Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I need some help with flow. Obviously the 1 canister filter I have isn't enough for flow. I drew up some possible schematics, but I'm not too sure which to go with. I'm definitely getting another canister filter, and then powerheads if necessary.

This is currently what it is. The right side is obviously not getting enough flow.

The next series of diagrams are possibilities, but I don't know which to go with... suggestions?

I kinda like the middle one b/c it looks like it would simulate a river flow.


Jun 21, 2008
I have no scientific basis for this, but the only thought I had was that if you have any fish that don't like a lot of flow, with the bottom configuration they could hang out in the middle and not be swept away. But, if you have all current loving fish, then I'm with you, the middle one does seem like it would best simulate a river. Just my two cents.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Well, my angels don't like too much flow, but I can easily lower the rapid flow to something more acceptable by adding some extra filter media inside the canisters.

I'm going to try the middle one. I got my 2nd canister filter today, but I won't get to set it up till tomorrow after work - I've gotta go to school for some meeting later tonight.

There's going to be a rescape within the next month or two. My tree-like driftwood will be pulled out. I'll save it for a future 100+ gallon tank :D


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
So I set up my 2nd canister, I placed it in the same way as the last schematic, minus the powerhead. Both canisters provide plenty of flow now! The 2nd canister tipped over the tree-like DW.

I got a bunch of manzanita DW now, so I'm going to go with the branchy look instead. Something like this:

Rather than have java fern in the middle like in this one though, I was thinking of mixing it up between the ludwigia, and maybe the sunset hygro, or another type of red plant and give it a bushy appearance. I can't decide whether or not to put java moss on the DW. Right now I've got the manzanita soaking in the 15g, I knew it would still have some use for a bit longer *crazysmil

Since most of the plants will be toward the center, I'm just going to go with a 48" light fixture - this one, from aquarium guys - it's on sale, and I've got the special MFT discount code that will essentially cover the state taxes :D

I had gotten some blyxa japonica from another member of The Planted Tank - Articles, Forums, Pictures, Links, and he sent a huge portion of it! I was able to cover 1/4 of the 20 gallon, and then the rest I had to put in here, and it made a nice foregroundy bush. :) Hopefully it can survive on .8wpg until I upgrade my lights in a couple of weeks.

I'm going to get rid of my microsword and dwarf sag, and maybe a small amazon sword, if someone here wants it, let me know. If I don't use the java moss in the tree-like DW on the new manzanita dw, I'll have a lot of that to get rid of too.

Oh, I also got 20 Lemon Tetra for the tank. I really wanted the rummynose, but I didn't want to dish out $60 for that many, not yet anyway. Maybe several years from now, when I get more big tanks, I'll have a tank with a HUGE school of rummies! :D

So that is all I've got to report for now (well, that's all I can remember in my semi-drugged state). I came down with a cold today, and I'm feeling pretty crudtacular. I think the NyQuil I took a while ago is finally kicking in.

I'll try to take a FTS of the tank in its current state tomorrow.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Thanks! :D

Those are some lemon tetra. They don't quite shoal like they originally did last week :(
Those are bolivian rams you see up front too, good eye :)

Current list of fauna:
1 breeding pair GBR (woo hoo!)
2 bolivian rams
6 angelfish
20 lemon tetra
? otocinclus (originally had 10, but lately I've seen 2 or 3 pop out at night only.)

Current list of flora
Hygrophila corymbosa augustifolia (willow hygro?) [sending some cuttings to another MFT member :), it's growing quite well ATM with low light and no CO2, I can only imagine how its growth will explode once the upgrade is complete]
Hygrophila polysperma rosanervig (sunset hygro) [sending to another MFT member, another weed]
Ludwigia repens [sending some cuttings to another MFT member]
Sagittaria subulata (dwarf sag) [sending to another MFT member]
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (?) (microsword) [sending to another MFT member]
Taxiphyllum barbieri (java moss) [sending to another MFT member]
Blyxa japonica
Spirodela polyrhiza (giant duckweed)
Salvinia minima (?) (giant salvinia)
Echinodorus amazonicus (Amazon sword, it's still a baby) [sending to another MFT member]

So to the MFT member who knows they're getting some plants from me, up there is a list of what you'll be getting, plus some java ferns. :)

Sep 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
Thanks! :D

Those are some lemon tetra. They don't quite shoal like they originally did last week :(
Those are bolivian rams you see up front too, good eye :)

Current list of fauna:
1 breeding pair GBR (woo hoo!)
2 bolivian rams
6 angelfish
20 lemon tetra
? otocinclus (originally had 10, but lately I've seen 2 or 3 pop out at night only.)/SIZE][/FONT]
hehe my Oto's are great at hiding...


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Sneak peak, I'm not entirely done with it - I've gotta go hit up some LFS's tomorrow for more plants. Then I've gotta fill it up with more water!

I found out after removing all the plants and dw and rock that I only have 3 otos out of the original 10 :(



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Sorry to hear that. Still love the DW!
That's a shame about the otos. But wow, again, what a tank lol. The DW looks awesome.
Beautiful...love the driftwood!*thumbsup2
Awesome tank! *thumbsups
Thank you! :D

You should put some willow moss on the DW for a weeping willow effect.
I thought about that, but it won't go well with what I'm trying to do. I wanted to have a bushy center mass, with the DW poking out of it. I'm saving that idea for another tank in the very distant future (I'm thinking of buying myself a graduation present in 2 years :D, and then another one for graduating from grad school)