120 build up


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
TRe said:
34 red hermits seems crazy my next tank im leaning towards an all snail cleanup crew... how bout some pics of the corals???

34 actually doesnt look like that many... when everything gets moved it should be close to 40-45ish hermits

the corals wont look like much, they are still adjusting to the new lights... overall i am pleased with the Dr. Foster&Smith frags pretty generous sized rocks for the price

closed brain(i think its getting bleached i gota find it a nice shaded area)

button polyp

polyp colony(zoa's)

the only coral that looks like its at its peak is my small frag of zoas that accidentally fell off a rock i placed them on :rolleyes:


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
everything looks good ..... the reason i say that about the crabs is cause what ive noticed is when i target feed some of my corals the hermits just run through everything grabbing the food right outa the corals mouth... they knock down small frags and just seem disruptive especially the red ones :p and the bigger they get the more disruptive they get ...when i move in a few months ill be making some major changes and one of them will be getting rid of most of the hermits... ill prolly only keep 5-10 in my 125g


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
I totally agree with you tre on the damn hermit crabs. Mine will not leave my sun coral alone and it is preventing the polyps from coming out and staying out. I need a remedy for this!


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
well i got the fish today :D

some of you may not agree with my stocking so if you dont, good cuz i dont like the way yours is set up either :p lol

what i got today

powder blue tang
blue tang
yellow tang
diamond watchman goby
six line wrasse
royal gramma basslet
flame angel
false perc
banded coral shrimp
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp
green bulb tip anemone

the stocking is pretty much done, all i want to add now is a pistol shrimp and either 1 or 2 tail spot blennies

i didnt get any good pics yet, but will soon... here are a few i got today

what i had to put up with while acclimating the fish

the best pic of the two clowns, the darker one is the one i had, the lighter the new one... its kinda funny the darkone will nip at the largest tang(the yellow) when ever it feels its too close to his territory, the tang dosent even really flinch lol


interesting pic of the BTA


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
wait....you added all of those at once? Really bad idea.....for so many reasons.
1. you are supposed to stock slowly so your tank has a chance to adjust to the bioload increase of each fish. 2. You are now probably going to see a spike in your parameters which will cause 1. algae outbreak, 2. undue stress in your fish, which will in turn cause a disease outbreak, meaning you will have to take all of your fish out of the tank, put them in QT and treat them all for 6+ weeks while your tank is empty and wait for whatever disease shows up to die out...I am sorry that you made such a rash decision.


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
yeah i am not concerned about what aresgod said, i havnt lost any fish due to a lack of competence yet, and i dont plan on it

both clowns should be false percs... the black bands are thin, the only chance of them being different is if the new one turns out to be a true(the brighter yellow'ey orange, rather than the drabber orange of falses)... but i doubt that is the case


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
burnaby, bc
I would be worried about adding in so many fish all at once, considering your tank is only three weeks old. The bacteria may not be established enough to handle the new bioload. I also believe that the powder tangs tend to be easily susceptible to ich and other infections as well. Good luck on the health of your fish, for that would be some very expensive losses. Any pics of the tangs and other additions?


Large Fish
Jan 4, 2005
yeah they are prone to ich... but like what iplaydafoozball said, ill keep an eye on the levels and if anything goes outa wack, i am gona be jonny on the spot with water changes

no good pics of the tangs yet

and aresgod these last few posts are not so much asking questions but more of a blog... and i am doubly not concerned about the tank crashing due to the fact that all the fish are juivies or dang near it... so yeah i dont think there is gona be a huge spike in the bio-load, and if for some odd reason something happens you can point your finger and say "i told you so nah nah nah, nahhh nahhh nahh" ^_^


Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Ignoring the fact you are going to take a hit on water parameters (though if they are juvies in a 120 it shouldn't be a disaster) man are you going to pay if you need to treat for ich.
The powder blue and blue do not belong in a tank like a 120 - what is it, 4 x2 x2 I guess. They can grow like crazy, and will become mean too....

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
both of your clowns look like ocellaris to me. i bought two at different times and one was lighter than the other, but they seemed to get along fine with eachother though. true percs actually have black splotches between the white stripes, like connecting the stripes. the black is exremely noticeable, so i'd say ur's are false percs cuz there is only black outlining the white.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Those clowns look to be close to the same size??????? if adding a 2nd clown to an existing single you must make sure that the new addition is noticibly smaller to ensure that the two are not already female a clown by itself will turn female. Once they are female they do not go back and this can lead to aggression and fighting as each will try to set up home........my thoughts are the true are darker than the false......as they tend to have darker separation lines.........I could be mistaken though