So i took a good look at my 10 gal today and found some interesting stuff:
1. the glass is full of white worms, daphnia, cyclops, and tiny white spiders.
2. The HC is bubbling. the Dwarf sag is also letting loose streams of bubbles.
3. the water surface is a whitish film...(any idea what that may be? ammonia, dust, crap?)
4. the white worms look somewhat like white planaria, but at close inpection, they are not. much longer than planaria and they dont glide over stuff, they move like an earthworm, and if disturbed go into the crazy earthworm jig where they twist violently in all directions.
Will those white worms be safely eaten by any thing i introduce into the tank? (shrimp, fish) I dont see em as a threat, and it'd be great if the neon tetras eat them once those are in there.