my red bellys had a big fight help

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Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
and wat temp should he b at and wats this ive heard about addin salt any 1 help explain the salt thing


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Do not add salt. Keep with the melafix and keep water temps around 80 degrees. Keep the water clean and cycled with absolutely no ammonia.

It will probably take awhile for him to heal, take some more pictures of him (but don't stress him out), you want to make sure the wound isn't getting infected.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
u guys no wat every time i put a post on here i have done some thing wrong that all u guys ever say all i wanted to no is if i can help my sick fish out or if the best thing to do is to put him out of his misery i hate seein sufferin and i hate bein made out to be a moron as blue ram said and this site is supposed to b a good one i dont no
If you hate to see the fish suffering then either invest in the proper equipment to care for them or give them to someone who can care for them properly.

Nobody is trying to make you look bad and I apologize if my words were misinterpreted to be insulting.

Some people get a bit upset when they see any animal mistreated whether willful or through lack of knowledge. There are many people here with lots of knowledge willing to help you, but you have to stop being affronted when people tell you things you do not want to here.

I am sure everyone here, including myself, wants you to enjoy this hobby.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
his wound has like a fur growin im worried its the dead flesh rottin

That would be fungus. if it is fungus, Pimafix supposedly cures it and is compatible with melafix.

If you can find some Methylene Blue, it is an excellent antifungal to give the fish a short 20 minute bath in.

Just be careful and get a few more opinions because I have never used Methylene Blue on a fish with an open wound.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Ok, perhaps you aren't understanding. Your fish is gravely injured. You do not have time to waste in treating him as we're suggesting, he will die. If you aren't willing to put the time in immediately to stop the fungus infection, it may be more humane to put it out of its misery (check the link in my signature for some humane fish euthanasia methods). This is treat it IMMEDIATELY, not tomorrow or the next day, otherwise the infection/fungus will spread and eventually will become uncurable.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
Ok If you want the pirahna to live, your going to have to raise the tempeture to 84*. You should also be doseing methaline blue to kill off all fungal infections and to prevent. Your going to want to dose aquarium salt to build up a slime coat. Yes Missfishy I know you said not to but your going to want to do every step to stop further infection. I also recomend you dose a anti bacterial medication to prevent further infection. Do daily waterchanges and you should be able to heal that nasty wound.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
hi all (chunk lol my rbp) is gettin much better im really suprised 2 days ago he looked awful like hes was nearly dead but now the fur is going and his eye looks much better wen he gets better do you think i will be abl to rehabilatate him back with the other rbps i went out and brought 5 more so i can have a school of 7 i have 6 in a school now but if i can put chunk back with them ill have 7 thanks you guys and girls for all your info and help and sorry for being so ignorant thanks for all your time.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
Hmm. How big's your tank?
See here, and below for a potential answer...

do ya think i should keep them seprated
update the one that is in the pic is still alive i hope he pulls thro im of to my lfs tomorrow to get some treatment for infection and some friendly advice i no the lad quite well does any one no that if the damage is only like tissue no organ damage apart from the eye do you think he has a chance i dont want to lose him i have had him since bein fry and they are a lot of work im tryin to breed them i have 2 more tanks not sure of size but all are 2 foot long nby 1 ft width the other to tanks have 6 fry in each from my last batch of rbp that had to be rehomed from growing to big.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
NO. Do NOT put him back in with other rbps. You really need to start keeping these guys ALONE. I suggest you return your other ones and keep "Chunk." He's been through enough, it would be awful to just throw him back in with a bunch of other rbps and let them all sort out their new pecking order by killing eachother.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Well I SINCERELY hope he doesn't plan on putting 7 piranhas in a 20 gallon tank.

Damian, if that really is the size tank you're keeping your fish in, have you done ANY research on keeping red bellies at all? I'm no expert, I've never kept them (and never will), but even I've read up on them.

They grow to a foot long. That's half the size of the tank you described. They also eat messily and foul the water they're in very quickly, and therefore need an extremely efficient filtration system. The LAST thing you needed was 5 more. What are you actually feeding them and how often?

Just looking at that other thread - 2 oscars, a green terror, 2 plecos, 2 convicts, in a 20 gallon tank? I'm actually speechless. Out of interest are any of these fish still alive considering that thread was from april and you completely ignored the advice of the people trying to help you?

Now I apologise if I appear to be being rude, but it well and truly grinds my gears when someone keeps fish that require advanced care they're not in the slightest experienced to keep. It's just the epitomy of irresponsible aquarium husbandry.


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
yes they are still alive my son took them i have a 240 litre tank now i not to sure what that is in gallons but there is more then enough room for my rbs now the lad i brought the tank off said its a 6ft tank


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Well if you ask questions wondering why your fish are EATING EACH OTHER, it might be useful. I don't even keep rbps and seem to know more than you do about them.

Seriously, ask for advice and ignore it? People like you are time wasters, I'm done with this thread and your ignorance.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Damian, if you're still reading this, which I hope you are, RBs need nutritious food. Goldfish and other "feeders" are mostly water and shouldn't be making up a large part of their diets. As they aren't getting nutrients from feeder fish, they will turn on eachother, like you had happen, out of hunger. As I said earlier in this thread, piranhas are canibalistic (they'll eat eachother) if they're hungry enough. Please do soem further research, it sounds like you're keeping them in some cruel conditions and no one on here likes to see that. The fact that they've already turned on one of your rbs shows that their tank is too small and they are hungry, you will just see further problems along the line.

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