A site that will help you determine what & how much you can stock


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 20 build:

- Added Marble Molly as an alias to Molly.
- Added Dwarf Molly.
- Added Scarlet Badis.
- Added Espei Rasbora.
- Added Golden Zebra Danio as an alias to Zebra Danio.
- Added Madagascar Rainbowfish/Red Tailed Silverside (Bedotia geayi).
- Added Parkinson Rainbowfish.
- Updated attribute for P. Demasoni. Minimum number has been set to 1, but if user selects more than 1, male to female ratio of 1:9 is recommended.
- Updated scientific name for Mystery Snail to Pomacea cuprina (apparently most experts don’t agree on their scientific names!)
- Updated scientific name for Swift/Hangel Rasbora to Trigonostigma hengeli
- Updated mouth size for Blue Gourami. It will now display a warning against smaller peaceful species such as Neon Tetra.
- Bioload for Badis Badis has been updated. Previously a wrong value was set.
- Bioloads for Platy/Guppy/Molly/Swordtale have been adjusted downward _slightly_. They were (and still are) marked somewhat high.
- Made it little more obvious which unit (cm vs inch) AqAdvisor is currently using.
- Added Sera Fil series filters.
- Added Juwel series filters. Juwel does not publish their filtration capacity on their web, so the capacity has been estimated by an experienced keeper. Please give me some feedback if you have this filter, and this looks ok from your perspective. Each entry is a combination of a pump and a media basket. Most of the likely combinations have been provided on the list.
- Fixed a bug: Retaining exiting selection didn't always work - when filter is being used or scientific sorting has been enabled, this feature didn't work. It has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug: When water parameter incompatibilty is detected, temperature/pH/hardness wasn't being reported correctly. It has been fixed.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 169.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 489.

Please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.

I'm going to take some time off during the holidays. Have a merry Christmas and happy new year, everyone! :)


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Hey got another error for you. Here is my Tank

When applying my settings + fish, and then clicking the [Generate Image] Button you recieve the following error:

The image
 cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
This has been fixed, in case you didn't notice. :)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
this is taken from a review of the tank
The tank is proportioned pretty much like my 20 gallon long tank. It's 23.75" long, 7.5" deep, and 9" high. However, the 7.5" depth includes a one-half inch bow in front, and that's why I the online tank size calculators kept saying this tank should hold more than seven gallons. It took three buckets to fill, and each bucket is roughly two gallons. So it definitely has between 6 and 6.6 gallon capacity.
By fineanimal and gotten from page Aquatic Gardens 6.6 gallon Bookshelf Aquarium Review - Aquaria Central


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
Hey.... i was just checking this out seeing how the tank sizes compares.. and maybe you could give me a reason to why using the same fish in different size tanks (20 and 35 gallon) i get the same amount of stock level...

35 Gallon

20 Gallon
Hi there,

The reason is because the stocking is really proportional to the surface area of the water rather than the total volume of water. Taller tanks mean you may have more options in choosing species and it also means you may be able to get away with less frequent water changes but it doesn't really help you stock more fishes.


Large Fish
Oct 17, 2009
Frederick, MD
Hi there,

The reason is because the stocking is really proportional to the surface area of the water rather than the total volume of water. Taller tanks mean you may have more options in choosing species and it also means you may be able to get away with less frequent water changes but it doesn't really help you stock more fishes.
Ya know, after i posted that i considered that factor lol. Makes sense being that they have the same surface area. Thanks for giving me the heads up.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2009 12 27 build:

