120 build up


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
I am not totally sure about how many you can keep in a 100g but I do think that the upwards of 10 might be a bit much. But like I said, I really have no idea. The only thing I know for sure is that you should research each one individually to see if you even want it in your tank...those cucumbers can kill off your whole tank if it dies and you don't know..


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
That cleanup pack is destined to die.......to keep that many stars alive you would have to have a very very mature tank with lots of life in the sandbed. Even then they would decimate any life in it and eventually die and you would never know where.

As Ares said, get a few good brittle stars (not serpent) and some sand stirrers such as nassarius snails and in a few months then maybe a sea cucumber but maybe only one. and a few dozen snails and a few hermits....


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
weee i got box 1 of 6 today ^_^ now i am able to complete the sump set up... i still need to get hose to go from the tank to the sump and back to the tank

the packaging left much to be desired but everything was intact and there so i am i happy camper


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
wooo hooo i got my live rock today, 135 lbs dosent look like its going to be enough :-(maybe 90 more lbs should do i duno tho

the packaging of the live rock was great, couldn't expect anymore except maybe some gel pads to keep the rock some what warm, when it got to my door the rock was very cold

other than that, i am happy with what i got, ill post in tank pics as soon as it clears up

how the boxes looked

and on the inside


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
okay well, it cleared up pretty well this morning, but i just pretty much just threw the rock in and it looked like trash so i aquascaped it to my liking for now, i think i will rearrange some rocks to make better archs and fitting together on a whole... its still rather cloudy tho, so when my lights and pumps come in it should be clear

full tank shot

the right side

the left side

i dont know what to do with this rubble yet, its too large and nice to put into the sump/refurge but a tiny bit to small to stack deff gona be great frag rock tho

aaannnddd a pic of the sump, ohh yeah that gravel lookin stuff is the small rubble from the shipping boxes

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Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
Its coming out very good. Really like the rock work! How man LBS did u get? and from where did you order?? and what kind. Looking awesome. I am also going to convert my 55 G and need to know exactly what I need... Again looking good.

EDIT: Never mind I already found out! Although how did you ordered by phone? They have live rock in specific pound boxes!!

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Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
well now that the forums are going to get updated with the new posts, ill give ya an update on the tank, i got my lights on march 5th all i can say is wow these are great! i love the moonlights, and the metal halide lights really light up the tank, and the two sieo 2600's are working great... i had no clue how freaking huge these things are

today i received a my order for my clean up crew and some corals, i went out and bought a few hermit shrimp and snails when my ammonia first dropped about 3 days ago??? i forget what day it exactly was...

but enough about that, onto the good stuff today i unpacked

20 turbo snails
27 banded trochus nails
34 red hermit crabs

i was also suppose to get 40 margarita snails but they are on back order :(

as for coral 1 each of the fallowing

candy cane
green button polyp
yellow colony polyp
bullseye mushroom
hairy mushroom

i also transferred my hammer and small frag of zoa's over to the large tank as well, and am in the middle of transferring the live rock from the nano as well

here are a few pics

the bag of hermits

bag of turbos

funny pic of the turbos holding onto eachother while getting picked up from the bag and being placed in the tank

bag of trochus

hermit crabs jousting lol

cool pic of two hermits cleaning their way from one side to the other of the tank