biggest thread on this website


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
You are right on the stocking deal!!! Especially when you see a 40G tank with 6 of those Bala sharks because the fish store never said how big is your tank, they get HUGE!
I hate it when pet stores don't even bother to tell you about the fish they are selling! My pet peeve! Recently they had to rehome two 4' ID sharks for a customer when the fish had "outgrown" their tank. Serves the store right!

Oct 4, 2011
Small update on my 40 gallon tank.. I had tiger barbs and rainbow sharks and albino tiger barbs. Things were going okay, until my husband decided we needed two angelfish. As soon as they came into the tank, the albino tiger barbs starting picking on them. So, I called the store and took the Albino tiger barbs back to the store. I felt terrible, but I wasn't going to let the fish pick on each other. My husband couldn't accept that we paid for fish and wouldn't get credit, so the store gave up two clown loaches and and my husband wanted another angel... I was worried about the amount of ammonia as I have been reading about fish and trying to learn as much as I can.. Not to be mean, but its hard with my husband he gets excited and just buys stuff.. So, everything has been going really good, except my ammonia levels are still high. I'm doing daily water changes and that is helping
out a lot keeping it down. Last night sadly, I lost one angelfish. He was the one out of the three that didn't seem to fit in, but again the guy at the store told my husband that angels needed to be in odd numbers like other schools and so it goes...
All my other fish are doing very well, no signs of distress or sick behavior.. I am setting up a ten gallon as we speak, I HAVE NOT added any fish, I plan to fully cycle this tank for the 6-8 weeks or longer if it takes so that I have a tank to put fish in if they are distressed or sick or I need to seperate them for any reason. I am also saving up for a 125 gallon tank with stand, because I
know that my clown loaches are going to get big and they need a lot of space. So that will be up and running in the next year.
I have put my foot down with the husband and said no more fish until we can get these tanks in order.. Thanks all for the help, hopefully things will keep going well.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have never heard of the "odd" number thing with or angels or schools. I have two angels in three of my tanks with no problems. In the one tank the two have been there for well over 5 years. I also have two female bettas in a tank with no problems.

Oct 4, 2011
They seem to be getting bad advice at the pet store they are going to. I realize they are there to make a buck and turn a profit. It just drives me I guess, LOL.
My mistake there was when the guy that was there said he had a college degree in marine biology. I didn't think he
would say that and be lying about it. I really thought that he knew what he was talking about. But I'm finding
out that I can't trust most people, I guess I'm learning the hard way. It does make me want to go to that store and
tell all the customers that they are big fat liars and don't really care about their pets.. But I won't because I'm not
that kind of person.


Superstar Fish
You are going through what every new tank owner discovers. There will be places you just buy from and there will be places that can answer your questions to. I have a very knowledgeable place a few buildings down from my work that has a very great fish guy. This guy knows FW fish and SW fish and corals/reef set-ups. This is a Mom and Pops owned joint. They are a bit more expansive then the big box places but I support them because they support ME and I like that, a lot!! They order me in special supplies that they do not stock, we even trade some coral frags. Its nice to find a place that is honest and makes you feel welcome. They even bought my live rock and cycled it, and let me buy it in small weekly quantities with out me even asking. I just made a comment one day that I needed rock for my new SW build but I didn't have the cash to get it all at once. Well, three weeks later he asked me to come into the SW back room and he had 80 pounds of live rock fully cured/cycled and showing growth in one of their refugiums. He told me it was all mine and I could buy it at my discretion until it was gone. I love this place!!!

Oct 4, 2011
Today the LFS told me that I am changing my water too often (the ammonia is high at 1ppm) and that I need to let the fish "rest"
and change 25% tomorrow. I wasn't even asking them about that, I called to ask about oxygen and if I needed to add an additional
filter and or something to provide more oxygen in the tank.. Anyway, I know now that they don't know anything and that I
need tocome here for my information as this forum has been dead on so far.