- Added Metriaclima sp Aurora Yellow.
- Added Pseudotropheus sp Kingsizei (Metriaclima pulpican).
- Added Tiger Danio.
- Refined warning message for the species that require male to female ratios.
- Updated for Rainbow Cichlid. They should be raised in a group of 8 and also added some species specific notes.
- Updated for Silver & Asian Arowana. Minimum tank size has been increased to 100x35 inches.
- Updated for Asian Arowana. Size has been updated to 35 inches.
- Updated for Chanchito. Minimum tank size has been reduced.
- Updated for Yoyo Loach. Aggression defence has been increased slightly.
- Added Hydor Krystal series filters.
- Added Aqua One Aquis 1250 filter.
- Added "What's this" link next to filtration capacity number. Many questions were raised on what this % number meant.
- Fixed a bug: Occasionally, "Please specify the quantity of fish you want to add." is being displayed at inappropriate places. Now this is only displayed if you try to add species without specifying quantity.
- Fixed a bug: It was possible to bring down quantity of selected species to -ve territory. Now if user removes them down to zero or less, the given species will be removed from the selected list.
- Filtration capacity % will no longer be displayed as 0% if user didn't select any filters.
- Now displays an appropriate warning if a species that becomes aggressive when it starts to breed is mixed with another species that does not handle aggression well. This attribute is being fine tuned so it may not correctly display for all species.
- Introduced one decimal place for filtration capacities to gain some further accuracy.
- Added 6.5g bookshelf tank.
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 58.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 175.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 491.

I am way behind in terms of adding newly requested species due to my laziness during this holiday break. I'll work on those eventually so please be patient with me. :)

As usual, please click on AqAdvisor site to access the application.


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003


Large Fish
Oct 24, 2003
What's new for 2010 01 03 build:

- Added Port/Black Acara.
- Added Mayan Cichlid.
- Added Pastel Cichlid (Amphilophus Alfari).
- Added Polypterus Bichir Lapradei.
- Added Australian Pearl Arowana (Scleropages jardinii).
- Added Pink Tailed Chalceus (Chalceus macrolepidotus).
- Added Cigar Shark (Leptobarbus hoevenii).
- Added Red Bellied Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri).
- Added Dalmatian Molly.
- Added Rubbernose/Bulldog Pleco.
- Added Metriaclima estherae.
- Added Pseudotropheus flavus.
- Added Zebra Spiny Eel.
- Fixed common name for Tire Track Eel.
- Reduced minimum tank size for Midas to 48x18 inch.
- Reduced minimum tank size for Blue Gourami. It should now be ok in a 36g bowfront tank.
- Removed driftwood requirement for Chocolate Zebra Pleco L270.
- All Neocaridina species have been marked as interbreedable to each other.
- When a species too large for a given tank is selected, size is also displayed.
- Bioload for Firemouth has been increased.
- Bioload for Texas Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Red Devil Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Severum has been increased. Size has also been increased to 12 inches. Minimum tank size has been increased to 48x18.
- Bioload for Convict Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Jack Dempsey has been increased.
- Bioload for Salvini Cichlid has been increased.
- Bioload for Oscar has been increased.
- Bioload for Blood Parrot has been increased.
- Bioload for Chao Phraya Giant Catfish has been increased.
- Bioload for Red Tailed Catfish has been increased.
- All bettas are marked as potential MTS eaters.
- Re-marked Pseudotropheus Estherae as an alias to Maylandia estherae.
- Minimum tank size of Fire Eel has been increased to 72x18.
- Increased upper cap for total bioload from 1000% to 5000%.
- Fixed a bug: Equal temperature ranges were being displayed for all species when temperature incompatibility was detected. Now correct (and independent) temperature ranges for each species are displayed.
- Fixed a bug: For very small aquariums (less than 2.5g), some stocking levels weren't reporting correct levels.
- Added Eheim 2262 filter.
- Added Azoo Oxygen sponge series filters.
- Added 240g and 300g tanks (both 8ft).
- Total number of tanks in DB has been increased to 60.
- Total number of filters in DB has been increased to 187.
- Total number of species in DB has been increased to 506.

Requester - could not find scientific name for Xingu Pike - please send it to me.

Once again, I am way behind on adding new species. Please be patient with me. :)

To access the site, please clink on AqAdvisor link.