10gal Nano


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
What is This?

After inspecting my tank for a bit tonight, I noticed this thing attatched to the glass :eek: ....it doesn't appear to have a shell, so not a snail, plus too many 'legs' or tentacles. Any ideas? (this would be a perfect time for a macro lens)

And yes those specs on the glass are algea forming which is good, so I can get my clean up crew soon. Also have a bit of algea forming on the sand.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I have critters!!!

Since my water params have been stable and I'm coming up on 3 weeks, I decided it was safe to try out a few 'test subjects'.

I went to the LFS tonight and got 1 margarita snail and 1 scarlet reef hermit. I also did my first 50% water change before hand.

Isn't he cute!! :)

As soon as they went in the tank they went to work eating away.

Here is also a picture of the rock that has the Feather Duster Worms (now I have 3 of them) Question: Are these 3 separate worms, or do they all connect at a big body? I circled the duster - they are hard to get clear pictures of.

Still don't know what the thing is in the pic I posted on 3/6. It has stayed in the same spot this whole time. I guess I'll just wait and see.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Looks good Limi! This is the first time I looked at this thread...I've been stuck in the freshwater section of the forum (I have no experience with SW yet :eek: ).

Interesting to see the progress you've made with this setup. The first thing that I found striking about this saltwater setup is how gradual a process it seems to be...
It must be fun to slowly build it up and make improvements.

Big Vine


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Tonight I got the rest of my clean up crew.
Here's where I am at:
2 margarita snails
2 astrea snails
2 nassarius snail
1 scarlet hermit
1 peppermint shrimp

How's that sound? The peppermint shrimp is really cool - but I have a question. While it was wiggling around in the bag, I noticed all these little yellow circles stuck to the little legs near it's abdomen. It this part of it's body or are they eggs? If eggs, does this pose a problem?

After I get my tax return, I am going to make a DIY refugium and AFTER that I will get my first fish. Probably the clown. We also saw this really cool goby in the LFS display tank and I am trying to figure out what it is, because we might get one of those too, if we can. It's body was white and it had pinkish-red dots on it's face. Any idea's? I looked on liveaquaria, but didn't see it.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I got my emerald crab today, he's currently acclimating right now. I got a pretty small one. There's some bubble algea that was already on the same piece of coral skeleton that had all the aiptasia, so I am hoping he eats it.

Update: Since I started writing this, I've put the emerald crab in the tank. It was funny because he immediatly found a crevice for his 'home' and started cleaning it out. There was a piece of shell in there and he reached in pulled it out and tossed it aside, then wiggled his way in. It was pretty funny :)

Also the few tiny pieces of aiptasia that were left that I didn't get to 'juice' seem to be gone now.....possibly the shrimp ate them.

I also seem to have some coralline growth...the rocks are turning a pinkish hue. I have some hair algea growing on the glass, which I guess is normal in a new tank, but the snails are doing a good job of getting rid of it. The only bad thing so far is I haven't seen the very 1st margarita snail that I got in a few days. I am hoping it's just in a crevice somewhere where I can't see.

And Brack-Man, yes I think that might be the gobie that I saw.

One question: Does aiptasia only grow out of LR or can it attach itself to the glass? I ask this because that thing that I posted a picture of on 3/6 is still there and it is starting to look like it might be an aiptasia. I guess if it is I can just pull it off, but I am just going to wait and see. I don't think the shrimp can really get to it where it is, so.............I guess we'll see :)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Very cool :) Hey just wanted to make sure you're feeding your crew a little bit. I was thinking "oh cleanupcrew means they dont need food" for some reason in the beginning, but those nassarius are big eaters! Sorry i didn't see this earlier I would have suggested only getting one of them.

Also, for the hermit did the store give you some empty shells? Its always good to have a few of them because the hermit will grow and molt and need a bigger shell. Sometimes mine just changes when he feels like it I think :) Also a friend on the board told me not to panic the first time I saw what looked like a dead hermit on the floor of the tank because a molt looks JUST LIKE em! Boy was he right :) Lookin good!


