40 gallon Reef Journal

'nother little update. I just added 40lbs tan sugar size sand from Kordon, on top of 20 lbs of 1-2mm sand. So its about 3" deep, 5" in some areas when im finished.

thanks for the tip lotus! i love the little starfish too, my lil buddies lofl


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
hate to burst yur bubble but when i see those stars i pluck um n toss them in the sump! some say they eat zoos, some say they eat other corals, some say they dont.. IMO not worth the risk ;) ... lotus is right though there asterina's


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ive caught them walking across my zoos not sure if they were eating them but since ive read they are known to eat zoos its not worth but thats just my opinion.... u may like them enough to take that risk but not me :p

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
ive caught them walking across my zoos not sure if they were eating them but since ive read they are known to eat zoos its not worth but thats just my opinion.... u may like them enough to take that risk but not me :p
Hey never said i liked them, just that since i havn't seem them harm anything i don't want to be bothered to take them out of the tank. ;)

Picked up fifteen pounds of rock yesterday, along with a really cool Fiji looking peice. Like a hunk of acropora. They sold it by the peice which was $30!!!!!!! Little much, but i like the look and paychecks are starting to get a little hefty lol,so its not too bad. Re scaped it and it looks way better. I think i am finally done with the rock! heres the pics!



Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
looks like your starting to fill in nicely! one thing though the rocks you got ther dont look likethey have much coraline so u may wanna get a few nice purple/pink pieces to seed it ;)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
All purple up is is calcium. Just make sure your ca is around 400 and you should see it growing in no time on it's own. It always seems to be more attracted to things such as powerheads and heaters before it grows on rocks...you know things that you need to clean it off of.....:)


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
IMO dont use purple up... like lorna said its just a calcium supplement.... i use b-ionic since not only does it buffer your calcium but also alk, and trace elements.... if u do decide to start dosing anything first you wanna make sure u test to make sure you even need it! so if u wanna use purple up first invest in a calcium testkit and if u decide to go the b-ionic route you want cal/alk tests ...... with that said if u wanna see pink/purple start to spread make sure your cal/alk is in check and like i said get a few pieces to seed and within 6 months every single rock will be purple ;)