Newman's 10 Gallon Journal

Apr 14, 2008
It's H.C. or Dwarf Babies' Tears...

I don't think most people could get it to carpet since it requires high light to do that[but could also be a regular stem plant in lower light] and it requires Co2 for it to really reach it's potential[it grows mostly Emersed in the wild]. I got sick of mine and gave it to the goldfish, so I see bits floating here and there I put in the 1.5gal[with 15W over it].


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i always have some extra floating in my 40, just hanging around lol. i dont think my goldfish eats it...yet. i happened to buy too much HC so i had to throw extra into my 40. suprisingly, if you plant HC right (not like i did at the start of all this when i planted literally 5 pots of HC in here and it all rotted off) you will only need one pot of HC to cover a 10 gallon tank, and will even have some extra.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Time to dig this thread back up again with another update:

Not much has happened plant-wise, the dwarf sag is still recovering and the HC is kinda slowing down and turning white >_< Still algae is at its fullest, with new species popping up everyday ;) The shrimp+snails(ramhorns, apple)+ otocinclus do nothing for the types im growing here...until i spot treat it with excel. then they eat up the dead algae.

Here are my shrimp grazing at night. the light was just turned on:

At first i thought i had only 3 baby RCS but now i can see there are dozens in here...see if you can spot the little guy in the photo:

And the over view of the tank:


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
except for the yellowing HC lol. im guessing the nitrates are abit low? theyre at 5ppm at the end of a week before a water change. so im deciding on not preforming a water change on this tank next week. maybe that will help.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
Well i cant take a clear close up with my camera, because i suck, but heres the best pics i can cut out from a general pic of her.

Also she looks like she has some sort of arched spine...a deformity =/ ?
I was given a batch of females like that once. they were all blues carrying the melano gene and steels carrying melano genes. the weird spines are a result of not having the tank sealed properly and being fed brine shrimp when they were fry and having their swim bladders grow weird. the spine deformities did not pass on to their offspring.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Thanks !
Here's the latest:
YouTube - 10 Gallon update

You see that brown line that runs across the HC up front? that's where i drop salt LOL! I'm definitely going to stop adding salt this way :p I add 2 teaspoons for all 10 gallons, so it doesn't hurt the plants...except the ones it lands on xD

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