biggest thread on this website


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
No, I do not. I have only given him about 20 in his time with me in the past 2 or 3 months. I mainly feed him chiclid biogold pellets, fish flakes, or chiclid staple.

I quit with the feeders when they all died like a week after I bought them.

I also found out my oscar is hungry when he lays on the bottom looking dead. Its a predatory thing like faking dead trying to lure somthing in to eat. I thought that was cool

Feb 27, 2009
I Would hate to see myself drop another 80 to keep the girls happy. And I know it was constructive...I just cant believe I wouldnt think of that...and I cant go back an edit it anymore...i wonder if there is an edit limit

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Edit 5(I think this maybe the limit)
Edit 6, guess not
Edit 7, wow
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Edit 9, i wonder why I cant edit it
Edit 10
edit 11, guess there isnt...
The edit limit is a timer, not a number of edits.

You can ask a mod to edit your original post. They do not have 'time limits' like the rest of us.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
The worst that would be in clay pots would be potting soil, which isn't that bad unless it's got all the chemicals in it. Hot water and vinegar should take care of any nasties, I would think. Hmmmmmmmmm...too bad I can't find black clay pots for the 46gal. That'd look kinda cool.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Terra cotta is dirt cheap (no pun intended). I think the most expensive I've seen is around 4 bucks for something that wouldn't fit in a 55 gal. Otherwise it's about a buck a pot. If you could find an aquarium-safe black paint you could do that to make them black.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
I picked up another female molly to help the soon to come harassment issues with the male/female ratio. The new girl seems more interested in my oversized danio than the other two mollies. That'll probably change in a day or three.

I also saw the most amazingly colorful oscars. The LFS switched from whatever they were feeding them to Hikari and they just exploded with growth and color.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
My grandma has a similar camera. She takes some insanely awesome pics. It's good for you that Fuji finally got off their high horse and integrated with using SD cards instead of their proprietary ones.

From what I remember her telling me, it took her a little time to cover the learning curve involved with it, but now that she's on the positive side of the curve she wouldn't think of using anything else.


Medium Fish
Nov 17, 2010
Pierre SD
Fuji make really nice cameras but some of the SLRs take a lot of practice(about an hour or two when you KNOW everything) but they take some crazy sweet pics

And as for the oscars, I just started feeding my Hikari Pellet things....that are supposed to enhance color, its been about a week and I have not noticed much different. Maybe he will soon. He got put in a new tank and has been sensitive to EVERYTHING.

Anyone know where I could find some aquarium safe silicon to make weighted plants? I tried one plain old silicon and it made all my fish sickly(well my male crowntail) and I moved them out and tossed em :(