Emmanuel's 100g Tank


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Send it to me! I have 3.75watts per gallon. *twirlysmi
Sure! I'm going to be pulling most of it out next weekend, as it will be my last weekend in town.
I can tell you this plant LOVES Fe dosing. I have to double dose to get its bright red color.
PM me your address, I'll be shipping it out next Monday. :)

In place of the L. Glandulosa, I think I'm going to add some Rotala Colorata from my 29g. It's really thriving in there. it has nice pink tops, has more than quadrupled in quantity since I got it, and pearls all the time! I don't expect it'll do the same in the 100g, since it'll be losing a ton of light, but it's still a quick grower.

I'm going to go to Best Buy tomorrow to buy a couple of CPU fans so I can finally try cooling this monster down! Luckily, I don't have to buy any 12v adapters (like in the link you gave me Orange :D), since I have a couple of filters that gave up on me with just the right voltage!

I'm hoping that two fans will bring down my temps to at least 79 degrees. The mid-80 temps have some of my plants just looking MISERABLE! Particularly the stargrass! The Echinodorus Tennelus micros is one of the plants that actually seems to be thriving. It has sent a bunch of runners already and has a nice pink to it. I'm expecting to have a full foreground covered with it by the time I get back in town.

Feb 27, 2009
PM me your address, I'll be shipping it out next Monday. :)

I'm going to go to Best Buy tomorrow to buy a couple of CPU fans so I can finally try cooling this monster down! Luckily, I don't have to buy any 12v adapters (like in the link you gave me Orange :D), since I have a couple of filters that gave up on me with just the right voltage!
I like that link since it shows step-by-step directions with good photos.

I'm hoping that two fans will bring down my temps to at least 79 degrees.
I had 2 onna 55gallon and 3 onna 110gallon. Before I used the fans, temp was 85-86. With the fans, I was able to get 77-79. Just make sure you have someone topping off regularly due to the evaporation.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Woo! I added one fan last night and the temperature was 79.5 this morning. (Well, one thermometer read 81 and the other one read 78, so I took the average). Evap was more rapid than I thought it would be, I'd say at least about 1mm lost overnight, which isn't that bad, I think. I'm trying to decide if I should add the second fan or not. I'll decide by the time I get home and see what the temp reads at with the lights on.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I think one fan may do the trick. Even with the lights on for several hours, my tank only had a high of 80.

I think the fan may be blowing dust into my tank though. There is a film of white "junk" on my water, and when I mess with it, it clumps together and sinks into the aquarium. : /


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
I think one fan may do the trick. Even with the lights on for several hours, my tank only had a high of 80.

I think the fan may be blowing dust into my tank though. There is a film of white "junk" on my water, and when I mess with it, it clumps together and sinks into the aquarium. : /
now that you mention it ,it would make sense about dust.
how are you trying to get it out ?
if its clumping together (thats good you can get it out) are you using net ?
and let us know about evaporation

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Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I'm just leaving the stuff in there for now... not really much I can do at this point, since I only have so much time left in town, and so much to do.

Evaporation hasn't been too bad, but it's only been two days. I haven't noticed any drastic evaporation.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Evaporation has not been that bad at all, and ONE fan is keeping the tank at an average temperature of 77-78. The stargrass has definitely gotten better. I'm going to try to take a picture of the tank before I leave for the summer so that I can post after the POTM contest is over. I have some critiques about my scape, but I won't go into them until June.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
So I didn't get the chance to take pictures, nor do very much with any of my tanks before leaving yesterday, I was ridiculously busy this week. I'm just (mildly) glad that I have a three day weekend to relax.... I am however in a city I've never been in before, where I don't know anyone. Maybe I'll go see a movie tonight, or tomorrow night... assuming I can find the theater without getting lost.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I haven't been around much, but I figured I'd use the last photograph I took of this behemoth before I left Htown now that the POTM contest for planted tanks is over.

I'm pretty sure it was easy for many to figure out which was my tank. I'd use my own picture instead of the POTM one, but I can't find it atm. I changed some of the plants around a bit since this picture. Who knows what it looks like now.

