rams are cichlids aren't they? If so, I've got that covered.
I'm not entirely sure how to stock this one though, I only want to stock it with my current fish, and then add more fish after the semester is over if there's room. (I'd like to understock and overfilter this one
Current Stocks:
20 Gallon:
3 Koi Angels (very young and small, but still... grossly overstocked, 1 of the original 4 got itself tangled in the roots of the massive amounts of java fern I put in there while I keep waiting for the stand for my 29 gallon to come in, and it died last night
1 Bolivian Ram
10 Otos
Some ghost shrimp
15 Gallon:
Bunch of Cherry Shrimp, and 2 Amano (and some planaria, daphnia, and stupid hydras)
10 Gallon:
1 pair GBR's
5 Mystery Snails
5 Gallon: (another grossly overstocked one b/c my stupid 29 gallon stand still hasn't come in!
1 Crowntail Betta
1 Female Guppy
3 Pygmy Cory
2 Peppered Cory
The 20 gallon tank is going to be a shrimp only, so that one's spoken for.
Here's what I'm thinking for the 100:
3 Angels
1 Bolivian Ram
2 Peppered Cory (I'll be increasing their school up to 6)
10 Oto's
Maybe the guppy too... she's a feeder that hitch-hiked in with some ghost shrimp as a fry many months ago.
Then the 29:
1 Crowntail Betta
3 Pygmy Cory
1 Pair GBR
That about covers it, I think... The ghosties I'll put into the 100 gallon, maybe they'll become Angel-snacks later down the road, once my angels mature.
The 15, 10, and 5 gallons will all be going into storage. I want to keep the 15 at least, so that I could possibly use it as a sump for my 100gl, since it's tall.
Gee.... Just think of how much java moss I'm going to need to carpet that 100 gallon. haha! I've already got a bunch of small flat stones with java moss attached using some mesh - enough to cover a 10 gallon tank. I've got a ton in my 15 gallon too. Certainly not enough to "carpet" a 100 gallon though. This'll be super-low light, I think .5 WPG at best, so I'm going to stick to just the java moss in this tank. I'm excited.
I've gotta go keep studying my butt off if I want this tank though, It's only on the condition that I do very well on my Physics test tomorrow... Although I'd probably still buy it otherwise.