How about columnbian tetras or Red Minors.
Columbians were originally in my top 5, but I think I took them out because I read they were slightly aggressive - I've gotta look into that again. I kinda considered the Serpae Tetras, but I already have red fish (my betta... and also the cherry shrimp), so I put them at the very bottom of my list, and eventually took them out - I'm not sure I've seen these at any of my LFS either.
I consulted the chief (my dad), and he said he likes the rummynose better (although he really kept emphasizing getting a shark, pft, yeah right!). So I'm going to get a school of 15-20. I then realized that my 29 gallon will only have a betta and 2 pygmy cories... so I could put a school of Lemons in there!
Hahaha. That's great. They have a high school for law enforcement and criminal justice? Houston also has the high school for performing and visual arts, why wasn't I there during high school? Oh, well, I really don't enjoy the city, but it's clearly working out for you. Don't take this the wrong way, but I miss having an actual significant part of the population being Hispanic. Since I moved to Ohio, and now Kansas, it's just not the same. No good Mexican food either. Ahh, Mexican food, how I miss you. Anyway, have fun with your new tank. I personally go for variety, so I think that two smaller schools would be cool, but it's obviously up to you. And I agree, scholarships and stuff are awesome.
They sure do have a school for LECJ - I believe there's also one in NY. My older brother actually applied to go to HSPVA. I was secretly hoping he wouldn't get in, b/c I seriously didn't want to go to that school (I was going to have to go to the same school as him to make my dad's life easier). If my brother would've gotten in, I could've gotten in too - we got "artistic" skills from our mother. Since he didn't get in though, he went to the law enforcement school, and I followed the year after. I hated the school originally, but things worked out great for me in the end.
So, I apparently deleted the photos I took of the tank yesterday in my sleepy stupor. I'll take more on Thursday afternoon, I won't be getting home till after 10pm today and tomorrow due to class. I easily got over $50 worth of plants yesterday for only $24 - so I'd like to thank the dude at the FS for the freebies. Along with all the plants I already have, that covered a little over 1/3, maybe 1/2 of the tank. I'm going to upgrade my lighting, but I can't quite decide what to get.
I'm thinking either one of these:
60" Orbit SunPaq
or two of these:
30" Satellite 1x65W SunPaq w/Lunar Light (Current)
1.3 wpg vs. 2.6 wpg. I don't want to go high-tech, not until after college... but it'll depend on what I hear from the plant experts.
These are the plants I currently have in the tank, I want to know if they'll do fine in 1.3 wpg without ferts and co2, or if I should just get the 2.6 wpg with co2 and ferts (I have lots of dry ferts available that I use for my high-tech 20gl).
Hygrophila Augustifolia
Ludwigia Repens
Anubias Barterii v. Nana
Anubias Nana Petite
Valisneria Americana? (Jungle Val? Not too sure which one, but it's the big one)
Java Moss
Dwarf Saggitaria
I wanted to add some other type of stem plants, but I'll wait to hear some feedback on how to improve what I currently have.