I spoke to my dad today, and he says he's been topping off the tank and adding the ferts daily, which is good. He says he never sees the lights come on during the day though, and that they probably come on at night. He hasn't seen the aquarium lights on at all since I left, but he says the fish seem fine when he feeds them. I figured he's probably right, or else the plants would've been dead and rotting by now, and the fish would be following suit. I told him to turn the dial on the timer tomorrow to make the lights come on earlier... and to make sure that the plants are still alive, in case they haven't been coming on.

Only four more weeks and I get to come back to my tanks!!! For a matter of a day or two... before I leave again :(



Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Man, oh man... where to start with this giant?

All fish were alive, for starters, which is great!
Sad news though, all of my Ludwigia Glandulosa melted away and disappeared. :(
Half of my Ludwigia Repens and my Cabomba melted away too, so I just pulled out what was there. I lost two of the leaves from my Crypt Rosanervig as well. It's a rare expensive plant, I really hope I don't lose it during this next trip. The one leave seemed to be doing well. Hopefully it starts giving me some runners and new leaves soon.

As for the other plants; the blyxa got bushier, the e. tennellus micro sent out a bunch of runners, as did the dwarf sag, the Rotala Colorata that I added before leaving more than doubled, as did the stargrass. I used the Colorata to fill in the spaces where my L. Glandulosa and L. Repens & Cabomba used to be. What was sucky though was that I got a bad case of black brush algae. I had to throw away a bunch of plants and brought in some from my 29g.

I upped the CO2 last night, which started to kill some of the BBA off, some of it was turning pink this morning already. I also did an overdose of Excel to help it kill off the rest quicker. I'll more than likely be doing another partial waterchange to help dilute some of the excess nutrients that caused my BBA. I'm going to leave more diluted mixtures of ferts for my dad to use

For those that I was supposed to send plants to once I got back home this week... I'll probably have to wait until I get back in August. I'm hoping I don't have as bad an algae outbreak as I did this time, since I'll be cutting back on the ferts.

Picture when I get home and find my camera, tonight.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
It grows pretty easily for me as well... but I had it in the corner of the tank, where it gets indirect light from my light fixture, since it's 6" short on each side. Combined with the shade caused by the overgrown rotala and stargrass, it was bound to start melting...

My plan was to start removing it slowly anyway, as my other plants grew in more.

Before leaving again on Friday morning, I'm going to have to make sure that every stem is only about 3-4" tall...


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
In my absence this summer, the tank grew wild, algae was everywhere, and some plants didn't fare so well. I threw away a lot of ratty plants and relocated some for the mean time. The plants I have now are E. Tennellus micro, Blyxa, Pogostemon, all of the crypts, and a small surviving piece of Hygro Augustifolia, which I hope makes a very quick comeback.

My CO2 canister finally ran out of juice, and I had a bad outbreak of BBA. I'm doing some Excel 'overdosing' and stole the CO2 canister from my 29g tank (which I'll be cleaning out/moderately rescaping later anyway) and cranked it up. I'm hoping the BBA is gone in a matter of days.

I also cleaned out the canister filters because there was barely any water flow. They were both ridiculously dirty and clogged.

Because my light strip is shorter than the tank, I rescaped the tank so that I'd have stem plants directly under the lighting.

I'm pleased with this new scape, it's very 'open'. Picture will come on the weekend, I just moved to a new department at work, and it's the first week of classes, so I anticipate I'll be a bit busy during the week.

That I can see, there were no fish casualties. All the cherry shrimp became fish food though, and possibly the Amano shrimp as well. With the scape I now have, I doubt that they'd provide enough cover for me to replace the Amano, so I'll probably get some Olive Nerites. They put quite a dent on most algaes in my 29g tank. Since I'm incredibly broke though, I'll have to wait a while before getting a batch.

I didn't want to come back home after spending 5 weeks in the mountains (where it was cold and dry as opposed to humid and ridiculously hot like it is in Houston!), but now that I am here, I'm glad to be back, tinkering with my tanks.