10G Nano Live Walkthrough (logs)


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
i get wat your saying thefool thanks for your knowledge.

*image update*

this is way my tank looked like 3 days ago

this is wat it looks like now

best cave i can make right now...
the big live rock has a natural cave so im happy

My tank with the LED light on i still have to mount it on something.

some of the shells hawaii

aimed my powerheads forward cuz anyother way moves the sand

this is where i keep my food and supplys top drawer

and unused equipment below it

i keep my hatchery in the corner

it started to get food and junk build up on the bottom... i has like over 100 brine shrimp...down to 10 now


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Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
its really a flower vase XD its plastic so pretty cheap...

i couldnt fine anything else so doesnt really leave me a choice.

just added a sponge in my powerhead it cut the flow by a lot (maybe 1/2) but 530 was a little to high since it was kicking up and displacing a lot of sand.. no matter where i aimed it. its fine now.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
my tank is crystal clear now.

im afraid to take out the spong in my powerhead cuz one the sand will kick up again cuz my flow rate is 520 gph...its probably at 200 right now.

but also afraid of the nitrate build up on the spong...

im shining a Spiral Fluorescent compact light rating at 14 watts 120v 60Hz
but looks like 35watts

going to homedepot to get a 19-1/2" X 8" piece of glass for the top need a simple clear top right now (mainly to mound my LED light)...

and also getting a high watt power compact.

btw i can use a spiral compact light right? same as the U?


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
anyone know if 530 flow is too high? i have them aimed at each other right now to cancel out some of the flow. cuz it was kicking up too much sand.

i was planing to get a lower flow rate powerheads and just put the others away for next time. might go with 230 and 150. unless the water starts to get bad.


just went out and got a 18 X 24 piece of acrylic glass...i thought it was 1/8" but it was really 1/3"....(your probablying saying how did i screw that u?? i dont know..) anyways it was great since i needed the thickness for the top of my tank. cut 19.5 X 8 inch off it. so about 32 inches of sawing...(was using a a-xacto knife...(brand new) that took .02 mm off it...)
i find sawing with small teeths easier...

planning to use the rest of it to make a overflow box and a sump. going to homedepot to get some 1/8" ones...

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Large Fish
Jul 15, 2006
You dont need a sump, keep what you have now. Those sponges will help with debri in the water. Keeps water crystal clear. Just rinse them out when doing the water change. When is the clean up crew coming?


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
planning on getting 6 nassarius, one emerald crab, 4 hermits (if they have it i'll get 2 red legs and 2 blue legs), a one cleaner shrimp.

im open for suggestions!!!and improvements dont want turbo snails...
but if they have it i'll get a bumble bee cuz they look cool XD


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
YahooFishKeeper said:
you never said how you made a skimmer.....

oh yeah, and air pumps dont lower PH.....

lol i totally forgot about that wasnt even sure i posted something like that...

i'll try to do it when i get back but heres a brief description.

i was using my mom's flower vase as a hatchery and used air pump with a air stone. i noticed that the top was getting dirty so i cleaned it up serveral times. it just hit me that this is how a skimmer works. its really simple bubbles just trap debris and bring it to the top. but since this is a flower vase so it didnt have a collecting cup at the top it just build up on the sides.

just to drill and all a cup on the top later and c wat i can do with it.