40 gallon Reef Journal

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
250w over your 2.5!? Thats amazing. People have suggested a chiller. Not happenin. Too expensive for a 5 degree temp difference. Ill just put extra fans on the canopy if i need to. Ill decide tonight on what im gonna go with.
Heh, you can see it here. Aquatic Carolina :: Saltwater Only temporary while i set my other one up, but its doing great makes me want to leave it hahaha.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if u decide to take the bristle out becare they can hurt ;) IMO leave it unless they gey too big and ther are too many.... but realisticly ther in all of our tanks and like cichlid said they r actually benificial!

WOOHOOO! My cycle is finished!!!! IM going to get a blue tang and a yellow tang and five nemos right now!...........not really. I need snails first. Tank is comeing along nice, the glass is littered with copepods and a few tiny shrimp.
Nitrates are at about 15ppm. Anyways, heres a pic, i re scaped it too, let me know if you like.


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
WOOHOOO! My cycle is finished!!!! IM going to get a blue tang and a yellow tang and five nemos right now!...........not really. I need snails first. Tank is comeing along nice, the glass is littered with copepods and a few tiny shrimp.
Nitrates are at about 15ppm. Anyways, heres a pic, i re scaped it too, let me know if you like.
Hahaha @ the tangs.

Looks good to me man. Will start looking really good once you get some Coraline spreading over those rocks. You waiting on lighting upgrades until you get coral?

Yeah ish. Just waiting for the time to build a canopy and money. SO pretty much ill do everything but corals until the lighting is ready, which is ok cuz i was going to wait a month or two until i got some corals.

Oh yeah, i finished up my sump today! It looks nicem just waiting fo rit to cure, and my Remora should be coming in this week along with powerheads. Finally.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice! make sure u get a variety of snails since they eat differant algea's n some clean sand some rock/glass ect... also plan out all the fish u plan to add so u kno which ones to get first


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if u want a mandarin u need to wait a minimun of 6 months and have around 80lbs of live rock and a fuge ... even then its questionable since it will prolly wipe out your pod population in no time
IMO id skip the royal gramma


SO i got my Koriala's in yesterday(#2 and #3) along with my AquaC Remora. I am loving the flow tht those powerheads put out! beats my little maxijet 250 by a landslide, the tanks seems that much more active now. Remora is working beautifully, i love it, its pulled out some nasty stuff. And i rescaped it a bit, im too indecisive, but i think this might work, may change it a little bit, dunno, but so far i like it. I should be getting 10 astreas today, maybe. well see. anyways, heres the pic, not the best tho, i was in a hurry


Lol we should make a club. club indecisvie. wtb? but sorry for the delays, i said i finished the sump last week hoping i woul dfinish it right after i said that......which i did, except i finished it a week right after i said that. but it is finished. i also got 13 nassarius snails and 2 mexican turbos, one of them is zebra. anyway, heres some pics

The SUMP (heere ya go c-man!)



buried nass.


woops. lol i love working with acrylic, you look around and everything you see can be made out of a shiny professional looking box, like a ballast cover for my pond uv ballast. its endless, and you have the tools to do it, so why not? One thing i want to mention is during sump construction, use CD cases as spacers for your baffles and what not, they really are great help.