29 gallon reef project (Pics included)


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
I will be posting random pics for all to see and hopefully have an idea of the products I have selected, for their future projects. I will leave feedback and progress as I go along with each step in the saltwater process. Thanks for all of your help with this setup and I hope you all can enjoy this with me.

29 gallon Saltwater Reef Project


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
I decided after long discussions with my LFS, and a few people on this site to go with the CPR BAKPAK with Bio-Filter system. I picked this baby up at my LFS on sale for $129.99. I originally wanted to do a skimmer and a canister filter. So when I saw this skimmer and filter in one, I jumped on it. It comes with a Rio 600, a strong quiet pump, and can be upgraded. They tell me that it is good for up to 60 gallons, but the guy at my LFS said that he wouldn't use one in over 45 gallons, his opinion. I also picked up a Koralia pump that is rated at 400 g.p.h. and has the nice magnet system. This should provide me a nice flow in the tank. If I want more I will most likely add a small rio to the opposite side of the tank. But I think this will do the job nicely.

I've decided to go with the 30" SunPod MH lighting with the built in timer and lunar lights. I saw one on my local Craigslist for around $150, so I will try and get that one first, if not I will buy it from Marine Depot for $249.00.



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
from experience you should exchange that cpr bakpak for the reef ready model that does not contain the biobale. The biobale collects detritus and leads to increased nitrates which if you are planning a reef is a bad choice. Sorry to be negative on your purchases but I had this same skimmer on my 29g and even with modifications by adding an airstone to increase foam production it was still inadequate in my opinion. For the same price you paid I picked up an aqua remora c which far outpaces the cpr skimmer. The rio pumps are known to leak oil which can foul your tank, I would switch this with a maxijet and consider a maxijet for future upgrades for your flow.


New Fish
Jan 3, 2009
Louisville, KY
I came here today because my regular forum disappeared today. I need a place to hang out until things are resolved, or perhaps on a permanent basis. I had no intention of registering, but when I read this thread I had to express my opinion. Unfortunately I have no credibility established here, so I can only ask that you take these comments with sincerity.

Lorna is 100% correct. I will go a step further and question the quality and experience of the LFS employee. The marine reef hobby does not utilize biological filtration. There is no reason why this particular filter would be chosen for a reef environment. The accumulation of organic molecules within the filter media will cause a rise in Nitrates and Phosphate. Additionally the breakdown of these organics can create difficult in maintaining appropriate Alkalinity, Calcium, and Magnesium levels.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Ditto to what Lorna said. Not only can the rio's leak oil but I've heard about people actually getting a shock from them leaking voltage into the tank. And all that oil can really do a number on your livestock. That's the first thing I look for when I buy a pump. I'll only get epoxy potted or external motors.

You could mod the thing left right and center but why? All it means is buying more stuff and having to fiddle with it. That said though I personally like air driven skimmers... This one just doesn't have the contact time for the mod to be worth while IMO...

I've never actually seen a properly operateing remora/urchin but lots of people seem to like them so sure take a look at them... if you can still return the back pac anyway. If you can't, we can start talking about a whole plethora of mods ;).



Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
I actually opened the skimmer now and saw that it is a Accela Pump and not a rio. So I guess thats one step better. But now I'm wondering if I should return it or not. I really trust my LFS considering they have been in business for so long. And the guy I always go back and see is extremely knowledgeable about Saltwater tanks. They actually send everyone to him who has a question they cannot answer. I also have done some reading online and everyone gives this skimmer excellent ratings. I'm not trying to say that I don't trust you guys and gals, but I just don't know who to listen to about this. On one side I have one person telling me that they had bad luck with one, and on the other hand I have my LFS and other reviewers telling me they are amazing units. What should I do! AHHH!


New Fish
Jan 3, 2009
Louisville, KY
It isn't an issue of needing something better than the blue biomedia. It is a very good form of biomedia. The issue is that you do not want ANY form of biomedia in a reef. The unit itself is a great piece of equipment for a Fish Only aquarium. I have used it many times and actually own the larger double skimmer unit, but I would never use it on a reef. I wouldn't even think about it.

You do have a big advantage going for you. The skimmer itself is adequate for a 29 gallon reef. No problem in my opinion. So, you can remove the biomedia and just run the skimmer as is. I would personally replace the biomedia with some small pieces of live rock, just to help eliminate bubbles from entering the aquarium display.