Large Fish
Feb 22, 2006
Kirkwood, MO
just to backup what FroggyFox said, if you dont have empty shells for the hermits, get some and soon. they will kill snails for shells and each other, sometimes even when they aren't ready to molt.

enjoy the emerald, I had 4 at one time, they are fun to watch. can get fiesty with each other though, so I'd stick to having just one.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Thanks guys! Yeah, I know in the beginning of this thread I said I was going to get 2 emerald crabs, but I've since changed my mind and I am definitely just going to stick to 1.
There was quite a bit a algea in there on the glass, and on the power heads (1 margarita snail cleaned a whole power head by itself!) But since it's almost all clean now (in a few days), I will definitely be feeding them...I don't really plan to get a fish for a couple more weeks.....yeah I am taking it pretty slow.
I'm going to stop by the store on my way home and pick up a few shells.....I keep meaning to do it, but you're right, I do need to get some now before something happens. At least he's not wearing the shell of the margarita that I can't find :eek:.

What do most people get first..............corals or the fish? I was planning fish first.......would one be better then the other? For corals I was just going to start with some zoos.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
im doing corals first instead of fish. i want the corals to grow out a little before i get my clown goby. zoanthids would look realy nice in your tank!
and with the 96 watt you have they should grow pretty quickly, and when they grow you can frag them and sell the frags to get more corals for your tank, atleast that is my plan.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Wow Froggy!!! You weren't kidding about the molt I got home today to find what looked like a second hermit w/o a shell sitting next to my first hermit. At first I thought he came out of his shell for some reason, until I realized he was actually in there. I know you said the molts look exactly like the hermit, but even the eyeballs and I didn't expect the vivid red color. How funny is it that you just mentioned this today and I came home to it??? :D LOL.

Oh and I stopped at the store on the way home and get some extra 'outfits' so the hermit shouldn't have to steal anyone else's.

Hmmm.....maybe this weekend I can go look at some zoanthids then - maybe I'll just start with an itty bitty piece :)


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
I had this problem too when I was starting out... some LFS's will hook you up with a couple extra shells, and some will duke you some for free if you'll ask, but others won't have any or will charge you up to $1 for a shell.

I've found large international craft stores like Michaels and AC Moore (Limi, are these in Charlotte?) sell small cheap packages of tiny shells which are ideal for hermits. I have a package of nassarius snail shells and my hermits love these.

The package says the shells are Nassarius Phyrrus, and beneath that, it says... Origin: India

It takes a little effort to shake loose the air after they are rinsed and put in the tank, and they may bob around on the bottom like underwater buoys...

But use at your own risk cause there's no way to know if these are toxic, regardless of what the packages say.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
Limi, a heads up when you go get some zoanthids whatever you do dont get thins kind, out of the corals i have in my mantis tank this variation of zoanthids was the hardest to keep, half the colony has died out, they just dissolve. i highly recommend the green and purple varietys.



Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I've found large international craft stores like Michaels and AC Moore (Limi, are these in Charlotte?) sell small cheap packages of tiny shells which are ideal for hermits. I have a package of nassarius snail shells and my hermits love these.
I'm not sure about AC Moore, but we have Michaels, so I'll go there and check. I guess if I was thinking clearly when I bought the hermit, I could have asked for a few extra shells and he probably would have given them to me.............but I was excited to get home, so I didn't think to ask. I just picked up 3 shells at a LFS next to my house and she charged me $1 for the 3of them.

Thanks for the heads up ram man, I definitely want something easy for my first time, so I'll stear clear of those. I really like the green and purple, so that is a good thing.

At the risk of sounding like a total geek, I also just wanted to take a moment to say how glad I am that we decided to start this nano. It's been so much fun watching for new things to pop out of the live rock and it amazes me how snails, shrimp and a few little crabs can be so fascinating. I can sit in front of the tank for a long time and just watch everything......and I don't even have fish or corals yet...lol.
I am kind of bummed that I have waited this long to get into SW.

Anyway I am really enjoying it now!! :D