hello im new and I need help

Just a suggestion: if you're roommate keeps bugging you about the filter and you don't find one that's quiet enough, you might want to look into a canister filter. I have one from Eheim and it is SILENT. Go look them up. They are kind of pricey though and will probably be overkill filtration for your tank.

I didn't read through the whole thread, but you'll want to get different fish. Just keep the one inch of fish (adult size) per gallon of water guideline in mind. You could get some platies (not mollies, they get too large) and some shrimp. Even a betta and some pygmy cories would be nice.

Just speaking from experience (have a 55g planted tank and am a freshman in college), you'll want to go with whatever is easiest to take care of. I'm having trouble finding time to clean my tank. :(

Less fish + more filtration = less waste = water changes. :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I run an Eheim ecco 2232 on my 10 gallon, and i dont think its overkill... its flow is just perfect even for the fragile HC growing there. you can always adjust the flow in most canisters. they do get expensive...and sometimes whyen they fill up with air pockets theyll "fart" out air periodically. its a funny noise, i dont know how much your roomate would appreciate it tho. they are very quiet aside from that.

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Nov 16, 2009
I'll deff look into that because if that really works then i'll be a very happy person lol (i'm also a freshman in college)

I'm actually new to fish also, so i dont know the first thing about whats good for setup and such. i mean i had the two beta fish and the goldfish and snails before but not like this.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If the filter continues to be a problem (even if you start running a canister like Newman and Kissyboots suggested, I would seriously consider getting a betta for that 10gal. I know I keep advocating that, but bettas don't need filtration or even really aeration. I have two (in smaller tanks...they're in 1.5gal hexs) that don't have anything going on their tanks and they're happy as clams. I have a 10gal that I divided into three compartments and have a male betta in each. I'm running a bubble stone in it right now, but if I was turn it off, the boys wouldn't notice any difference. In fact, the guy in my avatar pic is in the middle compartment of that 10gal. So, doing something like what I've done with my 10gal is always an option.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
bettas w/o filters might not do as well as bettas with sponge filters, but thats always an option if you dont want your room mate to be bothered by a filter. a betta tank will always be silent.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Bettas love live plants of pretty much any kind. As far as other types of fish, if you're running a filter, anything that is listed under the "tropical" section at the pet store and doesn't have long, flowy fins (not being bright-colored helps as well). As for other creatures, I've heard that they do well with ADFs. I've also been told they do okay with ghost shrimp, but I'm not too sure about that one. If you aren't going to run a filter on the tank, I wouldn't recommend putting any other fish in the tank or planting it. Pretty much all other fish need filters of some sort and I'm pretty sure live plants do as well (haven't gotten into the live plants yet 'cuz I can't afford it yet). I have three otocinclus catfish in with my females and they do just great together...and as I said, I'm probably going to be adding some black mollies as soon as I can afford it.

Nov 16, 2009
what exactly are ADF's

omg shes starting to work on my nerves lol she waited until after i went to sleep to unplug the filter. *shakes head* I'm going to try to compromise with her and if that doesnt work then i'm taking it to the RA because its getting ridiculous. On the notices that are posted around the dorms they say that when we leave for thanks giving and winter not to unplug fish filters or the refrigerators. and plus its my property not hers and i dont touch anything of hers.

hmm... what types of fish and other creatures and plants can i have with a beta?
All plants will be ok. Your only restriction will be lighting, so you'll probably have to go with low-light plants. A 10g is pretty shallow, so anything from Petsmart/Petco will be fine; just check for snails!

Bettas can pretty much go with anything. I'd be careful with shrimp depending on the level of aggressiveness of the betta. Female bettas tend to be less aggressive. Just stay within the 10g limit; no large fish like plecos and such.

If you go with a betta, you will need a heater. And personally, I would never run a tank without a filter (unless it's heavily planted and taken care of properly).


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
there are otos...but youll need really clean water ( no ammonia no nitrite and extremely lownitrate) and a heated tank in order to house them. they also require live plants for happyness...
But like i said a snail would work just like a pleco,and you have those already...

are there any pleco like fish?
Otos, like Newman said. I wouldn't go with those though because they like to be in groups and need clean water. Dorm tanks are probably not the best for them... :)

Yeah, snails should be fine. If you want something that takes care of leftovers, you could try ghost shrimp. Not sure if the betta would go after them, but they are cheap enough, so you can try.

You could also try a school of pygmy cories. Maybe 4-5.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
+1 on the pygmy cories.
5 would be a good number for a ten gallon. make sure its heated, toss a betta in there (not literally >_>) and add two or three almond leaves to the water and youre good. also make sure you have a filter running then. see if you can find indian almond leaves for sale online for cheap.. if you cant get em see if you can collect some fallen oak leaves, boil those well, and use them instead. the point is to turn the water into a blackwater environment that'll benefit the betta and the cories greatly.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Craigslist (usually) is a great place to find cheap aquarium stuff. Just put up a wanted ad listing out what you need/want and you'll be surprised at the responses. I have done that a couple of times and it's worked really well (and I live in a tiny town with an equally tiny CL that actually services the surrounding four or five communities as well).