29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Mysis are generally much more nutritionall than brine shrimp. I feed mysis and sometimes some New Life Spectrum pellets for the fish and inverts. I wanted my fish to be able to eat dried food so I can use an automatic feeder while I'm on vacation for a few days.

The ricordea, palys and torch will eat mysis. You can also feed frozen cyclopeeze to them. You only need to feed the corals once or twice a week. It's not strictly necessary, but it usually gives better growth and color, as long as you can avoid overfeeding the tank and causing pollution (nitrates and phosphates).


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
personally the only coral I target feed is my sun coral the others get whatever is floating around. I feed frozen mysis/cyclopeeze about 3 times a week and in between I feed prime reef flake/pellets. I noticed this morning that even my cardinals are taking to flake which is a bonus.....they all eat like pigs. I also don't feed the tank at all 1 day a week, usually saturday as that is my maintenance day.....most tanks do better with very small feedings more often as then all the food is consumed. I do target feed my anemones about every week and a half, they get frozen silverside each and I then give a bit of frozen silverside to my brittle star, serpent star .......


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Thanks for all the info , Sounds like i will not target feed any of more corals . they do get bits and pieces when i feed the whole tank . But i do have a seprant star , he loves the brine shrimp thou . what is a silver side , is it good to feed them one of these every once in a while ?


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Help !

I checked my Aquaclear Fuge and the Alage and its no good ? You tell me what happen i have no clue ? Also it dont feel good . I picked out all the brown and it felt like broken noddles ?:mad:

Also all that brown is right below my light ? did it get burned ?

I will test Everything Now and post results ASAP !

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ok i did some test to be sure .

Amn 0.0
nitrite 0.0
nitrate 0.0
ph 8.1-8.2 ( its lights out time for the display )

s/g 1.025
temp 77.7 ( it was cold last night i need a bigger heater the 100 watt isnt keeping up )


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Fts Update ! All Corals Placed !

yes TRe the Light is very close and is only a 13 w light . i have pics pages back of the light setup . I will make it higher and add more air flow . and try to let it tumble around . I threw all the ugly out and turn the lighs out . Going redo light tonight .


I placed all the corals in the place they seems to be good at . My clown has be eye balling my torch coral . :D



Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
WOOT ! I just bought a AquaC Remora With MJ1200 . Also picked up a Calicium and Alk test . All for $178 Shipped .

Question . I will soon do a 10 G sump/Fuge . and can i use the remora in the 10 gal ? Its says it needs 12.75 min , and of course a 10 gallon is only 12 inchs deep ? Will i be ok ?


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO

I'am fed up with the aquaclear refuge , It's great but hard to grow marco alage . And have already spent to much money on moding it to make sence . So I going to sell it . To fund a CPR CS50 DX Overflow . So Here come's the questions ?

Its a 300 GPH model . Can i use a MaxiJet 900 or 1200 for a Return Pump ?

Here can i get some cheap flexiable hoses ? I know the CPR is 3/4 . What About a Return line Thou ? How whould i make a return in the tank also ?

Thanks for any input ? I plan to do this soon . I want to move my 200 watt stealth heater into my sump and my Remora also . and make a refugiguem . aswell ? Any one did a a combo like this before 29 gallon display with a 10 gal Sump/refuge , with a protein skimmer ?

P.S. I went to a Local Wholesaler and got a deal of a life time . I cant beleive I have a Private Direct wholesaler of Fiji and tonga imports in my backyard. And sells to the public as well . I got a 23 Plus Polpy of candy coral for $32.99 !!! and all his frags are $12.99 each . I got a Starter SPS (Merulina Coral ) I forgot the name but will be my only SPS and was only $12.99 . I will post a FTS update and Coral Update Soon ! . He was very nice and threw in a Free Coral ! Free Pulsing xenia 5 heads . WOW .He has only wet goods for now , Live Rock ,Fish and Corals . Great Wholesale Prices *BOUNCINGS Thanks Fish

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Thank Update Remora Installed !

I got my AquaC Remora Kimmer today . Nice Skimmer . But have a few questions about it ? Here's the pics .

Question . How long did it take for the mirco bubbles to stop for one's who used this skimmer before ?

Also i'am going sell my Aquaclear 110 refuge . iam going to do a 10 gal sump/refuge . plus all my marco alage died . becuase i had the light to close , and did not turn it for like 5 days = deadly sunburn . so anyone who needs a great HOB Refuge . if you watch it :mad:


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I have had 4 remoras and have never had any problem with micro bubbles. I would think that they will disappear once your skimmer breaks in over the next week or so. One suggestion would be to turn the powerhead around so that the intake side is to the left of the skimmer. The way you have it set up the intake is right below the water that is coming out of the skimmer and you are skimming the same water over and over......did you not get a lid for your collection cup? it will reduce the noise immensely. They do tend to make a bit of noise but they are one of the best.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
My Remora made mad bubbles for about 24hrs then it got less and less, it will take probably a week or so. You'll also notice that the level/quality of skimmate will be low for the first week or two, it's normal and will increase it's productivity over time, you'll also notice that the skimmate level may decrease after tank feedings and maintenance.

And as Lorna said, if you put the collection cup cover on it will be a little quieter, but they are noisy units (my only complaint about the Remoras), my new one (Remora Pro) with the Mag3 pump is even louder than my old Maxijet 1200 :eek:


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Yes i did get the cup top . i just had it off at time of picture . I can home and been running for 24 hours and is less noisy , and bubbles are slighty less . I will turn the maxi-jet around as suggested . and let you all know .

also it produced about a half of a collection cup full of yellow water . just pure yellow water . what is that ?

Could i make my own Skimmer box for the maxi-jet . ? anyone did this before ?

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
On the Alk reading, what measurement is that?

400 ppm for calcium is fine.
3 MEq/L ALK . This a IO test Kit (Unit of Mesure PPM)

It took 6 Drops to turn yellow-green , and its say divide by 2 to obtain milliequivalents per liter of alkalinity .

raise your collection cup higher by sliding the o ring. You need the skimmate to be drier and this will do it......

After about 6 hours of doing this i get Froth foam . Thanks *twirlysmi