My 90


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Glad you guys like those palys! You should both post pics of them so i can see what the look like under different lights! Told ya they grew fast lol


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
New pics, left side of the tank has old Hamilton 10K light on it, one of the 20ks just quit working on me and I'm waiting for the replacement.

Rearranged reef after collapse I like this set up the best now

Yellow tang doing great

New purple sinularia

New daisy polyps I like them better now they are in the tank

Here they are next to the mass of pink white palys

Yellow polyps, rock had some orange button polyps on it too couldn't resist


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
New sinularia just fell to pieces pretty much. Not sure why but it fell off the rock into small pieces. There's one tiny patch of it left on the rock. Hopefully it grows out of that.

Last night though the halides were off, just the VHOs on and the coral banded shrimp was wondering around out in the open. Several times my yellow tang came up for a cleaning like in this video:

YouTube - Coral Banded Shrimp Cleaning Yellow Tang by ReefScavengers

That was cool have never seen that happen before.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I dropped my camera in the sand last time I was at the dunes (actually it fell out of my pocket and I back tracked through miles of sand and actually found it so I could save the 8 gig SDHC card heh). After spraying some lube in it I got it to turn on snap these pics hehe. I recently gave away about 25 stalks of pulsating xenia weed to try and keep it under control. I received a couple nice big striped mushrooms in trade though. My VHOs burned out so this is lit just by the halides. Few more days waiting for new 48" 50/50 VHOs I couldn't find any locally.

Picked up this nice cheap rock full of unique looking zoa on it yesterday. They are still opening. Love the bright orange skirt (some have bright green instead) with the blue middle and beige mouth.

Lotsa Zoa. Jim you're going to be in luck to get some of the tie dyed looking zoa and Bam Bams back they are growing. Tie Dyes have went from the original 2 to 7 now. Bam Bams I have fragged to another rock in the tank and they are starting to grow on that one too. You can't see it but there's a small frag in the middle that had the Eagle Eyes on it that melted away. Well the other day I noticed an open Eagle Eye on that piece of rock sitting in the sand. It's starting to open up so I hope it grows and spreads. You can see the Idaho Grape there too finally purpled up again and is now firmly attached to that rock and growing a lot.
RDE are awesome looking and firmly spreading on this rock:

The start of a mushroom area of the tank. The orange blue rics fell face first into the sand for a day and are stay po'ed about it and aren't opened fully right now hehe. The green purple rics are still multiplying, there's a few of them growing in other parts of the tanks too.

The orange eye enchino chalice. Still growing but looks about the same. I'm thinking of trading it.

The ever growing pink and white palys. Who knows how many there are on this rock more then 100 and I started with about 7 on there a few months ago.

The algae eating machine



Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Good weekend

New additions. I informed my wife she was buying some coral for me for valentine's day hehe. Then I traded the chalice for an 8 head red acan lord and a frag of Gomezi Blue Acropora. Actually was able to sell some Xenia too this weekend after giving away about 25 stalks of it. Back down to a few stalks until it goes crazy again. New 50/50 VHOs show up tomorrow so I can finally get the tank back to it's normal brightness.

Acan lord and some new candy canes after my other two nice big ones fell on my chalice and got nuked:

Better shot of new zoos love the color on these guys:

Bright pink mushrooms:

Kenya tree:

The blue gomezi acropora. Surrounded by all of Zoalover's old zoa.

GSP that really isn't growing for me for some reason.

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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Added a new fish yesterday. A red spotted sand perch. Really cool fish, looks like a lizard with it's independent eye movement.

Going to the frag meet tomorrow and buying a lot of sps frags. Will have a green slimer, ora scripps pink mille, sunset mille, 2 tricolor acro, brown white stag acro. Also a couple mushrooms, neon green galaxea frag. Got the reef rearranged to put all the SPS up under the halides. Pics next week when I get a new digi camera.

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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
FRAG meeting buys

Good first trip to our local reef club FRAG. Came home with 11 corals and am going into SPS now. Well see how they do, can't wait for them to color up more under my halides as most of them came out of a PC tank.

All my new SPS

Yellow and green millepora:

ORA Scripps Pink millepora

Green slimer

Tricolor acro

Anthelia - free frag and I bet regret putting in my tank

Two new mushrooms a yellow/blue ric and a splotchy green guy

Pink mouth purple middle green skirt zoa

Neon green galaxea


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
Awsome to see progression shots! That purple cap looks huge! Your tank is filling up nicely! Can't wait for warmer weather so you can ship me some of those zoas back! In a few weeks I should have about 10 polyps of Mohawks! I can't wait..


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Awsome to see progression shots! That purple cap looks huge! Your tank is filling up nicely! Can't wait for warmer weather so you can ship me some of those zoas back! In a few weeks I should have about 10 polyps of Mohawks! I can't wait..
I should be able to trade you back pretty much everything you sold me. The tie dyed looking ones are up to 10 of them now. The idaho grape is really starting to get big. The orange cap was smothered by xenia for a long time so it's about the same size. I'm getting hooked on SPS now. I guess my success with them will either keep me hooked or not heh. Next month is a coral auction here my main focus will be acan lords. Love the way they look.

Now that I'm hooked up for the local meetings there's a lot of high end zoa being sold if there's any particular ones you are looking for. I definitely want some Mohawks. Eagle Eyes must not be that prized anymore I was at a LFS yesterday and in their $2.99 section was a frag of 5 EE and a few other unique looking zoa. Had to pick that one up.