So I set up my 2nd canister, I placed it in the same way as the last schematic, minus the powerhead. Both canisters provide plenty of flow now! The 2nd canister tipped over the tree-like DW.
I got a bunch of manzanita DW now, so I'm going to go with the branchy look instead. Something like this:
Rather than have java fern in the middle like in this one though, I was thinking of mixing it up between the ludwigia, and maybe the sunset hygro, or another type of red plant and give it a bushy appearance. I can't decide whether or not to put java moss on the DW. Right now I've got the manzanita soaking in the 15g, I knew it would still have some use for a bit longer *crazysmil
Since most of the plants will be toward the center, I'm just going to go with a 48" light fixture -
this one, from aquarium guys - it's on sale, and I've got the special MFT discount code that will essentially cover the state taxes
I had gotten some blyxa japonica from another member of
The Planted Tank - Articles, Forums, Pictures, Links, and he sent a huge portion of it! I was able to cover 1/4 of the 20 gallon, and then the rest I had to put in here, and it made a nice foregroundy bush.
Hopefully it can survive on .8wpg until I upgrade my lights in a couple of weeks.
I'm going to get rid of my microsword and dwarf sag, and maybe a small amazon sword, if someone here wants it, let me know. If I don't use the java moss in the tree-like DW on the new manzanita dw, I'll have a lot of that to get rid of too.
Oh, I also got 20 Lemon Tetra for the tank. I really wanted the rummynose, but I didn't want to dish out $60 for that many, not yet anyway. Maybe several years from now, when I get more big tanks, I'll have a tank with a HUGE school of rummies!
So that is all I've got to report for now (well, that's all I can remember in my semi-drugged state). I came down with a cold today, and I'm feeling pretty crudtacular. I think the NyQuil I took a while ago is finally kicking in.
I'll try to take a FTS of the tank in its current state tomorrow.