29 Gal Build Log : My First SW Tank


Superstar Fish
Oct 7, 2005
Essex, England
wow those rocks are hugeee
if your not happy with the shapes of the rocks you could get a chisel and a hammer and break them up to make smaller pieces.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
What you want to do is create interest for the fish. Position the rock so that fish have channels to swim through and stack them to create caves and hiding spots. The fish will like that and it creates visual interest. You could do with some more rock and I wouldn't chop them up. My 29 has 1 rock that is 35lbs in it and I left it in one piece as it is Marshall island and is full of cracks and branchy


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ya i just threw them in . i did not try to aquascape at all . i might break up some on the dead rock but the big piece of figi rock will be not broken up . but will be my big center piece live rock . it has 3-4 cave go right thru the rock . and one is big . big enough for a clown fish to swin thru .

ill use the figi rock as one piece on one side to make a bridge .

iam going break up some dead rock to make refuge rumble too .

iam going proably get another 20-25 pounds of LOCAl figi rock , so ill get smaller pieces then . Thanks for the input .

Also i was at walmart . buying a power strip and sall some cheap halogen lights . a 300 watt for $30 bucks . its a security light mounts ontoa outside wall has a chrome refetor and complet housing . and a extra bulb .

why dont ppl use this its cheap ? i could hang it from the celing NP

They even have one of those 500 watt shop one light you use to paint a house . comes with a extra 500 watt halagen bulb too. Only $9.76 . WOW

could we use his in are hobby ?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The rock looks like a good piece, I might think about two islands with a bridge over it. The bumps are probably some coraline algae which is good. You can't use the halogen lights as they are the wrong spectrum and can create an algae bloom. The spectrum that you want is 10K to 20K as it best simulate noon sun at the equator.
You can mix up the water at any time ahead of putting it in. It is optimal to mix it ahead of time and let it mix for 24hrs but if it isn't that long it won't harm anything. Especially at this stage of the game. You should probably have some saltwater mixed up at the ready most of the time and you will need fresh r/o water to use for top up what evaporates as the top up must be fresh as only the water evaporates not the salt as water evaporates your sg will increase.


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
I like that one "brownish" rock. *thumbsups

Maybe it's the camera angle, but that little white rock in the top right looks very "tipsy" actually the whole stack to the right looks a little tipsy, is there any way to secure it better? Only reason I ask is the fact that with the "bare bottom" tank I'd be afraid of it falling and cracking the bottom :eek:

All in all it looks like a heck of a good start :) (Based on my extensive 6 weeks of SW knowledge :p )


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ya , Thanks for the heads up . That rock on the top right did fall . Nothing happen . i then said . iam moving every thing down on the bottom glass . until i get my sand .

I added another 5 gallons of SW . Looks good. But still not full . Gona wait until i get sand to see .

I got my S/g up to 1.023 now . is that ok ? Btw what temp should i set my heater ? what temp should i try to hold ?

Thanks IDunnoWhy , The Big brown rock is the only live on in there , like your tank i have alot dead rock too . Your dead rock is alot nicer thou .

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
They will all be live sooner or later. The live rock will populate the base rock that you have. you want to make sure that your rockwork is stable as falling rock can injure fish, damage coral and crack glass....

I keep my sg at 1.025 and my temp at 80 ph is 8.3 alk 3.5-4 meq/l ca is about 400 aim for steadiness within the ranges. It is wide fluctuations quickly that will be detrimental.....


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
Ya , Thanks for the heads up . That rock on the top right did fall . Nothing happen . i then said . iam moving every thing down on the bottom glass . until i get my sand .
One thing to consider (1979camaro suggested this) is to use some egg crate on the bottom, then place your rocks on top of it (Helps spread the rock weight around a bit). Then pour in the sand.

I got the whole piece of egg crate at Home Depot (Labeled Light Diffuser Panel) The sheet was 4' X 2' and was enough to do both the bottom & top of my 29g. I paid like $11 not too bad.

Having the egg crate on top let you have an "open Top" style set up (good for gas exchange) but it also helps keep fish from trying to fly. :rolleyes:


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Ok . I really want to buy a Light now . I have the money up to 150 bucks .. what can i get ?

I can get a cheap 130watt PC on ebay for under $80 bucks
its a ODYSSEA Qaud Power Compact With 2x65w 50/50 bulbs 12,000k daylight and 03 Actinic
and 2 lunar lights .

I really want more watts than this . What can i do .

and i want Actinic

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Update , Hitchikers Maybe ?

well i think yhat i might have some live . Maybe a Mushrom and a clam ( I seen 3 other's like this on my rock but no meat inside just a shiney inside . ) please ID for me if its anything ?

Baby Clam?

Close up

Maybe a mushrom its kind of red and green ? (it has gotten bigger in the past one day .)

Just a pic of my 3 Cave holes thru my live rock .


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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
hard to tell from the pics...... on the light i havnt heard the best stuff about odysea tho the price is definitly good... it would definitly work as far as softies go but if you want more light u should seriously consider MH . if your willing to build your own canopy than id suggest this *SUPERSMIL but that price doesnt include a bulb
if you want pc's its too bad your not in south florida anymore i just upgraded to MH and a now have these pc's laying around btw i would take $80 for my 2x65w coralife pc's but that doesnt include shipping :p


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
oh yea and what are you waiting for on the sand??

Ya i Know , Iam waiting for it to get here . The company i ordered from . onlys ships on monday . to preserve the live and make sure it dont get held up in the weekend .

I bought 32 pounds of Natrual white reef live sand .5mm - 2mm sizes

when you mean i can only keep softies , Does this inculde ? Mushroms,polys, xenina , and maybe 2 LPS ? a Frogswawn and a brain coral or torch ????

ya those pictures do suck . my camara is like 8 years old . dont think i canrealy get any better.

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