Newman's 10 Gallon Journal


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
put two otos and 5 cherry shrimp in here yesterday. theyre still doing ok today...

bought and planted another pot of HC. some extra HC was left over that i couldnt fit into the 10 gal, so i just threw it in my 40 gal to float among the anacharis. wonder what will happen to it...

ill see if i can add two cherry barbs into this 10 gal to get some hair algae under control. i know rosy barbs normally eat this but ive read cherry do as well.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Thats horse ****
my cherries havent touched the algae...(im talking about the shrimp)

i guess ill have to wait it out and see if softening the water helped with the algae (reduced my GH by a lot)

Ammonia reads 0, nitrite reads 0 and nitrate reads 5pp, or less, so what the heck is causing the algae? the lights on 8 hours. i havent dosed anything other than excel and iron once a week (cuz my dwarf sag is getting pale)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I couldnt find any nerites any where in my county. so il have to order two of them when i make my big order of 6 green neon tetras and 5 pygmy cories.

Im ordering the fish, probably over thanksgiving break. Ive also decided that if i can get some nerites in here that ill move my two otos back to the 40 once the new fish arrive. the shrimp stay.

Interesting about the shrimp too, a pregnant female (the only female in this tank) has changed from having a saddle to actually being pregnant within just a day of moving into this tank. all the 4 male shrimp in here are swarming around her lol. I put some panty hose netting on the filter intake to try and save some babies if they are to be born soon..


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
habrosus are nice!

but i doubt i have a choice and ill take w/e the online provider decides to ship to me as "pygmy cories" id be happy with C. pigmaes as well. Should i get more than 5 cories? like 8 or something? they will be housed with about 6 green neon tetras, and i think thats enough give or take one oto, OR if they have em in stock a Nerite snail or two.

As far as the shrimp situation goes, the two left in the 40 gallon are one male and a very pregnant female. i dont know whether ill move em to my 10 or my 2.5

im leaning towards my 10 cuz its more prepared for em atm.
or i could just leave them in the 40...but that could be a bad idea cuz on the goldfish...
If i can find them ill move them to the 10 i guess.......................


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Heres an update of this tank:

I lost one of my shrimp in here to a hole in the eheim intke that i neglected to put mesh over. (tail was sticking out, and it was sad :( ) so now theres 4 shrimp here. i immediately put mesh over the entire intake to eliminate any problems.

Algae still remains in the spots that i didnt clean with a manet cleaner. but i need it to stay that way for the otos. they havent been fed so far, nor do i plan on it while all that alage is there. they seem to be stuffing themselves with full bellies 24/7. they play with eachother a lot even tho theyre actually different species.

also i moved some 20+ swordtail fry from my 40 gallon into this one to see what will happen and how many would survive. theyre only about 1/4 inch long, and refuse to eat anything i give them. my guess is that they have plenty of food right in the tank cuz the water is literally alive with tiny organisms and nematodes.

I also have a little hydra problem goin on in here... and i cant really manually remove them all :( the poor fry...

The Driftwood is not part of the scape. its actually just there to condition the water...

And here are some update pics. HC is growin all right...


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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
well, at least the tail wasn't waisted (goldfish gobbled it right up.)

I'm going to hold off on the pygmy cories until my HC carpets fully and wont be dug up by the little critters... until then i plan on keeping these fry in here, and maybe my two female bettas (assuming i buy a male+ female plakat next week.) the females will go in here, and the male will stay in the 2.5

I might have a problem with the females eating the swordtail fry...but thats just another way to keep the pop. down and the bettas healthy. i technically would have enough swordtails if just one of the 1 month old fry turns out to be a female (so i can continue my blue sword project...)

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Apr 14, 2008
That's a good idea!

If I can get my camera working, I'll get a video of my fish/tanks.

It's cool how the fish interact. I just can't do the 55 since 2 fish have some infection that makes them swell up like balloons. :(


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
Unfortunately the compilation hit a snag. I cant figure out how to put video clips from my photo-camera onto movie maker. it wont accept the files no matter what i try. So ill have to go with simple pictures i guess :( (i had a funny vid fragment of the tank, but its too bad i cant show it now.)

Apr 14, 2008
Unfortunately the compilation hit a snag. I cant figure out how to put video clips from my photo-camera onto movie maker. it wont accept the files no matter what i try. So ill have to go with simple pictures i guess (i had a funny vid fragment of the tank, but its too bad i cant show it now.)
That's weird???

For my pond, I put the video of it, with a picture following and it worked perfectly!

Do you know what format the video is in??? What version of Windows do you have [assuming you have windows with the "Movie Maker" glitch]


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
windows XP...old edition. w/e the glitch is, the movie maker cant accept any raw video from my camera. its wont accept .MOV files, and when i convert them to .avi it still wont accept them .__.

Quicktime player plays them perfectly, but windows media player and movie maker cant register them >_>