well i got the fish today
some of you may not agree with my stocking so if you dont, good cuz i dont like the way yours is set up either
what i got today
powder blue tang
blue tang
yellow tang
diamond watchman goby
six line wrasse
royal gramma basslet
flame angel
false perc
banded coral shrimp
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp
green bulb tip anemone
the stocking is pretty much done, all i want to add now is a pistol shrimp and either 1 or 2 tail spot blennies
i didnt get any good pics yet, but will soon... here are a few i got today
what i had to put up with while acclimating the fish
the best pic of the two clowns, the darker one is the one i had, the lighter the new one... its kinda funny the darkone will nip at the largest tang(the yellow) when ever it feels its too close to his territory, the tang dosent even really flinch lol
interesting pic of the BTA