What? I only have eight tanks. lol You got the number of gallons right, though.
Here's the thing...my three biggest tanks (the 55, 46, and 29) all have species that wouldn't be compatible in one big tank. The 20gL was a kind of weird deal 'cuz I've wanted one for FOREVER as a betta fraternity, but then all the bettas I was going to put in it died except for two of them, so I decided to do something else with it (seemed like a waste with just two fish in it). Then the smaller tanks (under 10gal) are all single betta tanks.
Yeah, I'm getting rid of my leopards. I think they'll be too active for the 29gal and I REALLY want gold WCMMs, especially since Petco carries them for $2!
And yes, I'm evil. I know.
OH! What do you guys think about offering an aquarium 'scaping service? I love to 'scape tanks and I've been told that I'm pretty good at it, so a friend suggested I make a side job out of it.