This is written in a rush because soon, I'll be going and have no WiFi (I'm on my Laptop)...but I'll type what I can.
I joined this forum in April 2008 and currently have 10 posts (including this one); SO I'd like to change that!
Here goes:
1 Male Paradise Fish
4 Tiger Barbs (bumping to 8 hopefully today)
3 Cherry Barbs (bumping to 4)
3 Rosey Barbs (bumping to 4)
7 cories
Snails, Shrimp and a TON of Live Plants
I'm hoping to add in a ton of minnows (danios and white clouds) and get a small school of Gold Barbs. Can you see the theme? This a cool water tank.
Divided 2.5gal:
2 Female Bettas, Snails, Shrimp and a TON of live plants!
Almost outta WiFi(2 bars; now one), outta time. TTYL
I joined this forum in April 2008 and currently have 10 posts (including this one); SO I'd like to change that!
Here goes:
1 Male Paradise Fish
4 Tiger Barbs (bumping to 8 hopefully today)
3 Cherry Barbs (bumping to 4)
3 Rosey Barbs (bumping to 4)
7 cories
Snails, Shrimp and a TON of Live Plants
I'm hoping to add in a ton of minnows (danios and white clouds) and get a small school of Gold Barbs. Can you see the theme? This a cool water tank.
Divided 2.5gal:
2 Female Bettas, Snails, Shrimp and a TON of live plants!
Almost outta WiFi(2 bars; now one), outta time. TTYL