In my absence this summer, the tank grew wild, algae was everywhere, and some plants didn't fare so well. I threw away a lot of ratty plants and relocated some for the mean time. The plants I have now are E. Tennellus micro, Blyxa, Pogostemon, all of the crypts, and a small surviving piece of Hygro Augustifolia, which I hope makes a very quick comeback.
My CO2 canister finally ran out of juice, and I had a bad outbreak of BBA. I'm doing some Excel 'overdosing' and stole the CO2 canister from my 29g tank (which I'll be cleaning out/moderately rescaping later anyway) and cranked it up. I'm hoping the BBA is gone in a matter of days.
I also cleaned out the canister filters because there was barely any water flow. They were both ridiculously dirty and clogged.
Because my light strip is shorter than the tank, I rescaped the tank so that I'd have stem plants directly under the lighting.
I'm pleased with this new scape, it's very 'open'. Picture will come on the weekend, I just moved to a new department at work, and it's the first week of classes, so I anticipate I'll be a bit busy during the week.
That I can see, there were no fish casualties. All the cherry shrimp became fish food though, and possibly the Amano shrimp as well. With the scape I now have, I doubt that they'd provide enough cover for me to replace the Amano, so I'll probably get some Olive Nerites. They put quite a dent on most algaes in my 29g tank. Since I'm incredibly broke though, I'll have to wait a while before getting a batch.
I didn't want to come back home after spending 5 weeks in the mountains (where it was cold and dry as opposed to humid and ridiculously hot like it is in Houston!), but now that I am here, I'm glad to be back, tinkering with my tanks.