My 90


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Tank recently is getting coraline type algae on the glass but it's a rust color. Very tough to get off I had to scrape all the glass by hand yesterday with a razor blade. It's not a film algae but starts are small dots like coraline would. An abrasive scraper won't take it off.

The acro though not a great color was only $10 when I was buying the tang. It looks healthy and is big so I couldn't resist.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Reef collapsed on me while cleaning last week. Built it back up but didn't like how it turned out. Went to the fish store today and came home with a purple leather (sinularia I think) some yellow and button polyps on a rock, and some daisy polyps (for the wife I wouldn't have bought them as I already have gsp). Rebuilt the reef again today and it looks much better. Will post some pics in a day or two.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Looks really good!!

Is that your refugium in the back of the tank (separate box in the upper half on the right side)?
Yeah that's a CPR SITR refug. Was an impulse buy someone was selling it for $25 near me on craigslist with a full pod population and chaeto in it. Figured I'd put it in my sump which I never finished so now it sits in the tank. Chaeto grows like crazy in it and you can see tons of pods swimming around and building tunnels in it.

As for the purple leather I read that too about it being very toxic to hard corals. It's off by itself near the bottom of the tank.

Jim those pink white palys I got from you continue to grow rapidly. I'd say there's close to a hundred polyps that started off as about 8-10 5 weeks ago. The tie dyed ones have gone from 2 originally to 6 now as well. About 2 new ones every couple weeks.

Purple coraline is starting to grow on the power heads, glass, and rock now as well.

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