I understand you trust your LFS guy. I am certain he intends well. However, I do not think you were clear with him that this is going to be a reef display. Or perhaps he has a lot of fish only experience, but is a little less experienced with how to properly design a reef aquarium. This is a HUGE issue. The negatives of biomedia in a reef will significantly hinder your chances for long term success.

The basics of your display should include a 4'' DSB, live rock, and a protein skimmer. The use of activated carbon is debatable depending on who you talk to, and the use of mechanical filtration should be completely avoided. These basic points are not up for question in "the hobby" as it exists today. All of the experts basically agree on these simple facts. A quick trip to your local library will verify this for you, provided you read anything dated after 1995. Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeck's 3 volume set would be a fabulous investment.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
thank you Pasfur for seconding my opinions. When I entered this hobby I did extensive research prior to purchasing any equipment. As I was setting up a 75g undrilled I needed a hob skimmer. I read every review I could find and decided on the Aqua Remora Pro powered by the mag 3 upgrade. The use of this skimmer made me a firm backer of this company. I have owned and used the pro, the regular remora (now on my 29g reef with a 1200 maxijet) and the urchin pro. Due to size I recently traded out my urchin in sump for a euro reef which I love. Before installing the regular hob remora on my 29 I had the bakpak rr without biobale that has the long return to reduce the micobubbles. Just removing the biobale will not help as the return to the tank opening is at the top and needs to be extended down in the chamber to remove any air bubbles. I found this skimmer lacking in producing good solid foam fractionation without using a supplemental airstone which helped immensely. I just think that for the money why not get a quality skimmer such as a remora (not recommended by most lfs as they don't stock them). I think if you were to take a poll on here on skimmers you would find that the remora is one of the top hob skimmers. I also question your lfs selling you fish only skimmer when he at the very least should have shown you the reef model cpr bakpak as he was aware you were intending on going with a reef. I find most lfs' intentions are good they just don't seem to keep up on the hobby as much as they should. Not all mind you but some. Their opinions are formed by their own experiences and remember their intention is to make a sale, our intentions are for you to be successful in this hobby. Here are a few reviews

Reef Aquarium Equipment Reviews - Remora

AquaC Nano Remora reviews - 3reef Forums


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2008
Ultimately, the choice is yours but I think between all our experiences and years of fish/reef keeping, we have tried most of the products on the market. We therefore only share our experiences and what we have learned.

On the other hand, this gentleman at the LFS may be knowledgeable but he is also there to sell you his products. We all have run into 'suspect' advice at the LFS and therefore need to do our research before buying a specific product.

I admit that I have been on the verge of purchasing a certain product and many of the reviews found on the internet were mixed. I know that a certain product cannot please everyone but some of those 'negative' reviews described some horrible flaws that ultimately pushed me away from the product.

Its all a weighing game of what happened if the 'negative review' happened to me.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
So if I throw the Biomedia away and add some nice rubble, this wouldn't help like the thread described above? Sorry about all the questions, I have never owned a skimmer and have only done freshwater minus my 12 gallon nano saltwater. I really don't consider the Nano's to be saltwater. They are just not built correctly to house the lighting and filtration needed to make a successful reef tank.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Well, you could take out the bio media and add a maxi-jet 1200. However, the reef model is designed slightly different. You will also probably have to constantly tweak the air intake to get it to skim right. I also used the reef skimmer on my 55 for a good 2 years then on my 65 for a few months. I switched to AquaC and I wish I would have done it sooner. I'd try for the remora as well.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
Ok so I picked up a 30" 150w MH light today off of a guy whom services tanks. It was about an hour drive, but I saved some serious dough. I paid $150 and the bulb is brand new. On the way back I took the advice of everyone on here and returned the CPR. I will be on the lookout for the Remora here in the next few days.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
Supra, if i were you i would look on craigslist for things you need. There arent any remoras[i just looked cause i need one too] right now but there are so many things sold on it up around you. Just type in aquarium and you get alot of stuff to come up


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2008
Oceanside, CA
Yeah I bought my 150 watt MH light off of a guy from Craigslist.org. Love the site. I will check out ebay and the others for the skimmer. Anyone ever bought live rock from LiveAquaria.com? Its pretty cheap. $89.00 for 45lbs. of Fiji rock. Shipping is around $35.00. Thats pretty cheap. Any thoughts?