Superstar Fish
Well, oxygenation happens at the surface of the water. The more ripples or surface movement of the water means you get more oxygen into the water though a process called gas exchange. Even those air powered bubble things in the water do not oxygenate at all until it gets to the surface and makes ripples/waves. A filter that does a good job of this is one that is rated for at least twice your tank size. These produce a lot of flow and create ripples/wave really called surface tension by most. You can also get a hydor koralia water movement pumps as well to move the surface. I use two of these. One at the top pointing downward and one down about 1/4 way pointing up at the surface. As far as water changes go you can really do as much as you need per day if the pH, temp, and conditioner is used for city water is all matching and taken care of. pH is really not of huge concern if only doing 25% because its not going to make a huge swing and, as the ammonia is much worse then the pH swing anyway. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. There is usually someone here that knows.

Oct 4, 2011
I bought a Mardel Live NH3 tester and put it in my tank last night, hoping to get a second read on my ammonia levels.. So far it is reading that my tank has 0 ammonia in it, but my water tube test kit is telling me its still between 1 and 2... I've read that the Maredel test kits are not accurate, I've also read that the water tube kits can test for good and bad ammonia.. How do I know the difference? I'm going to do a water change today anyway (25%) I do not have city water, I live in the country and have a well. I have tested the water fresh out of the tap and there is no ammonia or anything in it.


Superstar Fish
Its all bad ammonia. I have no experience with those hang in tank testers. I have good luck with my liquid drop kits so I stick with those. I would depend on the liquid test IMO before I would the hang in tank unit. Yes, for sure do a water change and check the ammonia again after its circulated a while to be sure it does not need another WC (water change).

Feb 27, 2009
I've also read that the water tube kits can test for good and bad ammonia.. How do I know the difference?
Seachem makes a 'hang in the tank' ammonia reader called "Ammonia Alert" and I've used them since February of last year. I've also given them to several schools that keep fish as 'class pets' and it has kept the fish safe from 'overfeeding' that small children are prone to do. They can tell the difference between free ammonia (harmful) and bound ammonia (somewhat safe). It is worth it (to me anyway) to know if there is an unexpected ammonia spike 24/7 for a year or more, and for only $6.


Superstar Fish
The bound ammonia is a mix of chlorine (two chloride ions) and ammonia (one) bound into and molecule called chloramine. This molecule is less deadly because it does not burn and damage the gills. What is does is pass the gills and enter the blood stream and bond to the hemoglobin much is the same way as nitrite does and induces methemoglobinemia. This will cause the fish to respire heavily (breath), which is a slower death and requires a higher concentration. This can also be removed just as chlorine is by adding double the amount of chlorine neutralizer (sodium thiosulfate).

Oct 4, 2011
So, now that I've been through hell with ammonia (and the battle isn't over) I think that my fish have ick a coupe of them have
little tiny white spots on their fins and its not going away. I'm going to look at photos of different diseases online and try to target this and try to treat it if I can.. I really feel like a bad fishkeeper. Poor little things don't deserve me as an owner. If I had known that this was going to be like this, I wouldn't have put the fish through it. I've read about hiking the temp up to 82, but I don't know if all my fish can handle that high temp. I have angelfish, clown loaches, rainbow shark, chinese sucker and tiger barbs.. The tiger barbs will be removed as soon as I get an additional tank cycled but not before. They are not aggressive to any of my other fish. I'm sure that I'll find several ways of treating this, but I would prefer a safe way for the fish. I will feel
even worse if any more of them die..


Superstar Fish
I always use the higher temp deal. Put the temp to 84ish and vacuum thoroughly every day with water changes. Vacuuming removes the parasites that fall to the bottom. This has always worked for me. Be sure that you have a good surface movement to oxygenate the as the higher temp will reduce oxygen content.

Oct 4, 2011
Will 84 degrees harm any of my fish? That seems like a really high temp.. As long as none of my fish will be harmed I will do this immediately.. Well, I will make sure to up the temp a degree or two every couple of hours so as not to shock them.. And I will start the gravel vac as well.. Thank you very much for the help, I feel like a big jerk really, but I have a lot more appreciation for this
now, its not as easy as people make it seem.


Superstar Fish
It a skilled hobby for sure. This temp is a bit high by a couple degrees but your fish should be ok. I have done barbs and sharks like this before, angels say max is 82 so 84 will be ok. Sharks and barbs are up to 80. 84 is what works the best for me though. I have done it at 82 but it seemed to take longer. The temp is not a big concern, its the oxygen, so be sure you have a lot of surface movement. A couple degrees and hour or two will be fine.